The main social institutions of society areThe entrenched standards, motives, principles and ideology of behavior that govern the daily life of people. Each of these institutions performs a certain set of functions: the formation and implementation of regulatory practices, that is, a modular code of practice at the individual and collective levels; the creation and development of ethical norms that define the categories of "black" and "white"; the designation of technologies for the achievement of certain goals - the continuation of the genus, the acquisition of wealth, power, etc.
Thus, the main institutions of society are askingthe purposes of its development, and also build ways or trends of their achievement. Accordingly, each institution contains elements of management, social and economic reproduction.
Modern sociology distinguishes several such universal entities: family, property, state, ideology (religion) and education. Let's consider them each separately.
A family
The state
The main institutions of society as an economicsystems arose precisely from the traditionalist understanding of the belonging of a thing to a particular owner. If initially the property was collective (more precisely territorial, and represented a space where the process of gathering and cattle breeding was taking place), then from the moment of the emergence of the group hierarchy, and then the phenomenon of social classification, it becomes private or shared, focused on individual enrichment. At the same time, property, in addition to purely economic functions, is clearly tied to the category of "family", thereby enabling direct inheritance of accumulated wealth.