/ / Meteostations home: how to choose, reviews. Home weather station with remote sensor, digital

Meteostations home: how to choose, reviews. Home weather station with remote sensor, digital

Now in profile stores and markets, you canfind special weather stations homemade. How to choose the most suitable for a summer residence, by what principle it is necessary to be defined with purchase, and what brands in this market are more popular: let's find out below.

What is a home weather station?

How to choose the right model and what should it do?be present? In most cases, such designs are universal. Be sure to pay attention to what kind of sensors it is equipped with. The most primitive weather stations are intended only for measuring humidity and temperature.

Meteostations home how to choose
The simplest models have a built-in constructionand are equipped with an additional clock, calendar and alarm clock. A more advanced design is a home weather station with a remote sensor, which allows you to measure at once in two locations, and this guarantees their reliability. In addition, a number of models are equipped with a barometer, so people with problem arterial pressure can observe the dependence of their condition on weather conditions.

Some designs allow you to define an indexheat, depending on humidity and even comfort level, how different in terms of functions can be home weather stations. How to choose a model by the way of work, we learn below.

Analog and digital weather stations

The simplest models will show measurements in the room. The design of the device includes such components:

  • thermometer;
  • barometer;
  • hygrometer.

Regardless of whether you have an analog modelor you prefer meteostations home digital, all information is displayed on the display, which is different, depending on the price and brand. The simplest designs use classical pictograms, but the more "advanced" ones provide indicators with additional information for the user.

Parameters of digital models

If you are interested in such a homeweather station, how to choose the most suitable? Customer feedback converges on the fact that it's best to purchase a product with a user-friendly interface. Also it is necessary, depending on their needs, to look at what parameters the weather station will display. Among them are:

  • temperature;
  • humidity;
  • Atmosphere pressure;
  • Direction of the wind;
  • amount of precipitation;
  • time of sunrise and sunset;
  • weather forecast and much more.

Home weather station how to choose
Not always all items without exception to manare needed. Each buyer has his own tasks, when he acquires such a thing as a home weather station. Feedback from those who travel a lot, say that the speed of the wind helps them navigate the terrain.

Remote design classification

Products according to the method of mounting the sensors arewired when attached to a wire, and wireless when they are equipped with radio sensors. The latter model has clear advantages over the usual one. After all, a home weather station with a remote sensor, especially a wireless type, is more mobile and convenient to use. And the reliability of indicators does not depend on the place of its installation. There are different brands in this category, as home weather stations. How to choose the best model with a remote sensor? Users claim that the best brands are:

  • Vitek, Uniel, Oregon, Ea2 - China;
  • HAMA - Germany;
  • RST - Sweden.

Home weather station with remote sensor
However, it is very difficult to say which is best.Your home weather station is right for you. Reviews of a particular model are so ambiguous that only after consultation or review of each model can a final choice be made.

Browse popular brands

What are their home weather stations? How to choose the most suitable gadget for your purposes and what other customers say? Below is an overview of the most popular models.

Let's start with the product brand Oregon, but rather Scientific BAR208HG. Such a model is inexpensive and for its value has optimal characteristics:

  • the possibility of measuring temperatures ranging from 40 degrees below zero to 60 degrees heat;
  • humidity can be measured from 25 to 95 percent;
  • the presence of a barometer;
  • the functions of the clock, calendar, weather forecast;
  • you can save the value;
  • availability of remote sensor wireless type;
  • backlight on the display.

Home weather station reviews
There is a weather station of this and cons. For example, a sensor that measures humidity does not always work properly. Better still in the store check this option.

Oregon Scientific BAR808HG

This model is a bit more expensive than the previous one.and differs from it exclusively in design. But what about the technical characteristics and other parameters, here they are identical. It is of high quality, made from good materials, all indicators are easy to read. The only drawback that buyers often point out in reviews is that there are serious errors in the weather forecast indicators.

La Crosse WS9057

Such a home weather station will cost significantlymore expensive than the previous two. It is equipped with a barometer, a remote sensor with up to 100 reception, instruments for measuring humidity and temperature. There are also functions of the lunar calendar, alarm clock, clock and save indicators.

Home weather station
The advantages of this model:

  • high quality;
  • good materials and great design;
  • measurement accuracy;
  • variety of features.

However, the external sensor is not very convenient.connects to the main structure, you need a protective casing, which is not included with this model. However, against the background of the key advantages of a meteorological station, home digital ones compare favorably with those of competitors, despite minor flaws.

La Crosse WS9257UIT

Эта модель практически не отличается от previous, except for the design. She is professional, has a fairly large and informative display. There is no backlight on it, but it is not particularly needed here. But the energy will be enough for the whole year.

Digital weather stations
There are minor flaws in this weather station.So, the sensors are not equipped with protection from moisture, and in the settings you can not select any city in Russia, so be guided by foreign cities of similar latitude. But, despite this, the reviews about this model are mostly positive. Many users advise others to purchase it.

ITEK VT-3539

Практичная и недорогая модель.With its help it is possible to measure temperature indicators and humidity in rather wide ranges. The display is equipped with a backlight, the remote sensor has a reception radius of 40 meters, and the weather station is also equipped with additional useful functions.

It is intended for basic purposes and, according toreviews worth your money. If you are interested in the simplest home weather stations, how to choose them you can not worry, having stopped on this model.

In country and country houses sometimes very importantfocus on what the weather will be in the near future, for example, to plan garden or garden work or outdoor activities. And the home weather station will be a great help in this.

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