/ / Royal Orchids: photo, home care

Royal Orchids: photo, home care

Royal Orchids - a beautiful decoration of the house. These flowers with a delicate scent look unusual and expensive, give any interior solemn notes and just delight the eye.

Royal orchids

Бытует мнение, что выращивание домашних орхидей – quite troublesome thing. However, this task is quite feasible, the main thing is to know the rules of care. Experienced florist will not be difficult to maintain the necessary mode, but if you are only going to comprehend the science of breeding home greenhouses, our article will help to understand all the intricacies.

Royal Orchid Species

Чаще всего этим термином называют цветы, belonging to the genus Phalaenopsis. The name of its own, having a Latin origin, this flower is obliged to a certain similarity with the butterfly. The plant is not too capricious, even a novice can cope with its content. Of course, if you follow all the recommendations.

The genus Vanda (in the next photo) is also a royal orchid. Care at home for this plant is somewhat more difficult, but the reward for the work will be beautiful large flowers with a delicate aroma.

royal orchid photo

Kids and giants

In nature, there are a huge number of species.orchids, some of them are completely unlike their fellows. For example, the royal orchid gigantella can reach a height of 3 meters or more. This plant has strong roots, thick stems, fleshy leaves. During the flowering period, the plant is covered with many small yellow flowers with a red speck. Homeland giant royal orchids - New Guinea. This plant is successfully grown in greenhouses around the world. For home content it is too large.

royal orchid gigantella

Many orchids thank the caring ownerflowers of medium size. Wanda grows up to 80 cm in height and is covered with flowers of 10-15 cm in diameter. Phalaenopsis is taller (up to a meter), and its flowers are more compact. But on one stalk they are quite a lot. Popular among gardeners of mini-orchids of the genus Phalaenopsis. They require the same care as other varieties.

What you need to know about the blue orchid

Often, flower sellers do not stint on a beautiful advertisement. Blue Orchid! This is just a dream! But if you want to settle such an unusual flower at home, it is worth considering some facts.

There is a royal blue orchid, Vanda, but its value is usually quite high. In addition, this plant is not so easy to get. And the shade is closer to purple, and not to blue.

But Phalaenopsis blue in floralshops a lot. But at the present time there is not a single selectively bred sample of this plant with such color. And such a miracle - the work of not quite an honest seller.

royal blue orchid

And get it like that.Orchid with white flowers add coloring pigment to the soil, or make injections into the pedicle, with the result that the flower petals become blue. Do not buy such plants, they are weak due to the effects of chemistry and can quickly die. They look very unusual, but for a long time this effect will not last.

If such an orchid somehow got into yourhome greenhouse (for example, you gave it to you), you should take care of the plant. He has a chance to survive. Care for him, irrigate and feed him in time. Reviews of the owners indicate that such a plant can be reanimated. For a while, his flowers will have a blue tint, which eventually will begin to lighten.

Another thing - the royal orchids Wanda.However, it is also worth mentioning here that the plant blooms not in blue, but in lilac or purple. This species is quite rare, but it does not require special conditions. Taking care of her at home is no different from caring for a pink or white flower.

How to choose a plant for the house?

Going to the store for an unusual pet, remember a few rules.

  1. Look at the roots. They should not be mold and any other plaque. Natural color is gray.
  2. Orchid leaves are fleshy, juicy, rich color.
  3. Healthy plant designed for homecontent is sold in a plastic transparent container. If the orchid has already lived in someone's house and for some reason hit the market, the pot will definitely have perforations. Plants living on a piece of bark or cleaved coconut are very rarely sold. This is also permissible.
  4. Important and substrate. It should not be fragments of peat.

Suitable growing tank and proper soil

Orchid in the wild settles on the branches andtree trunks, and some subspecies prefer even stones. The roots of this unusual plant feed aerotrophic. Simply put, the orchid does not need soil, it is able to accumulate moisture from the air.

