/ / Continuous medical experience. Continuing Medical Expenses

Continuous medical experience. Continuing Medical Expenses

What is the continuous medical experience?How does it accrue and is there any sense in this component of work for medical workers? All these questions are interesting when a person is going to devote his life to medicine. This area of ​​work is extremely responsible and serious. So, for these features, you can expect any allowances and bonuses. How is this going in Russia? What can medical personnel in a given country expect?

continuous medical experience


Unfortunately, the concept of continuity of medical experience is not always clear to citizens. And not in all cases it is possible to correctly calculate its duration.

Continuous medical work experience is the time that the employee has worked in the field of medicine, while having only officially authorized pauses in labor activity. For example, annual leave.

Continuity of work experience in the field of medicineplays an important role for many. After all, this indicator helps to receive certain additional payments to the established salary. And this is not about awards. What features are fraught with continuous medical experience? What should I look for? And what surcharges are due to employees under certain circumstances?

Calculus features

Let's clarify the situations in which work experiencewill not be considered interrupted. The fact is that this moment is extremely important. When you break a continuous medical experience, all bonuses and allowances disappear, and the employee has a risk of being left without any additional payments.

Currently in Russia, continuous medicalthe length of service is maintained under the condition of labor activity without periods of unemployment lasting more than a month. But in this case it is important not to change the scope of activities. That is, if an employee chooses to change his place of work, he can do it. But to ensure the continuity of medical experience will have to continue to perform official duties in the field of medicine.

premium for continuous medical experience for part-time workers

Pay attention to which periods can be considered credited to the length of service:

  • Holiday to care for the child;
  • "rest" during pregnancy and in view of the upcoming delivery;
  • military service by urgent appeal;
  • contract service;
  • alternative service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation;
  • the period of care for the disabled and old people who have reached the age of 80 years.

In these periods of time, the termination of the performance of official duties shall not be considered a break in the conduct of labor activities. So, all surcharges and bonuses will be saved for the employee.

Upon dismissal

It has already been said that dismissal is not a sentence.for the continuity of seniority. This is normal. All employees are allowed for some time to look for a new job and at the same time have the opportunity to accumulate continuous experience. But what about employment in the field of medicine? How much time is given to find a new job?

Continuous medical experience after dismissalpersists for a month. During this time, the citizen must again begin to work in the field of medicine. It is not necessary at the same time to work as a doctor or to seek employment at high-ranking places. The main thing is to work and be registered as a medical staff.

continuous medical experience after dismissal

Accordingly, all extra charges will remain - about itdo not worry. But their size may vary. After all, there is one very important factor on which the size of bonuses to earnings depends. About him a little later. The first step is to figure out how to maintain the continuity of seniority.

Reduction and liquidation

Sometimes it turns out that a person loses his job due to staff cuts or company liquidation. How to be then? How long can you look for a new job?

Continuous medical experience after reduction orLiquidation of an organization lasts 3 months from the date of termination of employment. A citizen has 90 days to find a new job. Again, it is very important to maintain employment in the medical field, otherwise there will simply be no continuity.

It can be concluded that not alwayscontinuous experience in the field of medicine after the dismissal is lost. So, you can hope in certain circumstances for allowances and bonuses provided by law.

Their exact dimensions, unfortunately, are difficult to calculate. There is a possibility that after the next employment payments will either increase or decrease. But they are unlikely to remain unchanged.

Where to work

The next question that interests many is -This job in a new medical facility. The fact is that now it is possible to divide all activities into several components. There are public medical institutions and private. Does the work in a particular place reflect on the allowances and continuity of experience?

Не всегда.On payments often - yes, but on the experience - no. In other words, continuous medical experience after the dismissal, for example, from a state clinic and employment in a private hospital will continue. And vice versa. The main thing is to meet the time limits set in Russia at the legislative level.

continuous medical experience additional payment

Does everyone get paid

Some are interested in what kind of employees are supposed to pay for continuous work in the field of medicine. Does the role of the post for the accrual of additional money?

The question is difficult.In general, a lot of features has a continuous medical experience. Russian legislation indicates that the position plays a role in calculating the appropriate payments. But there is no such thing that someone has a premium, but someone does not. All employees who work in the field of medicine for a long and uninterrupted time will be rewarded to one degree or another.

The only thing that affects the position of the employee,- This is the amount of accrued cash. And nothing more. Therefore, it is not worth worrying about the loss of additional charges if an employee has moved from the status of a doctor to the category of nurses. All put bonuses for the continuous medical experience all the same remain.

