/ / There is no summons from the military enlistment office - what to do? Legal advice

The agenda does not come from the military registration and enlistment office - what to do? Legal advice

Not so often, but people say that they do not comesummons from the military registration and enlistment office. What to do in this situation? How to act so that there are no problems in the future? All this is often asked by lawyers. After all, military duty is a responsibility that rests with all adult male citizens. So, it is required to realize it. In Russia, for failure to attend the military enlistment office, criminal responsibility is provided upon request. To avoid it, you need to know how to act in this situation. So what if the agenda never came? Is it worth it to be afraid of any responsibility? Understand all this easier than it seems.

Who is being called

To begin with, it is worthwhile to understand who in Russia, in principlecan get a summons from the military commissariat. Article 10 "Duties of citizens on military registration" in the Law "On Military Duty" provides detailed information.

the summons from the military commissariat does not come

To the category of recipients of agendas for the passageAll the adult working-age population of the Russian Federation is male. In other words, young people from 18 years. It is from this age that citizens start receiving agendas for passage of the commission, as well as for urgent service.

The conscription age in Russia takes place up to 27 yearsinclusive. Accordingly, it is up to this moment that a citizen can receive a subpoena of the established pattern. After serving in the army more of this paper is not sent.

Responsibilities for accounting

The summons from the military commissariat does not come - what shouldto do a citizen? According to the relevant law, the entire male population is compulsorily subject to military registration. Even retired citizens.

According to Article 10 of the Law "On Militaryduties, "persons who received the agenda of the established sample are required to come to the military commissariat at the place of registration in the specified period, first for the medical commission, then for direct service in the army.

If a citizen changes his place of residence, thenhe must independently withdraw from the register in one military registration and enlistment office, and also register in a new one. It extends to cases where a person is absent from the place of residence for more than 3 months. Or if he leaves the Russian Federation for more than six months.

certificate from the military registration and enlistment office how to get

Responsibility for evasion

The specified categories of persons must comethe military registration and enlistment office without fail. Non-appearance, as already mentioned, is regarded as an evasion of fulfilling its duties to the state. For this, criminal responsibility is assumed. In what measure?

For example, payment of a fine.Its size reaches 200,000 rubles. Either a citizen withdraws earnings for 1.5 years maximum. As an alternative punishment - arrest for 3-6 months or imprisonment up to 1.5 years.

In addition, the deviationists at the moment in Russia"tagged". The relevant information about non-appearance in the military commissariat at the place of residence is recorded in a private file. And in the future this person will bring a lot of problems. Therefore, many people think about what to do if the summons from the military commissariat does not come.

Not everyone

You do not need to panic. The thing is that criminal liability of one type or another is provided only for situations where a person received a summons. Otherwise, punishment does not take place.

military enlistment office address

Far from all, the first document comes to the first appeal. There are many conscripts in Russia. Each year, they become more and more. Therefore, many put "in the queue."

Also, do not be surprised if the guyhe studies at the university, and he does not receive a summons. During training, the relevant paper should not disturb the student. If it has come, it is enough to provide documents to the military registration and enlistment office indicating the training in the university. And then you can forget about the military duty for a while.

Also you do not need to panic if you do not comea summons from the military registration and enlistment office to a person who, from childhood or during schooling, received the status of an invalid. And for an incurable disease. This is a normal phenomenon - only healthy citizens are taken into the army. Or with minor flaws regarding health. But the agenda should not be frightened either - on the medical board it will be enough to confirm disability. And no more documents and no worry from the military enlistment office is not threatened.

Certified certificate

Before serving in the army, citizens are givencalled a written certificate from the military registration and enlistment office. How to get it? To do this, you need to contact the military commissariat at the place of residence. Usually this document is issued without problems. It is supposed to be given to adolescent boys at the age of 16-17. Immediately after military charges.

The registration certificate gives in the future the statusdraftee. If, for some reason, the student did not receive a summons for military training, and he does not have the appropriate document, he should ask for it himself.

But where is the written certificate frommilitary registration and enlistment office? How to get it? It is necessary to apply to the military commissariat for registration with an identity card. Then go through military training and get the appropriate document. It is requested by universities and employers. There is nothing difficult in this. After receiving the relevant document, you can wait for adulthood and an invitation to a medical examination.

must come summons to the military registration and enlistment office


There is no summons from the military enlistment office - how to be? Do not panic and just wait. Responsibility for non-appearance will not be until it is proved that the person received an appropriate notification.

If before 27 years the agenda has not come, then you canfind out the address of the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence and get there a certificate of "evader". In some cases, citizens are issued a military ticket. Especially if not the passage of service in the army occurred through the fault of the military commissariat. Sometimes it happens that someone from the recruits "forget" to send an invitation to the medical board. This is not a reason for panic.

Much depends on the desire of a citizen.A law-abiding person will not sit and remain silent about the fact that he does not receive a summons. But in Russia, such phenomena are rare. And they, as practice shows, many use. Therefore, you can just wait for your turn.

Intimidation and Evidence

Sometimes people are intimidated. This is especially true of citizens who have not received a summons before the age of 27 in principle. Why? They are frightened by the inventory of property and criminal liability.

Article 10 duties of citizens on military registration

Do not be afraid.To intimidate the deviator, you first need to prove that the summons was sent. And only when you receive the relevant paper by a citizen personally, you can bring him to justice. As practice shows, the document is delivered by registered mail. And the recipient puts his signature on the notice of receipt. While the signature is not worth, you can just find out the address of the military commissariat, and either, as already said, wait for the agenda, or personally come and ask for an invitation to the medical board.

Put responsibility on people who do notget agendas, do not have the right. All lawyers say this. At the moment, as it was already said, it is envisaged to issue a dodger's certificate for not passing military service. But you can take it only after 27 years.

military commissariat by place of residence


What conclusions can be drawn? Lawyers offer several options for action, if the summons from the military commissariat does not come. Among them are:

  1. Waiting position. You can live as before. And after 27 years to come to the military enlistment office to get a military ticket.
  2. Active requirement of the agenda. Extremely rare phenomenon, but it occurs. A person appeals for the summons to the military enlistment office himself and undergoes urgent service.

In addition, it is necessary to acquire evidencethat the person did not receive the summons. It's not as difficult as it seems. Responsibility will not be any, if such an incident - omission of the military commissariat or post office. A citizen will either be summoned to the service (if he is of draft age), or they will issue a military ticket.

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