/ / Claydite blocks: sizes, photo, prices

Blocks keramzitobetonnye: sizes, photos, prices

Today more and more you can see new private houses made of expanded clay blocks. Until recently, this building material was considered suitable only for utility rooms and warehouses.

How to choose a claydite block?

Many owners are still afraid to use them,because they heard about the fragility and other shortcomings of the material. Blocks keramzitobetonnye, the sizes of which differ from each other even in one batch, most likely, are released in a small production, which does not have a clear line of quality control. This characteristic is inherent only in products from unscrupulous entrepreneurs. Qualitative claydite-concrete blocks, photos of houses from which are presented below, are suitable for the construction of three-story buildings.

blocks of expanded clay concrete

Before selecting blocks, you need to familiarize yourself with their basic characteristics and decide which of them are most important for the construction in a particular region.

Key characteristics of expanded clay blocks

1. High strength. This suggests that the material can resist fracture under the action of loads of different nature (bending, torsion, shear, compression, abrasion).

The value of the tensile strength indicatesstress, causing the destruction of the sample. The load can be complex in this case. When marking the products in accordance with GOST 6133-99, the strength grade of M. is necessarily indicated. It reflects the maximum pressure in kg that the unit can withstand 1 cm2 of its area.

2. Thermal conductivity.This characteristic shows the rate of energy transfer by particles of matter. Low thermal conductivity is particularly important in the northern regions of the country, as this reduces the cost of heating.

The numerical value of the passage of energy through the block of clay aggregate is the amount of heat detected on the opposite surfaces of the material with an area of ​​1 m2 for 1 second, with temperature differences of 1K.

The required thickness of expanded clay blocks is calculated based on the heat conductivity of the material. For different climatic conditions, their calculations must be carried out.

3. Density. This characteristic shows the mass per unit volume of expanded clay concrete.

Almost all building materials have a porous structure, that is, in addition to solid matter, they have hollow sections with air.

Density of concrete claydite concreteis directly dependent on the amount of cement in the composition. Thermal conductivity also depends on this. The denser the wall, the faster it cools.

4. Frost resistance.This characteristic is very important in a climate with a large temperature drop throughout the year. Frost resistance reflects the ability of the material to repeatedly freeze in a state of saturation with water and subsequent thawing without changing the structure.

expanded clay blocks photo

Ceramsite concrete blocks have excellent resistance to temperature changes, which allows them to be used for construction in difficult climatic conditions.

5. Fire resistance. Resistance to flame effects is assessed by the material for three loss criteria: integrity, load-bearing and heat-insulating capabilities.

Buying blocks, you need to make sure that you have the necessary certificates for the products.

6. Soundproofing. An important indicator for residents of private houses, as most often they leave the apartment because of the strong noise.

A claydite-concrete wall made of four-hollow blocks with a total thickness of 400 mm has a sound insulation index of 63 dB. It even slightly exceeds the norm on SNiP.

keramzit-concrete blocks sizes and prices

Thus, claydite-concrete blocks, the characteristics of which were considered above, are excellent for building private houses in different climatic regions of the country.

Expanded clay blocks: dimensions and prices

The cost of different types of products depends on the region and the manufacturer. It is also affected by the block size.

Dimensions of expanded clay blocks

For the erection of different types of walls developedspecial dimensions of the blocks. Bearing structures are constructed of components having standard dimensions of 40x20x20 or 39x18.8x19 cm, dividing walls are 39x9x19 cm.

Wall blocks keramzitobetonnye, the size of each of which allows you to replace it with 7 bricks, are also designed to increase the speed of construction by about 3 times.

blocks of claydite-concrete characteristics

Pipe laying and ventilation systems, bothThe rule consists of ventilation units, each weighing 11 kg and measuring 39x19x18.8 cm. A distinctive feature of such products is through voids.

Types of expanded clay blocks

Products can be hollow or solidstructure. The last blocks are more durable. They are used for foundations and in buildings with a high load on the walls. Such blocks do not undergo rotting, mold and microorganisms develop on them. They do not rust and do not require additional care.

thickness of expanded clay blocks

Block claydite-concrete, the size of which inthickness of only 9-12 cm, called septa. They most often have in their structure non-empty voids and are used for interior walls. Sound insulation of such blocks is higher than that of brick. At the same time it is easier to work with expanded clay concrete.

The cost of expanded clay blocks

In different regions of the country, block prices differ by 20-30%. This is due to the number of enterprises and competition among them.

In Moscow and the region, a block hollow blockdimensions 39h80h188 (strength grade M 25) can be bought for 23 rubles / piece. In the Udmurt Republic, similar products, but M 35 will cost the buyer as early as 32 rubles / pcs. In the Perm region the price is the same.

The wall hollow block M 75 costs 53 rubles / pcs, M 35 - 41 rubles / pcs, M 25 - 37 rubles / pcs.

Покупая керамзитобетонные блоки, фото которых are in catalogs, choose products from established companies. Calling to the toll-free number, you can always ask how the quality control of products is carried out. More often blocks keramzitobetonnye, the sizes of which do not coincide with the declared, do not pass an estimation of their sizes at the manufacturer. Hence the claims of buyers.

To summarize, it should be noted that block prices may vary depending on the required volumes. Some enterprises have the opportunity to produce products of the customer size.

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