/ / Work in the FSB: how to get a job?

Work in the FSB: how to get a job?

The FSB, as an organization that performscounterintelligence and intelligence functions, as well as combating crime and terrorism, has existed for eighteen years already. Its famous predecessors - the Cheka, the NKVD, the KGB, from which it took over the baton. By the way, the current president Putin was the second director of this state structure.

work in fsb
Работа в ФСБ - это мечта многих и многих.Employment in the security service promises both interesting activities and career prospects. An employee of this state structure can become a Russian citizen who does not have any foreign citizenship, has a high level of personal and professional qualities. A candidate for FSB workers must submit a number of documents to the local security service body: a statement, an autobiography, a special questionnaire, an identity card, a passport, a military certificate, civil status certificates (birth, marriage, adoption, name change, etc.). The process of studying the applicant's data takes an average of three months, after which the personnel officer informs him of the final decision.

how to get to work in fsb
Работа в ФСБ имеет как свои плюсы, так и минусы.Its specificity is that every employee must keep secret all the information pertaining to his activity, and be prepared for the fact that all the details of his life will be known to his superiors. Work in the FSB, judging by the reviews of some of its former employees, often requires both exertion and sometimes boring "paper" work, and the salary level of many does not suit. Employees must obey the established rules, the violation of at least one of them threatens to be dismissed. Sometimes working in the FSB requires that a person learn to "live in someone else's skin," skillfully impersonating someone who he is not. It is necessary when introducing into a terrorist or gangster group - to gather information or liquidate some members of an illegal organization.

how to get a job in fsb
So, how to get to work in the FSB?The answer to this question is partly based on what is written above. First, the applicant for employment in this institution should have only Russian citizenship. Another of the most important requirements is the higher education of a candidate for security personnel. Further, the applicant must not have a criminal past. It is compulsory to undergo a thorough medical examination of his psychological and physical condition. Further, all the data of both the applicant and his relatives are checked. A number of normative requirements for the physical preparation of the candidate are also being presented - in particular, it must be tightened more than ten times on the crossbar, run a maximum of four minutes, twenty-five seconds. Apply a particularly careful approach to assessing personal qualities - the speed of thinking, communication skills, the level of intelligence, psychological compliance of the post.

So, before you get a job in the FSB, you need to go through a comprehensive test. Its results are recorded in the candidate's personal file.

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