/ / Can I change my passport to the MFC? Description of procedure and recommendations

Can I change my passport to the MFC? Description of procedure and recommendations

Today we have to find out whether it is possible to changepassport in the MFC. What documents may be required to implement this idea? How long does it take to receive a new ID? In which cases can I turn to multifunctional centers to solve the task? The answers to all these questions will be given below. In fact, it is easier to understand the topic under study than it seems. Especially if a person has already dealt with the MFC.

MFC is ...

The first step is to find out what a multifunctional center is. What was it created for?

Can I change my passport in MFZ?

МФЦ собой представляет организацию, carrying out registration of state and municipal services. These centers were created to reduce the burden on government bodies. They are somewhat like the "services of one window."

Can I change my passport to the MFC? The answer will depend on several conditions. They will be discussed further on. In multifunctional centers, in principle:

  • open / close the IP;
  • execute certain documents;
  • submit documents for the purpose of benefits and payments.

All this greatly facilitates the life of the population. MFC for today in different cities is endowed with a variety of functions and capabilities. Most often they coincide in all regions.

First Receipt

Can I get a passport at the MFC? For example, when you issue a document for the first time.

In Russia today, the primary designthe identity card is issued at 14 years. In this situation, you can not apply to the MFC for the time being. The thing is that the first passport is compulsorily registered in the regional bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Federal Migration Service. Such rules are in force in Russia in 2017.

can I change my passport in mfc


Can I change the expired passport in the MFC? Yes.Today multifunctional centers make out a huge number of documents and services. Among the main functions of the organization are the re-registration of overdue passports.

That is, if the deadline is missedwas replaced by a citizen's identity card, multifunctional centers will accept the relevant documents for the issuance of a passport. This is quite normal phenomenon. Only in this case it is necessary to pay a penalty for the delay of the document.

According to the age

Is it possible to change the passport in the MFC with a legalneed to replace it? Say, by age. This is a very common case, which can not be avoided. Under the law, in Russia the identity card is issued initially at the age of 14. Change it by the age of 20 and 45 years. These are mandatory procedures.

Can I change my passport through the MFC in thisthe case? Yes, this service is provided to the entire population of the Russian Federation. The main thing is to contact either the regional branch of the multifunctional center or the regional one. The replacement of the ID card by age in the MFC does not have any significant features.

Loss and change of surname

When may anotherPassport registration? For example, if you lose, steal or change your personal data. In other words, any reason, except for the delay and the onset of a particular age.

Can I change my passport to the MFC ifhave you stolen your identity card? Completely. In the same way as when changing personal data, as well as when the document is damaged. On how to specifically replace the passport through a multifunctional center, will be discussed further.

Is it possible to change the passport of the Russian Federation

From all that has been said above, it is possible to use the services of the said organization if necessary:

  • secondary registration of the passport by age;
  • receipt of identity documents after loss / damage;
  • replacement of the document due to changes in personal information (marriage / divorce).

In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. Many citizens insist that applying to the MFC for replacement and obtaining a passport is easier than realizing these transactions through government agencies.

Foreign passports

Is it possible to change the passport in the MFC, necessary for travel? More precisely, foreign. This service interests many people.

As already mentioned, multifunctional centerswere opened for the provision of municipal and public services. The first registration of a civil passport is not allowed here, but secondary appeals take place. What can you say about foreign passports?

As practice shows, they are issued and issued in all MFCs. It is possible to obtain a foreign passport in the given organization as well as to re-register it.

Term of replacement

How long will it take to wait for a document to be ready? The answer to this question is not as simple as it seems.

Can I change the passport of the Russian Federation in the MFC? Yes.The procedure for obtaining the procedure is extremely simple. In practice, the issuance of identity cards through multifunctional centers is faster than through the FMS or the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The process takes about 14 days. The exact time of document replacement will depend on the load on one or another MFC, but it can not exceed 1 month.

A similar situation develops with foreignpassports. They are exchanged within 14-30 days. If prepared, MFC staff will inform the citizen about the need to receive the document. If a person has come not at the place of residence, but at the place of residence, the period for issuing a foreign passport is extended. It will depend on the burden on the organization, but the duration of the service should not exceed 120 days.

whether it is possible to change the expired passport in mfz

Ways to design

Can I change the passport of the Russian Federation in the MFC or get it for the first time? Primary treatment, as already said, is impossible. But the re-registration of the citizen's identity card is carried out here.

To issue a passport, as well as other documents, with its subsequent receipt in the multifunctional center you can:

  1. Through "State services". When applying for a passport exchange, you will have to indicate in the "Method of receiving" box a particular MFC. It is recommended to choose an organization at the place of registration of a person.
  2. By referring to the intermediaries. This method is used very rarely in practice. Usually intermediaries help to issue a passport, but you need to get it in the MFC.
  3. When personally contacting a multifunctional center. This is the most common situation, requiring no special knowledge and skills.

Passport can be obtained at any MFC. The submission of documents is recommended, as already said, at the place of registration of a citizen. So the service will be provided more quickly.

Is it possible to change the passport of the Russian Federation in the MFTS or to receive

On the order of circulation

Now a little more about how to issue a passport through a multifunctional center. It is not so difficult as it seems. It is necessary to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions.

Can I change my passport in the MFC and how? To implement the idea in life will require:

  1. Make an appointment at the multifunctional center. Usually, this step is skipped, and citizens come to this or that organization in the order of a "live line".
  2. Collect a certain package of documents. It directly depends on the reason for the replacement of the identity card.
  3. Contact the district or regional department of the MFC. With a must, take all the necessary paper to provide the service. They will be discussed further on.
  4. Apply to the MFC to replace the identity card. Attached to it are all documents prepared in advance.
  5. Wait until the passport is ready. Come to the MFC, where the service was arranged to pick up the document.

Nothing more is needed. The main difficulties can arise with the collection of certain documents for the exchange of identity cards.

On the documents for the passport of the Russian Federation

Can I change my passport to the MFC? This service is offered in all cities of Russia without exception. This is normal.

Passport can be obtained at any mfs feed

What documents will be required in this case? When replacing the passport through the MFC, the citizen will have to bring with him:

  • application (usually completed on-site);
  • birth certificate;
  • photos (3-4 pieces, size 35 by 45 millimeters);
  • an extract from the house book;
  • birth certificates of children (if any);
  • marriage / divorce certificates (if any);
  • receipt of payment of state fee;
  • documents indicating the payment of a fine for delay, loss or damage to the passport (in appropriate situations);
  • arrival and departure cards;
  • military ticket (if available);
  • old passport.

No more papers are needed.This is enough to make a passport in the MFC. Leaflets of arrival and departure in the said organization do not always require. Often you can do without them. It's enough just to confirm your registration documentarily.

Documents for a foreign passport

It is clear whether it is possible to change the passport in the MFC. What documents are required from a person who wants to issue a passport through this organization?

The list of securities is standard. Among them are:

  • the passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • application for a passport;
  • old passport (if available);
  • copies of the questionnaire for the issuance of the document (2 pieces);
  • receipt of payment of state fee;
  • photographs (3 pieces, measuring 3.5 x 4.5 millimeters);
  • birth certificate (for children).

whether it is possible to change the passport in MFs and how

In addition, the citizen can ask for documents indicating the marital status. For example, a certificate of marriage or divorce. They are not necessary to bring along, but it is desirable.

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