/ / The daily routine in the army - the basis of discipline

The daily routine in the army - the basis of discipline

Thanks to popular TV shows and TV shows,service in the Russian army today attracts young people more than five or ten years ago. Guys dream to try on a new form and shoot from modern weapons. In addition, the military continues to make men out of boys, tempering will and character. This is assisted by a well-thought-out and streamlined routine of the day in the army. Scheduled life teaches composure and rational use of every minute.

daily routine in the army
The daily routine in the army was created in order tomaintain constant alertness. If this schedule is observed, then the soldiers are always ready for battle, because they have slept and fed. Even if the order goes at night, the personnel will have a physical safety margin. This resource for months helps to turn out the daily routine in the army.

Wake-up time and bedtime in each militaryparts is installed in accordance with the tasks performed and the climate zone. The main requirement: between the “End” and “Rise” teams, at least eight hours must pass. Therefore, the daily routine in the army usually begins at six in the morning and ends at ten in the evening.

day regimen
In 2013, the daily routine in the army changed.The soldiers were allowed to sleep for half an hour more. Hang up is still at ten in the evening, and the rise at half past six in the morning. In addition, the afternoon rest is increased to one hour. So that the soldiers did not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, after lunch, work, drill and combat training should not be carried out for an hour.

In the daily routine of each military unit to restbetween four and eight hours. Rest during the day is distributed so that the soldiers have the opportunity to recover from physical exertion and put in order uniforms.

The charter regulates the so-called "days of rest". These are weekends and holidays. In 2013, the army began to provide two days off.

On the eve of weekends and holidays, the regime of the day provides for going to bed an hour later than usual. The next day, it is allowed to sleep more for an hour, and in some parts of the charge is not carried out.

Soldiers and officers are provided with three meals a day. The daily routine in the army provides for intervals of not more than seven hours between breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Army service of Russia
An ordinary army day for a soldier begins with the command "Rise". Then the morning exercises are carried out. Charging in the army is a running system, warm-up and strength exercises.

After charging, the soldiers make their beds,washed and built on the morning inspection. During the inspection, the hygiene standards and the condition of the uniform are checked. After the morning inspection, the unit will be sent for breakfast.

The most ambitious construction of the day - the morning divorce. During a divorce, the commander of a military unit or his deputy accepts reports on the availability of personnel and assigns tasks to commanders.

After a divorce, combat classes usually take place.preparation. Officers, sergeants and foremen explain to the soldiers the provisions of the statute, learn to use and maintain weapons and equipment. Combat training continues until lunch.

After lunch, the military rest for an hour,then built on a divorce. This construction may be local (for battalions and companies). In a divorce, the commanders check that everything is in place, and set tasks for the second half of the day.

The second half of the day in the army is usually devoted to maintenance of equipment, cleaning weapons, sporting events and self-training.

After dinner, soldiers are given an hour of personal time. This is necessary in order to put in order uniforms.

Mandatory activities before bedtime - viewTV news release, evening walk and calibration. Evening walk is conducted systems, while necessarily the execution of songs. Military psychologists believe that this contributes to rallying the team and raising the mood.

During the evening calibration, commanders check if everything is in place. If someone in the ranks is not for a disrespectful reason, this is already an emergency.

The daily routine of the army, which is perfectly carried out every day, teaches soldiers to discipline, without which no army of the world can act.

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