/ / Where to make out the passport in Moscow: features, documents and recommendations

Where to make out the passport in Moscow: features, documents and recommendations

Citizens are increasingly thinking about whereto make out the passport. In Moscow and not only. After all, this document is extremely important for Russians. Especially for those who plan to travel a lot outside the Russian Federation. Below, we will present all relevant information on the production of salaries. Everything is much easier than it seems, and even a poorly versed in paper red tape citizen will cope with the task.

where to make out the passport in Moscow

What for?

For what purpose do I need a passport? In Moscow and other Russian cities, many citizens believe that this paper allows you to travel outside of Russia. And without this document you can not travel.

In fact, this is not so. A foreign passport is necessary for a problem-free trip around the world. And without it, today you can go to such states as:

  • Kazakhstan.
  • Belarus.
  • Abkhazia.
  • Kyrgyzstan.
  • South Ossetia.
  • Tajikistan.

For traveling to other countries, citizens of the Russian Federationmust have an international passport with them. Where to make out in Moscow? And in other regions? What it is necessary to remember about the procedure for obtaining a foreign passport in Russia? We will discuss this further.

Types of document

For example, now two types of this document are singled out. There is a old sample and a new one (biometric). The second one is in great demand every year.

the international passport in moscow

Old-style foreign passports:

  • there are 5 years;
  • allow to enter information about children;
  • remind a usual civil passport.


  • are issued for 10 years;
  • require fingerprinting;
  • contain biometric data of a citizen;
  • Do not allow children to be included in the document.

What kind of paper to make out?Every citizen decides this independently. But, as we have already said, biometric passports are most common. They can be issued not in all registration authorities.


Before answering the question about where to make out the passport in Moscow, we will study the algorithm of actions for obtaining this paper. In fact, everything is extremely simple.

Citizens should:

  1. Prepare documents required for issuance. They directly depend on the age of the citizen.
  2. Fill in the application form for a foreign passport.
  3. Pay the fee for the operation.
  4. Submit documents with application to the registration authority.
  5. Wait until the paper is ready.
  6. Pick up a foreign passport in the body in which the acceptance of the request took place.

That's all. Such an algorithm of action will help with the personal receipt of a foreign passport.

where you can apply for a passport in Moscow

Place of issue

Where to apply for a passport in Moscow? Without a registration or with it - it's not so important. The main thing is that these documents in Russia are issued by specific organizations.

Among them are:

  • multifunctional centers;
  • Passport tables;
  • The Federal Migration Service;
  • migration departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In addition, every citizen can use the portal "State Service". With it, you can order an old document and a new one.


It is clear where to make out the passport in Moscow.The exact addresses for which the services for issuing this document are provided will be presented to the reader later. To begin with, it is necessary to find out what papers will be useful to realize the task.

Let's start with an adult passport. Adult citizens bring with them:

  • a questionnaire filled out by hand;
  • photos (4 pieces);
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (or other identity card);
  • references indicating the place of residence;
  • receipts with paid fees;
  • military ticket (for men and employees).

Without these documents, registration of foreignpassport is impossible. If we are talking about a biometric type of paper, then when submitting an application it will be necessary to remove fingerprints and scan the retina of the eye. These procedures are mandatory for all citizens over 12 years.

where to issue a new passport in Moscow

Children and documents

It is clear where to issue a passport in Moscow. It is recommended to apply for this service to the FMS. The employees of the authorized body can not refuse to accept documents.

A little bit differently it is necessary to generate a package of documents for children. Young people (up to 14 years) citizens of the Russian Federation bring with them to the registering authority:

  • the passport of one of the parents;
  • an application for the issuance of a document (to be completed by legal representatives);
  • insert with citizenship (if available);
  • birth certificate;
  • 4 photos (color or black and white);
  • check with paid duty.

If you want to put the child in your passportold sample, then you need to attach to the previously listed papers (for adults) a special application, a birth certificate for each child, a payment with a paid service, several photographs of a minor.

Production time

It is clear how and where to make out the passport in Moscow. Some are interested in how quickly the relevant document will be prepared. There are no unequivocal terms.

Nevertheless, the following time frame is suggested:

  • 1 month - when applying to the registration authority for registration;
  • 4 months - if the registration is not at the place of registration.

Sometimes you can get a salary for 2-3 days.This is possible in emergency cases. For example, a person urgently needs treatment abroad. In this case, the listed package of securities is supplemented with relevant evidence.

About Fees

From all of the above, it can be concluded that modern citizens of the Russian Federation can do without this document. Therefore, for the manufacture of paper will have to pay.

where to issue a passport in Moscow without a residence permit

How many? In 2017, the following rates are set:

  • 2 000 rubles - an adult foreign passport of the old standard;
  • 3 500 rubles - a biometric analog;
  • 1 000 rubles - a children's document of the old type;
  • 1 500 rubles - a foreign passport for children of a new type.

For entering information about children under 14 years old old passports of adults need to pay 500 rubles. This fee is charged for the record of each child.

FMS in Moscow

Now you can more specifically answer, whereto issue a new passport in Moscow. This service is provided without any problems in the FMS. In MFC get a biometric passport, too, you can, but not always. After all, not all multifunctional centers have appropriate equipment.

You can apply for the mentioned service in the capital of Russia at the following addresses:

  • ul. Novozavodskaya, house 25/11;
  • 2-Ochakovsky lane, house 6;
  • ul. Bolshaya Kosinskaya, house 1A;
  • Butyrskaya, 17A;
  • ul. Barrikadnaya, 4;
  • Embankment of Sadovnicheskaya, house 63.

This is not a complete list of the FMS of Moscow, where you can issue a passport. However, at these addresses the service is without much difficulty.

MFC in the capital

Where to make out the passport?In Moscow today there are about 170 branches of multifunctional centers. With confidence, we can say that they all offer services in the design of old passports. And only in some places are biometric analogues. This information is better to specify in each individual MFC of the capital.

where to apply for a foreign passport in Moscow

To find this registering authority you can use the following coordinates:

  • Lane Sivtsev Vrazhek, house 20;
  • Voznesensky Lane, 22;
  • third Krutitskiy lane, house 11;
  • Centrosoyuzniy lane, 13, building 3;
  • street of Truth, house 33;
  • Boulevard of Smolensky, 24;
  • Yakimansky pereulok, 6, building 1.

As it is not difficult to guess, this is not the final list of MFCs in which it is possible to issue a foreign passport. This service is provided in all branches of multifunctional centers.

From now on it is clear where it is possible to issue a passportin Moscow and not only. In addition, we got acquainted with the procedure for submitting a request for the issuance of this document. Now this operation will not cause any more questions.

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