What influences the size of payments

It is important to understand what influencespayments for work in medicine. It has already been said that there are no clearly defined amounts that are payable to varying degrees to medical personnel. But there are factors that influence what the additional payment will be in the end for continuous medical experience. It:

  • place of work of the employee;
  • position;
  • working time in the field of medicine;
  • salary.

The most significant item is the last.And all the others are only small factors on which the level of earnings earned by an employee depends. However, in some cases, all the above indicators play the same role.

It turns out, the higher the salary - the morepay. And it is right. After all, all calculations are carried out as a percentage of the earnings received. So, the premium for continuous medical experience can not be the same amount of money. Everywhere your salary. And the surcharge depends on him very much.

continuous medical work experience is

Also a huge role is played by the durationcontinuous medical experience. It is not hard to guess that the longer an employee works, the higher the surcharges will be. Therefore, this moment also should not be overlooked. It is this reason that becomes the main reason for deciding on the future employment of a dismissed employee. Allowances do not want to lose too much!

Charge Features

How to charge the required surcharges? The increment for the continuous medical experience of part-time workers and other medical personnel is laid in different sizes. How to determine their size?

It has already been said that accruals will dependdirectly from the salary. In one case or another, a certain percentage of funds is taken from it, which will reflect the size of the payments due. It is important to bear in mind that we are talking about the so-called net salary - without taking into account the previously established allowances, bonuses and bonuses.

This moment is often not taken inattention by the staff. And they are surprised at too small charges for continuous medical experience. Surcharge is charged taking into account only the "bare" salary. No additional cash paid to medical personnel can serve as a basis for accruals.


What features should still be drawnAttention? Now, when all the basic information about the continuous medical experience and the peculiarities of the accrual of additional payments are known, one can study to whom and in what amounts are the allowances.

For example, what can employees who work in TB facilities and are employed in the field of phthisiology can count on? For such personnel, there are special conditions for the accrual of payments.

Surcharge for continuous medical experiencepart-time workers, secondary staff, as well as key employees in institutions for the diagnosis and control of tuberculosis, as well as phthisiatricians, are in the following sizes:

  • 30% of the received salary for the first 3 years of labor;
  • 45% - for 5 years;
  • 60% - for 7 years or more of uninterrupted work experience in the field of medicine.

Anti-leprosy and anti-plague institutions

Further attention should be paid to anti-leprosy.units, as well as institutions that were created to combat the plague. In these cases, all staff are given certain allowances for continuous work in the field of medicine.

Only in the first case, surcharges cannot exceed80% of the salary, and in the second there is a limit of 100%. This is only for medical professionals. All other employees should not receive allowances, which in total amount to more than 50 and 80 percent, respectively.

continuous medical experience legislation

Так сколько положено персоналу в том или ином case? In them, the increment for continuous experience to part-time workers, as well as to other personnel, is set at 10% for each year of work. Accordingly, the exact amount of payments will be known only after the clarification of information about the salary in those or other institutions.


In some cases, you should hope to pay,equal to 30% of salary for 3 years, as well as on charges of 15% for every next 2 years of work for work in the field of medicine. But at the same time, additional charges cannot exceed 60% of "net" earnings. When are such extra charges for continuous medical experience? Pensioners are charged or not - this is not so important. The main thing is that such an opportunity appears in the following cases:

  • when working in rural areas and boarding schools;
  • if the employee belongs to the mid-level obstetric personnel;
  • paramedics who work in the field of pediatrics and in the therapeutic departments of polyclinics;
  • home care professionals;
  • all chairmen and doctors of medical commissions.

Continuing medical work experience - this is whatwhat many employees in this field of activity are eager for. And for good reason. After all, for continuous labor, personnel are charged in certain amounts of certain additional payments.

What can any staff whoworking in medicine? Or rather, all employees of health care institutions and places of social protection of the population? It does not matter at the same time, continuous medical experience in private clinics is implied or in public. The main thing is its presence and duration. All personnel who work in the field of health and social protection receive a surcharge of 20% of the salary paid for the first 26 months of work, as well as 10% for each subsequent 24 months of work (but not more than 30% in total).

continuous medical experience after reduction

Непрерывный медицинский стаж работы - важный moment for those who plan to work in the field of medicine constantly. Previously, certain bonuses were relied upon for the continuity of any work, but in modern Russia they are not. Therefore, one should not be very worried about this component, unless constant work in medicine is planned.

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