/ / ONE - what is it and how is it calculated? Norms ONE

ONE - what is it and how is it calculated? Norms ONE

When receipts for an apartment arrive, manythe tenants do not even read all the columns, for which they pay. And even if they read, they do not understand what the separate lines occurring there mean. For example, ONE - what is it? The article will consider useful information about this issue.

one what is

ONE - what does abbreviation mean?

The abbreviation "ONE", which you often see in yourreceipts, stands for "general house needs." The fact is that a certain amount of resources are allocated for houses. Most of them diverge directly to the apartments. But there are those who are sent to the maintenance of the house and its maintenance, that is, ONE.

What abbreviation stands for is now clear. But what are general house needs?

ONE for electricity

Household needs apply toelectricity. Each house receives the appropriate energy, which is connected to the network and is taken into account at the entrance to the building where the common home metering device is installed. From there, the energy is directed both into the apartments and to the common areas. The meter records the total amount of electrical energy that has entered the apartment building or MCD.

standard one

The amount in the receipt includes not only worklighting bulbs installed in the entrances should also be covered with attics and basements. In addition, this electricity is consumed and devices that are responsible for fire-fighting automation, antenna amplifiers, pumps for pumping water, intercoms, etc.

So we are talking about all the equipment,thanks to which comfortable living conditions are provided for people living in the house. As you can see, when paying for ONE, the energy expended in the operation of the electrical equipment provided for in each MCD is taken into account.

Calculation of energy costs

For apartments, the share is calculated differently,according to the method that was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for the provision of public services to citizens", registered under No. 307. The energy consumed in apartments is subject to metering by metering devices installed individually. If there are no meters, the electric power supply is equal to which the standard is set depending on the size of the apartment per resident, based on the number of meters occupied.

The difference in meter readings around the house and the amountthe total amount of electrical energy consumed in the apartments, which were equipped with appropriate devices, and is the electrical energy consumed in ONE. It is calculated at all owners of the premises, in proportion to the consumption in the apartment. That is, the more energy was consumed, the more you will have to pay for intra-house energy.

one to water

Large amounts of energy: why?

To the amount of electrical energy attributableon the BFN of an apartment building was small, all tenants should participate in the economy process, since the question concerns everyone. Large ONEs indicate that the house’s wiring is in a sad state, so the general house meter records a lot of lost kilowatts. Responsibility for the quality and reliability of networks lies with the organization that serves them. If there is no such organization, then the residents themselves should be responsible for its condition.

Illegal consumption also affects the size of ARFelectrical energy. For example, if one of the tenants was turned off for non-payment of debt, and he connected to the communication illegally, then if this fact was discovered, he should contact the service organization so that its specialists take measures to restrict the non-payer of access to the networks.

The size of ODN also depends on whethercounters from tenants. If someone does not have them, then only the ONE standard plays a role. It is clear that he can only give an approximate picture of costs. More accurate will be the readings taken from the meter.

After the adoption of the law "On Energy Saving"consumers had to independently install meters that meet specific requirements. Each owner bore individual responsibility for this. Those who did not install the devices in a timely manner, it was done by utilities in compulsion, for which they subsequently removed funds from the owner of the property.

It is important to transmit the numbers on the counter in time - ONE is charged, as you already understood, precisely according to its data.

electricity is one standard

If the neighbor is a bad debtor?

Payment for electricity is made independing on the readings of individual meters, so even if individual tenants do not pay their bills on time and do not take the readings of individual devices, calculations are made according to average standards. When calculating general house needs, the testimony of a neighbor, regardless of whether he paid or not, will be deducted.

Of course, with such tenants should be heldseparate hard work to collect debt. First they are warned about the measures that will be taken if payment is not made, and then either limit the power supply or collect the debt in court.

ONE on water

In addition to electrical energy, in general home needsincludes the cost of water. So, cold water goes to the washing of the staircases, watering the front gardens, washing the communication networks. The ODN standards also apply to water losses inside the house.

counter one

And ONE for hot water includes costs forFor example, when water is discharged in the riser, when repairs are made to batteries, pressure testing of the heating system, technological passage, and, like in the case of cold water, loss in the networks located inside the house.

Thermal energy is spent on space heating,which are part of the property of the house. The size of the general house needs for water, of course, differs depending on whether the corresponding general house metering device is installed.

Calculation with an installed counter and without it

If the house has a total counter, it is calculatedthe difference between the volume shown by the profit unit, and the amount of individual meters, as well as the costs according to the standards, if the meters in separate apartments are not installed. ODN is distributed between the owners, in proportion to the area of ​​their apartments. Therefore, ONE for a three-room apartment will be more than for a one-room apartment.

Water and electricity with installed meterscalculated as follows. The total volume is equal to the difference between the readings of the general-purpose counter, the volume of the entire resource in non-residential premises, the volume of the entire resource in apartments with installed individual meters and the volume of the entire resource calculated according to standards multiplied by the area of ​​the apartment divided by the area of ​​all apartments.

If in the house there is no common home metering device, then the volume of heat energy, water and electricity is considered according to the standards multiplied by the area of ​​the common house property.

one apartment building

Is it possible to reduce the amount of ODN

To ONE on electrical energydecreased, first of all, unauthorized connections of tenants and tenants should be identified. In addition, it is very important to change the wiring if it is outdated. After all, cracking, cable damage and stranding greatly affect the resistance of the system, which leads to loss of electrical energy. Well, of course, it would not hurt to install LED incandescent lighting.

To reduce calculations for water supply, individual meters should be installed and provide evidence to the management company in time.

Regarding heating, especially when installinggeneral house counter, it is important to hold events to seal the interpanel seams, change the old windows and insulate the pipes so that the heat is not wasted. Then the heat loss is significantly reduced. At the same time, when it becomes too hot, the tenants open the windows of the house, and all the heat is lost again. To avoid such losses, you should install an individual valve on the house radiator. It is better to do this work before the start of the heating season.

On the value of ONE also affects the reliabilityinformation about the area of ​​common property, apartments and the number of people living there. It is clear that if only one person is registered on the living space, and in fact lives much more, then you will have to pay a lot. Moreover, this applies to cases where individual meters are not installed at home.

Used non-residential premises

Nowadays, often in residential buildings,ground floor and basement offices and shops are located. Communications from them may be illegally connected to the public domain networks. This means that the tenants of the house will have to pay for the electric energy expended by them. To avoid this, you should find out with the help of the management company, who exactly in this case pays the cost of electricity and get rid of unnecessary "freeloaders".

one energy


So, we considered ONE:what such a reduction means, what are the general house needs, and how calculations are made. From the foregoing, it can be concluded that if the tenants themselves monitor the condition of the house as a whole, then not only its improvement will be provided, but the expenses for general house needs will be significantly reduced.

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