/ / True reviews of owners about the car Chevrolet Cruz

True reviews of owners about the car Chevrolet Cruz

For the Chevrolet group of companies, the release of a new modelcar Cruise is not only an opportunity to present to the world the result of hard work of developers, but also a way to remind about the existence of this brand, which in recent years has lost its former popularity. Design Chevrolet Cruz is very different from other cars of this brand. He will undoubtedly become the center of attention on the roads. The most important feature, which was achieved by an international group of architects, engineers and designers, was the impeccable style and freshness of reading the idea of ​​a hatchback. In Russia, mainly the sale of Chevrolet Cruz with the body sedan. This is because there simply do not produce hatchbacks.

Inside the car quite a lot of space, although onthe first look seems to be the opposite. In the back seat, a person with average parameters will feel comfortable, and the front seats can be fully adjusted depending on what the passenger needs. The driver's seat is also very well thought out: there is a convenient steering wheel, and a clear instrument panel, and an adjustable armchair. Positive feedback from the owners about the Chevrolet Cruz is addressed not only to its design, but also to the complete set. So even on the base model is the engine crankcase protection. In its price category, it is more than equipped with various types of equipment.

Mainly the owners' opinions about the carChevrolet Cruz agree that his price is fully justified. So even the most minimal complete set of cars Ford, for example, can not compete with this handsome man. There is almost everything you need here. Another conversation about the quality of all this. The audio system is a bit weak, but the air conditioner does its job well, warming up the air in the car to the optimal state in no more than 10 seconds.

On the Internet, negativereviews of owners about the car Chevrolet Cruz, which still agree that the original design is capable of delivering some inconvenience. This applies to glazing, massive racks, due to which the level of vision is sharply reduced. Also, the hard suspension was subjected to criticism, which in principle is designed to ensure safety. Another moment associated exclusively with Russia is the Russian drivers' aversion to low landing in the car. Such an attitude is explained by the low quality of roads, the ride on which makes it feel their own fifth point all their relief.

Negative owners feedback about the carChevrolet Cruz collapsed and at too low for such a machine engine power (1.6 liters). On the one hand, I would like to feel the engine and helper on it, but on the other hand it is safety on the roads. For a city car, other qualities are important than the ability to drive on roads. To the same black list it is possible to attribute and replacement of spare parts Chevrolet Cruz, which go to order from Europe, which significantly extends the repair time. Although many car owners say that the car has never been in service.

In general, Chevrolet Cruz is a worthyrepresentative of its segment. Compared with other machines, it is well equipped, attractive, functional. A lot of car owners characterize Kurz as a very reliable vehicle. It should not be compared with cars of brands BMW or Mercedes, as they cost almost twice as much as this and have much more functionality. In its segment, it can rightfully take the first place, since it is a godsend for those who are ready for the beauty and functionality to spend about 570 thousand rubles. It will be an excellent solution for young people with an active lifestyle, who are not shy about their preferences.

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