/ / Bimetal radiators: reviews and working principle

Bimetal radiators: reviews and working principle

On the eve of the cold season, manythink about the heat and reliability of the heating system not only in the whole house, but also in your own apartment in particular. However, it is better to do this as early as possible, when there is still some time to perform repair work. After all, you will need time not only to choose a specific model, but also to ensure that it is installed in a timely manner. To choose radiators for heating, the feedback of other owners of these devices should be taken into consideration.

Today, manufacturers offer a largethe number of these products that are made of steel or aluminum. The first are characterized by higher reliability and, therefore, lifetime, but their heat transfer may not suit you. The latter more effectively give their heat to the surrounding space, but they are intensively destroyed as a result of corrosion.

However, even now you can combine the advantagesboth types, installing at home bimetal radiators, reviews about which are not negative. If there are any problems in the operation, they can be caused only by non-compliance with the installation technology. The price for such devices can be a little higher, especially if they were produced abroad. But radiators bimetallic Russia also began to produce some time ago. These products have a lower cost and can be afforded by all groups of the population without exception.

What kind of work principle do bimetallicradiators, reviews about which are positive? First of all, it should be noted that two different materials are used in their production: steel and aluminum. Thanks to this, they got their name.

Steel pipes applied at their productionable to hold pressure and resist corrosion. Special conditions of production of these elements allow their installation in the finished product in a pre-stressed state. Due to this, the material of the tubes is able to withstand considerable pressure in the heating system. It can also compensate for the inevitable difference in the deformation of steel and aluminum under the action of heat, keeping the heat flux into the surrounding space the same. Contact aluminum element with water is almost absent, so bimetallic radiators reviews have only the best (in terms of their reliability and service life).

In the process of operation of these devices coolantwhich most often is hot water, sometimes steam, circulates through steel pipes. Then, these tubes transfer heat to the fins, covering their outer surface, in the manufacture of which a high-quality aluminum alloy was used. The result of this work is the optimum temperature in the room where the bimetallic radiator works.

It is worth noting the excellent design of these devices. They can harmoniously fit into any room, regardless of the stylistic design and other important features.

Thus, if you are interestedBimetallic radiators, reviews on which you are completely satisfied, it's time to start choosing the right model both in appearance and cost. You can opt for manufacturers such as VitaTerm, Teploterm, Global Style or Konner.

These devices consist of sections, assemblywhich can be made directly at the place of installation of the heating system. This will greatly facilitate your selection conditions, since the battery can be rearranged depending on your taste and preference. Perhaps you decide to buy sections that have a different design in order to create your one and only unique design. In any case, the installation of bimetallic radiators in your house will help to create a warm, cozy atmosphere, in which you want to quickly return.

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