The royal orchid, the photo of which you see in the following illustration, lives in the right pot.

royal orchid phalaenopsis

This plant must be placed in a transparent plastic container or in a pot with holes. In the usual capacity for indoor plants orchid quickly die.

Some experienced growers grow it.exotic plant on a large piece of bark or chopped coconut. The composition looks quite colorful, and it is easy to care for a flower. If you like this option, try to put it into practice. But do not forget that in this case, in the early stages, the orchid must be tied to a support.

Packed ground is sold in flower shopsfor orchids. It contains nitrogen and necessary supplements, and also contains large fractions that prevent soil tamping and promote aeration.

Where to plant an orchid?

It is important not only the dishes.This plant also requires compliance with the light regime. The best choice would be the west or south window. In summer, the royal orchids feel comfortable on the orient windowsills. But the north side is the worst choice.

Orchid Royal Care

If your windows face south, in summer the orchid needs to be moved. Direct sunlight is destructive to her. On the leaves may remain burns.

Experienced growers are advised to organize diffused light for this plant.

Maintaining temperature

Care should be taken about the temperature.Best of all, this plant feels at 18-22 degrees. If your room is hotter, rot may appear on the roots and lower leaves of the orchid. In a cold room, the plant will wither and will not give you beautiful flowers.

Important and humidity. The optimal value is 30%. In a dry room next to the orchid, it is desirable to establish a nearby aquarium or decorative fountain.

Watering and top dressing

The royal orchid Phalaenopsis, like Wanda, does not like frequent watering. Excess moisture can kill the plant.

royal orchid flower

There are three options for watering a flower:

  • dipping into the basin with water for half an hour, followed by settling in the pan to drain excess liquid;
  • bathing in the shower;
  • directly watering the roots of watering can;
  • Moisturizing the leaves with a spray bottle.

In winter, any of these procedures should not be performed.more than once every 7 days. In summer, you can reduce the intervals between watering twice. If the soil in the pot does not have time to dry out, compacted, rolls, the roots have become covered with bloom or an unpleasant smell of dampness has appeared, most likely you have overdone it. Take a break, and further reduce the amount of water, otherwise the flower will die.

Royal orchids can be watered only with high-quality filtered water with little hardness.

Feeding is carried out during the growing season. Use special nitrogenous fertilizer for these exotic plants.

Royal orchid blooms

Long flowering is one of the mainsigns of this plant. Most species of royal orchids bloom from late summer to mid-autumn. Some species of phalaenopsis delight the owners with flowers almost all year round. Wanda blooms in late September - early October.

royal orchid care at home

The color palette is very wide.Orchids can be white, pink, maroon, yellow, lilac, purple. Remember, unusual shades like the aforementioned blue, as well as black and green, are not varieties, but artificial coloring. The royal orchid is a pretty beautiful flower and, in its natural color, does not need to experiment with paint.

A peduncle appears on the stem of the plant.Soon will give beautiful orchids. If after flowering, which, by the way, will happen very soon (after 2 months), it is better not to touch the peduncle. It can dry out and fall off on its own, or it can bloom again in time.

You can use this vegetative part for plant reproduction.

Kids royal orchids

At home, it is not so easy, but it is still possible to propagate this plant. But it should be remembered that once a royal orchid, care for it must be appropriate.

In their natural habitat, these plants multiply by seed. But at home it is not possible, so the growers use the vegetative method.

A lifelong orchid throws awayyoung shoots. It is necessary to deposit them in separate pots, but this should be done carefully. You can not drop off the kids during the flowering of orchids, which can last quite a long time. After the fall of the color you need to wait another 3-4 weeks before starting the growing season.

If the orchid is in no hurry to please you with children, shecan help a little. To do this, locate the bud on the flowering stem and make a circular incision along it. Lubricate this place with a growth activator (purchased at a flower shop) or fresh birch sap. This method works flawlessly, kids do not have to wait long.

If you learn to plant your own orchids yourself, you will soon be able to arrange a real greenhouse at home without additional costs.

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