/ / Coffee arabica - houseplant from the hot tropics

Coffee arabica - indoor plant from the hot tropics

There are many coffee fans around the world, he invigorates,raises mood, drives a dream in the mornings and gives fresh forces for new achievements. The native land of the plant, from whose fruit the fragrant drink is obtained, is hot Ethiopia. In addition to Africa, it is cultivated in South America (Brazil), Sri Lanka and India.

coffee arabica houseplant

Surprisingly, Arabica coffee - roomplant, it is quite possible to grow it at home. In nature, evergreen trees and shrubs, which are part of the family of the Marenovs, number forty species. Their leaves are dense and leathery, white flowers are collected in inflorescences false umbrella. The ripe fruits are red, they have a sweet and sour pulp and two seeds, the length of which is from eight to thirteen millimeters. By taste, coffee arabica is most appreciated. Houseplant, photo of which is placed in the article, has decorative value. With success it can be cultivated both in a greenhouse and in a city apartment. Fruit-bearing tree begins in the third year, and the maximum yield gives in six to seven years.

coffee arabica house plant photo

To plant the plant you need to prepare the soil.It must be easy to penetrate the air and moisture. It includes leafy earth, greenhouse, river sand and peat, in proportions of 3 x 2 x 1 x 1, respectively. To prevent soil sour, at the bottom of the pot are pieces of charcoal and necessarily make drainage. Since the root system of the plant goes deeper, the pot will also need a tall one. A guest from hot countries, a house plant of Arabica coffee, care requires appropriate. It does not tolerate direct sunlight, since in nature in tropical latitudes these species grow shaded by taller trees. Place the pot and seedlings better in a light and well-ventilated room, but you should avoid drafts. The temperature in the room should vary from 22 to 25 degrees in summer, and in winter - no lower than fifteen. It is not necessary to rearrange the plant, so that its roots are always warm, even with the arrival of colds, it is enough to put it on a wooden stand.

indoor plant arabica coffee care

Loves the moisture of Arabica coffee, houseplant mustespecially abundantly watered in the summer, and more sparingly - in winter. Water is used only soft, settled. It is necessary to maintain soil moisture. During the growth of the tree, it is recommended to spray it from the spray gun. This promotes the development of buds and makes its appearance more beautiful. But during the appearance of flowers from this operation should be discarded. From the ingress of moisture, they can fade. His tender, jasmine-like inflorescences adorn the plant for only a couple of days. Fruit ripening takes a long time: from six to eight months. Transplant young trees are recommended every spring, older specimens - every 2-3 years. It is easy enough to reproduce arabica coffee, a house plant can be sown with seeds or a vegetative method. Cuttings bloom simultaneously with rooting and fully preserve the qualities of the mother plant. When the seedling grows up, it should be fed with fertilizers, which are intended for indoor plants.

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