/ / Registration of power of attorney for a pension. The form of a power of attorney for a pension

Execution of power of attorney to receive a pension. Form of power of attorney for pension

In accordance with the law, the stateprovides material compensation to certain categories of citizens. But there are situations when they can not come for money on their own, so it makes sense to ask for help. A power of attorney for the right to receive a pension is the easiest way to receive benefits to another person, if the pensioner himself can not do it.

Categories of citizens eligible for retirement

The state provides support to pensioners in the form of monetary security, which is called a "pension." Depending on the reason for receiving cash compensation, it happens:

  • By old age (citizens who have reached the age specified by law) fall into this category.
  • By disability (this category includes persons who are disabled due to poor health).
  • According to years of service (issued for citizens who are engaged in professional activities in certain areas).
    Power of Attorney to receive a pension

How to issue a power of attorney for a pension

A power of attorney is a certified document issued by one citizen to another for presentation to a third party. Forms of power of attorney for a pension the notary can assure but this service ispaid. To certify such a document can officials of the organization where the pensioner receives benefits. This option is absolutely free and does not require confirmation of the notary office. Anyone with this type of document will be able to receive a pension.

Ways of compilation:

  • Have a notary in any public or private institution.
  • At the place of residence of the pensioner in the district council.
  • At the place of work or study of the principal.
  • In a medical facility where a person is undergoing treatment.

There are some exceptions when trusteddocuments are equivalent to notarized certification. In this case, we are talking about adults and able-bodied persons who are under social protection. In this situation, the certificate is produced by the head or the administration of the organization (survivor’s benefit allowance).

Power of attorney for the right to receive a pension

The form of a power of attorney for a pension includes the following items:

  • Place (full name of the structure) and date of issue.
  • Personal data, allowing to recognize the principal and attorney (name, passport data, date and place of birth).
  • Type of pension (old age, disability or seniority).
  • Full name of the institution where the right to receive a pension is given (name of organization or private structure, existing address of location and contact numbers).
  • The term of the power of attorney. If you do not specify it, then the authority will be invalid. The maximum period of validity usually does not exceed three years.
  • Full details of the official who recorded the authenticity of the power of attorney (full name, position).

The power of attorney certification procedure

The necessary conditions for securing a trusted document:

  • Power of attorney for a pension is confirmedthe signature of the responsible person of the enterprise or organization with full indication of the surname, name and patronymic. The presence of the original seal (stamp) in the document is a prerequisite.
  • In the powers of attorney certified by notary bodies, the official stamp is obligatory.
  • For persons under arrest prior to a court sentence, the documents are certified by the head of the SIZO.

Forms of power of attorney for a pension

According to a properly executed document, the recipient has the right to represent the interests of the pensioner in the Pension Fund at the place of registration:

  • Submit on behalf of the principal an application for the appointment and recalculation of compensation.
  • Get the necessary documents for pension payments (certificates).
  • Open a personal retirement account for your ward.

Termination of Power of Attorney

There are various circumstances on the basis of which a pension power of attorney can be terminated:

  • The end of the period specified in the document.
  • The decision of the principal to cancel (the person who issued the power of attorney is obliged to notify attorneys and third parties in writing).
  • Refusal of the attorney to fulfill its obligations.
  • In connection with the death, absence and recognition as incapable of principals or attorneys.
    The form of the power of attorney to receive a pension

How is the delivery of a pension by proxy, which is more than 1 year

Доставка происходит на протяжении всего срока legal life of the power of attorney with the obligatory condition of annual confirmation by the pensioner of the fact of registration at the place of receipt of the benefit. This circumstance is due to the fact that the place of registration may change, which must be indicated in the new document. If the period of validity is not specified, the power of attorney becomes relevant for one year.

Ways to confirm:

  • Personal presence of an attorney with a passport and an application for the extension of the payment of a pension by proxy.
  • With the help of an application, passport data or an extract that contains the facts about the place of residence, set out by the pensioner himself.
  • Provided that the principal at least once during the year personally received benefits. The validity of the power of attorney with a range of 1 year starts from this date.

Not accepted for enforcement proceedings:

  • Documents of people serving time in correctional organizations.
  • Power of Attorney without a date of commission.

Starting from September 1, 2013, in addition tonotarization, power of attorney for a pension can be confirmed by the organization (place of work or study of the principal) and the management of the medical institution where the pensioner receives the treatment he needs. Documents confirmed by the housing organization at the place of registration are not subject to production. Currently, power of attorney can be issued for any period.

To issue a power of attorney for a pension


Labor law permits paymentcash compensation on the basis of an authorized document, if the design complies with all civil law standards. Therefore, the pensioner has all the rights and reasons to entrust the receipt of benefits to a third party.

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