/ / Spring call - is it worth going to the army?

Spring call - is it worth going to the army?

Give debt to the Motherland and join the armyfar from all young people aspire. Of this number, you can weed out about 80% of conscripts that parents do not want to let go of. Why then did the army become a punishment, and the spring appeal (like the autumn one) was a sentence executed?

In the army take all?

To get a respite from the army or not to go to work at all, a good reason is needed.

spring call

To ordinary people who do not have connections and money, to findit is quite difficult, even in the presence of a chronic disease in a young person. Spring appeal is carried out on the principle of "walking can - go." In the military registration and enlistment office this is explained by a catastrophic shortage. At the same time, the plan is not fulfilled most often in the spring. In autumn this problem is not so urgent. So what happens? Why do young people try to "slope" on the eve of the summer?

The fact is that most of the guys in the draftage do not go to service because of studying and getting higher education. The reason is serious and before it was a way to keep the young man at home. But the authorities found a solution to this problem. Now the guys will serve during the summer holidays (from June to August inclusive). The year of service is stretched to three. This innovation implies a full set of recruits.

when the spring call comes to an end

If the young man absolutely does not want to serve, he will have to raise a considerable amount of money, which will help him "buy" a military ticket or "draw" a disease.

What happens during the draft?

First it is necessary to say, when the spring beginsappeal. The official date is April 1. Since this period, there has been an active training of conscripts to serve in the army. Accordingly, young people are trying to find the reason for the delay. Only with the beginning of the "draft season" is it possible to do anything already.

The spring appeal makes not only the young men and theirparents, but also employees of the military commissariat are very nervous. They are given a plan that they must fulfill under any circumstances. Even not very healthy guys go to serve. If there is a shortage, then the whole military collegium receives a severe reprimand from a higher authority.

Should I go to serve?

A unequivocal answer to this question can not be found. Of course, the young man needs the service.

when the spring call begins

He masters the skills of possession of weapons, protectionterritory and much more. If there is a war, he can become a full-fledged defender of the country. In addition, the guys become more responsible, serious and courageous. Although for many parents, recruiting a child into the army is a punishment, they immediately try to find out when the spring call ends. Unfortunately, the modern army is far from what the media promise. In most cases, military units are hunger, cold, theft and "hazing". Therefore, to make the spring appeal not a verdict, it is necessary to "negotiate" with the staff of the military commissariat (you can ask to leave the draftee to serve in his native city).

The spring call lasts 3.5 months (April 1 - July 15). By April, you need to prepare all the papers and references, if the parents do not want to give the "child" in the army.

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