Crafts made of wood and copper of round shape are goodmake on a small home lathe. What is the relationship between a lathe and a drill? For an ordinary man, far from production, nothing. But for modern Kulibin this is a real Klondike of ideas. A person with imagination and skillful hands will easily make his home lathe from a drill.
The cost of small lathes factorymanufacturing makes us think about an alternative solution to this problem. A self-assembled lathe can cost much less. To make your venture a reality, the most expensive thing to buy is a drill or a perforator with a drill function. Consider the option of manufacturing a lathe from a drill with your own hands for a private home business. Simplicity of manufacturing such necessary and useful equipment is amazing. The easiest lathe can be made in one day "on the knee." When manufacturing the most unpretentious lathe, you will need wooden blocks, plywood, tin, good glue and other materials.
Before thinking about how to make a lathe,you need to calculate, but will not the cost of the necessary materials be greater than the value of the factory instrument? To do this, it is better to see a list of all the necessary materials and equipment, determine what is available from it and calculate how much you need to spend on missing items.
The set for the lathe from the drill is as follows:
But if your home business has grown, it requireshigh productivity and precision of manufacturing of steel parts, in this case it is necessary to fork out and purchase an industrial lathe with a powerful electric motor, rigid frame and equipment installed on it.
Any lathe has in its design the following main components:
It should be noted that the processing of materials onthe resulting device will be limited. On such a homemade device it is possible to process wood, copper, aluminum and its alloys, that is, any soft materials. On a self-made lathe from a drill, the steel part can not be ground.
As a bed is a good piece of thickplywood. It has a flat surface that will help in coaxial installation of the front and tailstock. The drill can be fixed by any available method. The main condition is that it must be rigidly mounted. In our case, consider an example using clamps.
Prepare the main element of the traction.For the convenience of assembling a self-made lathe from a drill, we prepare a clamping device for fixing the drill. Take the metal clamp, first slightly remaking it.
It is necessary to fix the clamp, which in the futureclamps our drill. We fix it on the bed. Clamp, fixed on the clamp, clamp the drill. Thus, we got a rigidly fixed front headstock with a power unit.
In a similar way, we will make a tailstocklathe from a drill. It is necessary to install the tailstock, using the second clamp, always in one axis with the front. For convenience of work, the bearing with pressed axle, sharpened under the cone, is perfect for the tailstock. A chuck can also be used as the fastening element for the part.
The third clamp is required for the support table. This is the so-called turner-professional caliper.
To facilitate the movement of the support along the axis of the part on the base of the frame, it is desirable to make a hard groove. The manufacturing method is as follows:
Such a simple and reliable device will ensure the simplicity of machining the parts.
The ideal version of the support for the lathefrom the drill - the one where the support has the ability to move both along the axis of the lathe, and across it. With the help of it, the turner can freely hold the cutter during processing. The support is brought to the part practically closely, which ensures complete safety in operation. If the abutment is far from the workpiece, the lathe tool can be torn from the hands.
Machining the part fixed in the lathemachine tool, you can cutters. Especially this applies to those parts that consist of different alloys. The cutter is securely attached to the support, which allows you to grind copper, brass and other soft metal parts. As a tool for processing a wooden workpiece, a sharpened metalwork file - a rasp. Cope with the work and the file. A well-grounded auto-spring cut is also perfectly working as a tool.
For fastening large diameter blanks toThe lathe will have to stock up the plan with the washer, which is attached to the socket of the electric drill. Its use makes it possible to grind out details of large diameters.
On the self-made machine tool it is possible to turn for a ladderbalusters, make your own hands and at your discretion dishes made of wood. The machine is perfect for making round candlesticks, and in general any round wooden products and products made of soft metals.
For replicating balusters to the ladder under construction,for example, you can apply a copier. What is a copier and how to work with it? Everything is ridiculously simple. A necessary product is made for the ladder. To a compact wood lathe, an additional device is made from a drill, on which the baluster is made in precise dimensions. The second copy is made according to the existing dimensions.
Many have seen how masters work onduplicate keys. A "native" key is inserted into the copier, and all the convexities on the workpiece duplicate its convexities. There is no need for constant measurement of the part. The machined part is obtained by an exact copy of the original. The principle and approach are the same.
By completing the self-made lathe in totalin some details, you can significantly expand the functions of such equipment. With it, you can paint a part or twist the twisted mesh along the entire length of the workpiece. You can use the unique capabilities of the drill not only in the lathe. You can also make a drilling machine on the same frame, which will work just as well as the factory one. The diameter of the drill depends on the cartridge in the drill. Increase diameter will help adapters or drills with shanks, suitable for the cartridge. Make a milling machine, having learned and understanding the possibilities of a drill, will not be difficult.
Electricians will appreciate the use of a self-made lathe when winding windings for transformers at home.
In conclusion, we can state:simple at first glance, an electric tool with proper and proper use can expand its capabilities and become an indispensable equipment in home production. The main thing is that before you try and learn how to make a lathe, you need to have patience.