/ / How to make an application for the replacement of a driver's license

How to make an application to replace a driver's license

Today, we will learn how to write an application forreplacement of driver's license. In addition, you need to find out how to properly exchange rights. Otherwise, the statement will not make any sense. In fact, the task is simple to solve. Especially modern drivers - they can take advantage of different approaches when exchanging their IDs. Below, you will learn about the main techniques used in practice.

application for driver's license replacement

Presentation form

Application for the replacement of driver's licensehas a concrete form. According to the established rules, the document must be submitted in writing. An oral request sent to the registration authority has no power.

Today, more and more often the application is submitted to thein electronic format. This is also possible. For example, if the driver decided to use Internet technologies to replace the rights. In other cases, the request is recommended to be transmitted personally in printed or written on paper.

Where to get it?

Many are wondering where to get an application for the issuance / replacement of a driving license. Do not always want to think about how to create this paper yourself.

application for the replacement of a driver's license

To date, forms of the appropriate form are offered by various Internet resources. Use them is not recommended - if the application does not work, it will have to be filled again.

It is better to take blanks of the established model in the traffic police, where the exchange of rights will be made. Ideally, they are filled in place, when handling the relevant request.

As an option - every citizen can himselfmake a statement to replace the driver's license. There is nothing difficult in this. But, as a rule, the registration authorities accept forms, which they themselves issue for filling.


What information should be included in the application for the replacement of the driver's license? By order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 782 of July 20, 2000, the following data are indicated in this paper:

  • the name of the body in which the service is planned;
  • FULL NAME. applicant;
  • place and date of birth of the driver;
  • full address of a residence permit or residence of a citizen (it is desirable to indicate all data);
  • passport information;
  • the reason for seeking rights;
  • the details of the lost paper (if any);
  • the name of the inspection that issued lost or stolen rights (if this is the reason for the exchange of the document);
  • list of attached documents;
  • date of submission of the request;
  • signature of the applicant.

It would be enough.In fact, in filling out an application for the replacement of a driver's license, there is nothing difficult or special. In particular, if it is an electronic application. It is created and delivered in a few minutes, thanks to the prompts on the screen.

how to make an application for driver's license replacement

Design rules

How do I leave a request to replace the drivercertificates? We got acquainted with the basic principles of creating this paper. Now it is worth discussing several important rules, compliance with which is mandatory.

Each driver should consider that:

  • in the application, errors and corrections are not allowed;
  • the request contains only valid information;
  • no elements of the document can be corrected or overwritten;
  • the text of the paper is spelled correctly;
  • all words should be legible, preferably written in capital letters;
  • the request is made in Russian.

Perhaps, that's all.These rules usually apply to filling out any applications. If the driver realized that he made a mistake when writing a request for exchange of rights, it is better to ask for a new form and start all from the beginning.

About acceptance of paper

What's next? As soon as the application for the replacement of the driver's license is ready, it must be given to the traffic police officer. If there are no errors in the paper, it is seized from the citizen.

The traffic police officer puts notes on the relevant document. Here the data are fixed:

  • on the papers handed over by the driver;
  • about the day the request was received.

Here the signature of the authorized person is put, andalso print the manual. In the application there is a place in which the papers issued to the applicant are indicated. Usually this includes temporary rights and a certificate of the established pattern.

filling in an application for the replacement of a driver's license

Reasons for the exchange

Under what circumstances does the citizen need paper to be studied? The application for the replacement of the driving license is made for various reasons.

For example:

  • primary production of paper;
  • expiry of the document;
  • adjustment of personal data about the driver;
  • getting a new category of driving;
  • theft or loss of rights.

Without justification in the provision of services denied. One of these reasons will have to be indicated in the application of the established form.

Where to submit

Need a driver's license replacement? Information for the driver, which is useful for translating the idea into reality, includes information about the places of issue of rights.

The studied query can be submitted:

  • in any department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate;
  • in the MFC;
  • through the portal "State Service".

In the latter case, the electronicstatement. It consists of numerous fields that have to be filled with a keyboard. In some blocks of the request, it is necessary to put marks about some or other items.

driver's license replacement driver information

Documents for exchange

How can I exchange a driver's license? Citizens should bring with them:

  • application of the established form;
  • passport;
  • previous rights (if any);
  • receipt for payment of duty.

If you plan to reissue after the expiry date, then a medical certificate is required from the driver. When exchanging for the reason of retraining in the traffic police bring a certificate of passing examinations.


Applying for a driver's license is a paid process. More precisely, it is necessary to pay for the issuance of rights.

How many? In 2017, 2,000 rubles are paid for ordinary driver's licenses, 500 for paper licenses, and only 1,600 rubles for an international certificate.

Using the "State services", you can get a 30% discount when paying for the processing of the document. This rule is valid until 2019.


We found out how the application for the exchange of the driving license is being filled in and filed. With the basic principles of registration of rights from now on you are familiar.

In fact, it is easier to exchange a driver's license than it seems. It is advisable to apply to the agency for the registration of the applicant. In this case, the document will be produced and issued quickly - in just a month.

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