Driving license temporarily withdrawn on the basis ofcourt decisions are obtained after confirming the knowledge of traffic rules. This provision is fixed by the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Retake of rights after deprivation has some subtleties that all car owners should know.
Retake of rights after deprivation is required for thosewho received such a punishment from 01.09.13. If the car owner was committed administrative misconduct, then he loses his driver's license for a while. After the commencement of the court decision, by virtue of the need to send the document to the traffic police within 3 days
If there is a desire to appeal the decision, thenIdentity must pass after the start of the act of appeal. 10 days are allocated for appeal. Certificates are fixed in the database. In order to avoid problems, a temporary document is also submitted.
To get a new category, you mustcomplete the training and pass the exam. Everything begins with the theory, and after its successful mastering comes the practical part. To get category E, you need to travel for at least a year with B, C, or D. And to open DE, you need to operate the machine with D for at least a year. Categories are designed to manage a specific transport.
Deprivation of a driver's license occurs only by a court decision. There must be good reasons for this:
In order not to be deprived of rights, you need to follow the rules.traffic and always take documents with you. At careful trips many unpleasant situations are excluded. But if you still took the document, you need to timely retake the driver's license after the deprivation.
Every offense is punishable by law. The road inspector should:
Protocol is a document in whichspelled out the details of the violation. Its content is taken into account when deciding. But if it is made incorrectly, it can be challenged in court. And if it is recognized as invalid, the offense is unlikely to be considered by the court.
The document should contain the following data:
After registration of the protocol is marked inID The inspector must explain the rights, duties and actions to the violator. Drivers signs the protocol if all is true. But he has the right to refuse it, since it is established by law. All disputes are resolved by the court.
Для получения удостоверения необходима пересдача theory after deprivation of rights. Although part 1 of Art. 1.7 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation it is known that such rules are valid from 01/09/2013, yet many traffic police officers force people to return the theory to return the document.
In this case, there is also a way out:in traffic police it is necessary to take a written refusal, and go with him to court. It is necessary to refer to the norms of the law. According to art. 32.6 of the Administrative Code, requires not only the retake of rights after the deprivation, but also payment of existing fines. You can learn about debts on the traffic police resource, state services and traffic police.
If you are deprived of rights, now retake the traffic rules examsneed necessarily. You must know the legal deadlines. The penalty expires 10 days after the court ruling. This period is available for appeal. To the date of drawing up is added 10 days and the entire period of punishment.
Документ можно забирать на следующий день после end of the period of deprivation. But the law has changed. Now retake the exam after deprivation of rights can be performed after half the sentence. But getting a document is still possible only with the expiration of the sentence.
Go for obtaining a certificate is necessary in the traffic police. This will require:
Retake of rights after deprivation costs 4,500 rubles.Each attempt involves payment in full. If the first attempt to retake failed, then there is the right to a secondary attempt after 7 days. The number of such events is not limited.
Пересдача ПДД после лишения прав осуществляется в as a test. Provides 20 minutes to answer 20 questions. To successfully pass the exam, you can make no more than 2 errors. In this test, there are no questions related to medicine and theory. After that, an examination card is provided, which will allow you to get right.
But there is a situation when the offense happens in another city. In this case, the judgment and the surrender of rights will occur there. You can return the card in two ways:
Although retake after deprivation of rights is available atafter the expiration of half of the sentence, return the certificate ahead of time will not work. If the driver gives the inspector a bribe, then such actions can be punished.
In Art. 327 of the Criminal Code indicated the penalty for using false documents. In this case, there may be an arrest for 6 months. If the inspector is an accomplice, he will have to answer before the law.
Not only retake is necessary after deprivation of rights.It is required to undergo a medical examination, but only in those cases if the certificate is taken away because of alcohol intoxication. The certificate is issued no earlier than 30 days before the end of the term of deprivation. It is also necessary for those who have refused a medical examination.
A medical examination must take place when deprived ofhealth conditions. Based on the results, a conclusion is given that the driver can drive a car. Rights will be returned, and the exam is not required to pass.
There are differences between retake after deprivationand classic procedure. The tickets will not be questions about fines and first aid. They have everything on the road. Only 40 tickets with 20 questions in each. 20 minutes are given, and there are 2 possibilities for error. For 1 error, 5 questions are provided.
Tickets vary by category AB andCD. They are provided in the highest category. For example, if rights of the form “BC” were collected, the “CD” block will be given. There are no fees for exams. They are held in the traffic police. Practice is not necessary.
Individual tips on retake after deprivationrights can provide automobile lawyer. But still there are general rules about the passage of the procedure. Before submitting documents, you must check for unpaid fines. It is not necessary to present receipts with a re-transfer, but it is advisable to take them with you.
Inspectors do not allow those who have debts, who are bailiffs, to surrender traffic rules. The alimony debt is carefully checked. The law states the reduction of the term of punishment when:
For paid debts, the inspector must accept the documentation and select the date of the exam.
При вождении без прав положен штраф в сумме 30 thousand rubles. If there has already been a deprivation, then an administrative penalty in the amount of 5-15 thousand rubles is assumed. It is also legitimate to detain up to 15 days and correctional work for -200 hours.
If the driver has forgotten the rights, it is providedpunishment under Article 12.3 of the Administrative Code. The administrative penalty will be equal to 500 rubles. But in this case there can be a custody of the car until the circumstances are clarified.
Lost rights can be restored in 2 months.This period is established by law. First you need to contact the registration point by submitting an application. At the time of recovery, a temporary certificate is provided, which also allows you to drive and drive.
After the withdrawal protocoldriving license by the court begins the consideration of the case. The driver is informed about the place and time of the meeting. He can get acquainted with the materials, put forward evidence, petitions, use the services of a lawyer, appeal the verdict.
По результату слушания принимается решение об administrative punishment or dismissal. The decision is made in the absence of the composition or event of violation. Sometimes an oral comment is presented.
Водительские права имеют срок действия 10 лет.It is necessary to renew documents in a timely manner, otherwise a punishment is provided. According to Art. 12.7, a fine of 5-15 thousand rubles. This equates to a situation where the driver does not have rights.
Given the amount of penalties, drivers need to rememberabout one thing - do not forget the rights and not lose them. If you follow the rules of traffic rules, you can move freely on your own transport without fear of losing your license.