/ / Social guarantees of police officers in the light of the new Federal Law

Social guarantees of police officers in the light of the new Federal Law

This document was waited for a long time by a huge army(about 1 million) people in epaulets, its exit is the final stage of the reform of the Interior Ministry system undergoing in the Russian Federation. What kind of social guarantees for police officers does he consider how much the police will earn each month, is it realistic for an employee to purchase new housing, how will his pension grow? Let me briefly introduce the main aspects of the social life of defenders.

First of all, it is worth noting that this is the firstThe law that builds a new model in the social aspect of the existence of policemen. He is the first act of a social nature, elevated to the rank of the Federal Law.

Social guarantees of police officers: on the monetary allowance of employees

The money allowance system is completely changing,which is brought to a whole new level. Salary of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs consists of the official salary and the salary assigned according to the assigned rank. If earlier the list of additional payments consisted of 40 points, but now they were able to unite in 8. Namely, social guarantees for the police are expressed, including in the following additional payments:

  • The monetary extra charge for long service is charged monthly, the amount varies according to the length of service and is equal to 10-40% of the salary amount.
  • Monetary allowance for the qualification rank (5-30% of the amount of official salary).
  • The monetary extra charge for special conditions in the service is 100% of the salary.
  • Extra charge, charged for working with data classified as state secret. The size depends on the secrecy of the data and is up to 65% of the salary amount.
  • Premium payments are calculated on the basis of three salaries of the annual monetary maintenance.
  • Extra charges charged for the implementation of particularly dangeroustasks that involve risks to life, health, as well as the achievement of an employee during peacetime (up to 100% of the salary).
  • District coefficients (service in the Far North, deserts and highlands, etc.).

If you transfer this to a money symbol, thenthe salary of the lieutenant today is approximately 33 thousand rubles., we add to it additional charges, it turns out about 45 thousand rubles. at the most rough and general estimates.

Social guarantees for police officers: improvement of living conditions

And here there are several ways to solve the problem:

  • a one-time payment for direct purchase or construction of own housing;
  • Alternative option:housing construction at the expense of budgetary funds (appropriations), as a result, the employee is proposed to purchase a living space in the ownership or residence under the conditions of social hiring;

Since the beginning of the 12th year, subsidies have been introduced to purchasehousing police officers who served in the police department for ten or more years. It is also noteworthy that the social protection of workers, district police officers, based on the provision of housing on the area entrusted to them, is preserved and strengthened.

Social guarantees of police officers associated with increased danger of service in the organs

The new law provides for a package of measures in the event of the death of an employee or injury during a service that caused a disability, including.

For example, children of deceased employees receivethe preemptive right to enter the best educational institutions of the Russian Federation, the family of the deceased policeman receives up to 10 salaries in a new calculation for each member of the family at the time of the occurrence of the insured event. If the employee was killed while serving, this amount is 3 million rubles.

Social guarantees for police officers, compensation for injuries, disabilities, as well as the rates of sanatorium or health care are described in detail in the Law.

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