/ / Definition, concept, structure and types of family relations

Definition, concept, structure and types of family relations

The family is considered the main social unitsociety. Its members have in relation to each other the rights and duties that are prescribed in the laws of the country. Family relationships are called personal or property relations, appearing between people. This cell includes spouses, children, grandmothers, grandfathers. There are different types of family legal relationships that allow you to regulate a wide range of activities.


types of family relations

The concept and types of family legal relationships make it possible to determine the characteristics of the main unit of society:

  • relations are socially important;
  • appear between specific people;
  • are based on rights and duties;
  • have a legal significance;
  • are created by the will of the participants;
  • are based on state coercion.

It is on these grounds that family relations can be distinguished from some others.

Family functions

A person of any age needs a family, since it performs important functions:

  • continuation of the family;
  • upbringing;
  • economic;
  • support;
  • communication.

types of subjects of family relations

From the birth of a person needs a family,because it helps him cope with all the difficulties. Strong relationships help everywhere. Of great importance is support, which is why the creation of a family is valued.


concept and types of family relations

The peculiarities of such legal relations include:

  • Subjects are citizens: spouses, children, other family members.
  • Associate close people.
  • Participants are individualized.
  • Rights and obligations are interrelated.
  • They are considered personal, and then property.
  • Have a personal-confidential nature.

Types of relations

Each participant of the family law performs its functions. That is why there are certain relations between them. Types of family legal relationships are as follows:

  • personal or non-property: the decision to marry, to terminate it, family life issues, family name selection, parenting and education:
  • property: the payment of alimony, the division of property.

The main recognized personal relationship.It is on them that the norms that regulate property matters are based. This is the basis of family relationships. The concept, types, subjects and objects - all this is an important part of the cell.

Parental relationships are resolvedquestions of education, upbringing, maintenance of children. This duty is imposed on both spouses. And everything should be done in concert. Grandparents only help in this matter.

Если рассматривать специфику содержания, то виды family relationships are spousal and parental. Both categories have rights and obligations in relation to each other. On the basis of the subject composition of the relationship are:

  • complex: with three participants;
  • simple: between the two.

Types of family relations can be one-sided and bilateral. And by individualization, they are divided into relative and absolute. On these principles family life is built.

Who are the subjects?

In family law, there is the term "subjects".These include spouses, parents, children, brothers, sisters, grandparents. They are also adopted children and parents. The family is considered an independent entity. All participants have rights and obligations.

family relationship the concept of species subjects and objects

All types of subjects of family relationsperform a specific function. Parents should take care of young children, and when they grow up, they take care of the older generation. If everyone fulfills their role, then the family is harmonious.

What does the content include?

The structure and types of family relationships includerights and obligations of family members. This is documented in legislative documents. In this area there are such concepts as legal capacity.

Family legal capacity is called opportunityenjoy rights and responsibilities. It appears with birth, its volume may change with age. For example, many rights come from adulthood.

Family capacity is called the possibilityacquire and fulfill rights duties. It is not considered a prerequisite for the emergence of family relations. Many of them arise without the will of the participants, such as the relationship between parents and children. The legislation does not indicate the age when the absolute legal capacity appears. This usually occurs with legal capacity.

The acquisition of capacity does not always cause the emergence of family capacity. In the Civil Code of the Russian Federation it is indicated that when emancipated, the minor becomes capable. Deprive it can only court.

What is the object?

In family law, there are not only subjects. The objects of family relations are:

  • deeds;
  • material goods.

The most popular object is considered an actsince it is based on a conscious activity, for example, the decision on the appointment of the names of the spouses after the wedding. Property is the right to free disposal of property.

Marriage relationship

Important in family law is marriage,which involves a legal connection between two people. Family law does not include the concept of “marriage”. But based on information from the RF IC, they appear as a voluntary decision to create a family. In this case, the spouses are equal.

structure and types of family relations

Modern spouses often enter into a marriage contract, which is considered a guarantee of the performance of rights and obligations. All desired items are entered into the document. During a divorce, the terms of the contract are taken into account.

The union between two people is officiallyregistered, because of what between them should be not only personal relationships, but also material obligations. Such legal relations appear under the following conditions:

  • the opposite of sexes;
  • mutual agreement;
  • 18 years old;
  • if there are no obstacles: incapacity, close relatives, unregistered divorce.

In family law, marital relations begin with registration in the registry office. Legislation does not regulate civil marriage. It is with his conclusion that the real family is formed.

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