/ Protective face shield. Personal Protective Equipment for Welders

Protective face shield. Personal Protective Equipment for Welders

Personal protective equipment for workers isspecial clothes, shoes and accessories, whose task is to protect the body, the faces of employees in enterprises. Each profession has its own PPE, and when working as a welder, face protection plays an important role. For these purposes, special protective face shields are used. What are they and what are their features?

Goals and objectives

face shield

Protective face shield is moderna remedy that prevents various substances, chemicals, acids, liquids or sparks from entering the face. And some models can be a reliable protection from radiation. As a rule, such masks are widely used when carrying out a number of works - from welding to repair and finishing of facades. When choosing this tool you need to proceed from the degree of the value of the shield, since it is this factor that ensures the safety of the workflow. Lightweight, non-toxic and flame-resistant materials are used to make its protective part. Convenience of operation is provided by handles and headrests. Face shields are widely used:

  • in construction;
  • gas and oil production;
  • ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy;
  • chemical industry;
  • machine building and aircraft industry.

It is noteworthy that the protective face shield can be used not only by welders, but also during plastering or repair work.

From what materials?

For the manufacture of modern shields are usedhigh-strength materials with resistance to wear of different types, mechanical and shock loads. Sophisticated production technology ensures that the products will withstand any temperature drops. Accordingly, it is possible to use guards in any climatic conditions.

welder shield

In most cases, a protective face shieldIt is made of polycarbonate, which well protects the face from strong heat. The second popular option is the use of non-flammable plastic, which can reduce the intensity of heat radiation by almost 50%. In addition, plastic serves as a reliable protection of the face from mechanical impact due to good impact resistance properties.

Если нужна дешевая модель, то можно выбрать щитки from organic glass or PMMA - thermoplastic plastic. The use of modern technologies makes it possible to increase the resistance of the material to shocks, chemical influences. The most important thing is that all three materials are dielectric, which makes it possible to use them when working with electrical installations.

Technology for comfort

Welder suit and other components to itcreated taking into account modern technologies that allow to achieve a high level of security. It is noteworthy that for sewing costumes manufacturers use materials such as suede, leather, cloth, tarpaulin, which are complemented by a special non-flammable lining.

The use of high-tech methods is a guarantee that the use of personal protective equipment will be safe and comfortable.

welder suit

The protective face shield has a thoughtfula design that provides the ease of the accessory itself and reduces the load on the neck. The screen glass in them has a 100 percent transparency, so the slightest optical distortion is minimized. Accordingly, the eyes will not get tired when working. Inside the flaps provided for the presence of soft linings that do not distract the eyes when working. Due to the special belts secure fixation of the shield on the face.

What are the types?

Modern protective shields for welders and other professions are presented in a variety of types and differ in their characteristics. Among the popular options stand out:

  • shields of the universal type;
  • shields with fasteners on the helmet;
  • shields with fastenings on the helmet for welding;
  • protective face shields for electric welding.

Universal welder shield can be usedduring any work where it is necessary to protect the face from damage. Such masks serve as protection against hit of small particles, splashes, sparks. Among the features of this configuration can be noted simplicity of attachment, elongated screen, slightly sloping downwards. Ergonomic design provides ease of operation of the shield.


Such models have a head-mounted mount,enlarged screen. For example, the shield "Vision" is made of heat-resistant polycarbonate and serves as a reliable protection against flying particles. An elongated screen protects the neck, the upper part of the chest, and a special compound is used to cover it, which serves as protection against abrasion and scratches. The headband is complemented by a soft and hygienic obturator.

NBT2 SUPER "Vision" - a shield that is also created from impact-resistant and heat-resistant polycarbonate - deserves special attention. Its feature is in a blemish screen.

Helmets with protective shields

Protective face shield welder canbe used in construction, as it is convenient to take off and put on. Products with fastenings on a helmet differ in a convenient design which can be fixed in different provisions. Special lifting-locking device is created from heat-resistant and cold-resistant materials that are not amenable to wear.


Among these models can be noted KBT "Vision"ENERGO, which has a anti-fog screen with fire-resistant edging. The mount itself is universal and is suitable for any suit of the welder, and for its production heat-resistant materials are used without the use of metal elements. Any Vision shields are distinguished by the reasonableness of the screen part:

  • the screen is completely removed, therefore, provides a good overview with good protection of the face, head;
  • To cover it, a very durable layer is used, which remains resistant to scratches and abrasion;
  • screen materials help to reduce the intensity of thermal radiation by about a quarter;
  • Each shield is complemented by a visor of improved shape, which provides complete protection for the head.


A wide selection of professional equipment, inincluding accessories for welding, offers the German brand FUBAG. The manufacturer himself focuses on the fact that the welding masks created by him meet the requirements of operational safety. In the line of this German brand presents a huge number of masks that can be used during welding. So, the mask of the welder FUBAG BLITZ 11 is created from a flexible and durable material and has a special shape of the case, which prevents the screen from fogging during work.

Данная маска способствует эффективной защите глаз welder even with long work. The model is equipped with a chameleon system light filter, which automatically darkens the screen when the welding arc is ignited. You can adjust the sensitivity of the optical sensor to set the desired mode for the welder.

personal protective equipment for workers

FUBAG ULTIMA mask can be considered innovative.5-13 PANORAMIC BLACK, which is made in 3D-design and has the largest viewing area of ​​100 x 93 mm. The distinctive features of this accessory include increased speed of automatic switching of the screen in a dark state, smooth adjustment of sensitivity and degree of dimming, the presence of four optical sensors.

FUBAG BLITZ 9-13 TIGER is a mask for the welder,which at reliability differs in the bright design decision and an ergonomic form of the case. Among the additional features can be noted off the filter when you need to carry out grinding when cleaning seams.


NBT shield - an integral partmandatory welder personal protective equipment. With this accessory, you can protect your face and eyes from splashing into them, sparks, splinters and splashes of various liquids. For the manufacture of the screen part of the flaps, a colorless, impact-resistant polycarbonate is used, whose thickness is only 1 mm. For a larger overview, the optics are enlarged and covered with a layer that provides chipping and scratching resistance. These guards are widely used in the chemical industry, metallurgy, gas and oil refining, engineering and automotive.

welder face shield

Щиток сварщика НН-10 PREMIER FavoriT – это An accessory made of heat-resistant material that does not burn and does not change in composition with any temperature drops. Sophisticated design in combination with high-quality light filter provides reliable protection of the face and head as a whole. Head-mounted model can be adjusted in the desired position.


NBT shield

Thus, face shields,The eye is modern accessories that can be used in any type of activity where appropriate protection is required. The flaps are presented in a wide range of models, so there is always the opportunity to choose the option to suit your preferences. When compact, flaps are versatile and comfortable, providing full face protection. Innovative solutions embedded in masks provide a large viewing area, giving the opportunity to carry out long-term welding work in different welding modes.

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