/ / Where can I get a certificate of the composition of the family? Design nuances

Where can I get a certificate of the composition of the family? Design nuances

Quite often when you draw up various benefits,loans or to participate in other legal procedures, some kind of document is required, the receipt of which is possible only when applying to a government agency. Most often it has a short term. A variety of such documents includes a certificate of the composition of the family. But not everyone knows where to turn to receive it, what documents will be needed, for how long it will be valid. These and several other important issues will be considered below.

Certificate of the composition of the family
As for the place of issue, everything is sufficientsimply - issuing certificates and issuing them is done either in the Housing Committee or at the passport office. Now let's take a closer look at all the other frequently asked questions.

Required requisites

Registration of certificates

Where to get a certificate of the composition of the family, it is now clear, but what should be indicated in it and what documents will be required for its registration is a more complicated issue. So let's sort it out in order.

This certificate carries information about the tenants registered in one apartment or house, as well as its degree of relationship.

There are a number of mandatory requisites that are inherent in this form. It:

  • date of issue;
  • outgoing registration number;
  • the signature of the head of the institution, which handles the issuance of certificates;
  • printing.

In the absence of at least one of these requisites, the certificate may not be accepted at the place of demand.

Required documents

To get help on form 9, you will need toWrite a statement with your own hand or fill out the application form that you have submitted. You should be given it at the place of issue of the certificate or give a sample, focusing on which, it is easy to write an application yourself.

Where can I find the certificate of the family composition?
This is the first. Next, you will need to attach to the application copies of the following documents:

  • passport or other documents that can verify your identity;
  • papers on the ownership of an apartment or a house;
  • power of attorney (in the event that you do not do the paperwork yourself).

Usually it takes 2-3 days for the certificate to be issued, alldepends on the specific passport office and the workload of the employees. Sometimes you can get a certificate right on the day of treatment. Such a document is valid for 14 days.

If you live in the private sector, you will need a home book to get a registration certificate. Do not forget to take it with you if it is kept in your hands.

You can get help only by someone who stands on theregistration registration at this address, unauthorized persons not registered in this residential area, such a certificate will not be issued. Where to get a certificate of the family, in the department of the passport office or Housing office, you will have to clarify yourself, as it often depends on the area in which you live.

Legal and illegal reasons for refusal to issue a certificate

Employees of the housing office may refuse to issue youa certificate of registration (the same as the composition of the family), pointing to your unpaid utility bills. This reason for the refusal is illegal. To resolve this issue, you may be offered to sign a receipt, in which you agree in the near future to pay off debts for the apartment. Do it or not, it's up to you. But the certificate must be issued to you in any case.

Getting Help
One more example.Let's say that two people from your family are registered on one living space, and one more on another (in another area). Where can I get a certificate on the composition of the family in this case? Housing office in the certificate indicates only two registered in the apartment, which refers to it by territoriality. And you need to confirm the full composition of the family. To do this, you need to take another certificate at the place of residence of another member of the family, and already to these two documents you have available, attach documents that indicate your relationship.

Now, having got acquainted with the information, you have received the answer to the question of interest to many: where to get a certificate of the composition of the family.

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