/ / The Polar Owl (prison). Prisons of special regime in Russia

"Polar Owl" (prison). Prisons of special regime in Russia

Life imprisonment is the toughest andterrible punishment of criminals in Russia. One of the places where criminals are serving their sentences is the penal colony (IC) with the unofficial name of “Polar owl”. The prison received such a name in honor of the statue of a noble northern bird erected on the premises of the institution.

polar owl zone


PKU IK-18 UFSIN - the official name of the colonyspecial treatment for life prisoners. It is located on the border of the Northern Urals and the tundra, in the small village of Kharp in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. This place of detention is the most remote in Russia. This link for particularly dangerous criminals - "Polar Owl" (prison).

Где находится это место заключения?The prison is located near the turbulent river Sob, surrounded by majestic mountains. The nature surrounding the colony is picturesque and exciting. But the climate is harsh and merciless. The air temperature is kept around 40 degrees below zero for six months. Winter begins in mid-autumn and ends in early summer. The rest of the time - torrential rains and wind. Polar nights - heavy load on the body, consuming the strength, vitality and hope of prisoners.

Prison history

Поселок Харп был основан в 1961 году.The history of the settlement began with a camp for exiled prisoners who built railway tracks. In 1981, the first batch of criminals in the amount of 150 people was brought here. This year is considered the year of foundation of the IC "Polar Owl". The prison has since been replenished annually with new prisoners who were brought from other cities, regions and regions.

Today, the IC is intended for especially dangerous criminals imprisoned for life. About 400 criminals are serving their sentences here. More than 600 places are empty.

Conditions of detention

For convicts there are several stages of serving the term. Legislation allows the possibility of moving from one zone to another as a reward or, conversely, a punishment.
For those who are interested in what the prison looks like - the photo below.

snowy owl prison
The first stage for incoming prisoners.Conditions of detention are tightened. Criminals are not allowed to lie down or sit down during the day. The daily routine is heavy - at 6 am rise, at 11 pm sleep. The number of dates and permissible parcels or transfers is minimized. It is possible to switch to another mode after 10 years of serving the term and only in the case of decent behavior, absence of complaints. Such is the strict zone "Polar Owl". The living conditions here are very difficult.
prison photo
There is also a common area "Polar Owl". Here the conditions of detention for criminals loyal. Several long-term meetings (4 hours each) per year are allowed, the purchase of necessary items from a personal cash account is possible.

Who is sentenced to life imprisonment?

More recently, a similar punishment was replaced by mortalpenalty, today, to the end of his days, especially dangerous criminals who have committed serious criminal offenses are sentenced. Who risks to be in the "Polar Owl"?

  • Saboteurs
  • Criminals, committing immoral and dangerous acts for society.
  • Drug dealers in large quantities.
  • Terrorists and organizers.
  • The killers, on the conscience of which not one victim.
  • Persons who have repeatedly violated the sexual integrity of children under 14 years of age.
  • Recidivists (convicted under the same article repeatedly).
  • "Death row" (not executed in connection with the introduction of a moratorium on the abolition of such punishment).

Who is not condemned for life?

  • Juvenile delinquents and minors (under 18).
  • Women.
  • Older men who are 65 years old at the time of the crime.
  • Persons voluntarily agreeing to cooperate with the investigation before the start of the trial.


Parole - the strongestincentive for criminals. Inhabitants of the "Polar Owl" zone also dream to be free. Theoretically, persons who have no penalties and comments can leave the walls of the colony. Prisoners of special treatment are no exception. After 25 years of serving the sentence, the offender has the right to appeal for early release. In practice, there are two such cases. Both prisoners refused.

high security prisons in Russia

Famous prisoners

“Polar Owl” is a prison in which some of the most dangerous criminals in Russia are imprisoned for life.

"Bittsevsky maniac." BUT.Pichushkin is a serial killer who has committed crimes in the Moscow forest park for 15 years. He has deprived life of more than 50 people. Victims chose randomly, killed because of a bad mood and just like that. Subsequently, pleaded guilty, boasted and proud of acts.

D.Evsyukov - a former police major who committed an armed attack on passersby in 2009. In a state of intoxication, he shot at people who came across the path. He was detained in a supermarket, where he shot two people. Seven citizens received injuries of varying severity. The prisoner himself claims that he remembers nothing.

N. Kulayev is a Chechen terrorist.The only surviving member of the gang that seized the school in Beslan in 2004. For two and a half days, the hostages were held in the building of the mined school. As a result of the terrorist attack, 333 people died, including 186 children. Eight hundred citizens received injuries of varying severity.

Colonies for life imprisoned in Russia

For especially dangerous criminals are providedspecial regime prisons. There are five such institutions in Russia, including the “Polar Owl”. The prison is not the harshest among the rest. What are the analogues of the "Polar Owl"?

polar owl prison where is

IR-5. "Vologda penny".The colony is located in a former monastery, the criminals are kept in cells. Escape is impossible, since the building is surrounded by a lake, and the only exit, a wooden platform, is carefully guarded. Mass events and contact between prisoners are prohibited, the requirements are high, and restrictions are kept to the maximum. The cells of the perpetrators are searched daily.

IR 56 "Black eagle" (Sverdlovsk region).The colony, the content of which does not differ from other prisons of special regime. To date, it contains about 300 life prisoners, which account for more than 700 innocent victims.

IR-6. "Black Dolphin" (Orenburg region).The largest prison in which about seven hundred especially dangerous criminals are concluded. Criminals do not envy - for the violation of one all responsible. The light does not turn off even at night, moving around the building is possible only blindfolded, accompanied by two guards. Upon command, prisoners take a special position (knees bent, fingers spread, head thrown, and mouth open), in which they move or await further instructions.

IR-2. "White Swan" (Perm region).One of the toughest prisons in the system. Here live dangerous recidivists, maniacs, murderers and members of criminal groups. There was not a single escape in the entire history of the prison - prisoners are additionally guarded by trained dogs and are monitored by the cameras.

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