The right to a mistake has the representatives of allprofessions. However, this does not always affect others. But the mistakes of doctors are sometimes very expensive. If you believe that your rights as a patient are violated, then you can always challenge the actions of medical professionals. A complaint against a doctor is a kind of feedback in the relationship between the doctor and the patient, which reflects the result of his work in a negative sense.
If you are rude
Any trip to the hospital, even on your owna minor matter - the procedure is not pleasant. And if you sit in a huge queue for a day, and in addition you are still rude in the office, it really seems like hell.
Many patients, unfortunately, turn a blind eye toincorrect attitude on the part of medical personnel. No doctor has the right to be rude to you, much less refuse to provide medical services without a good reason. If you were put in a hospital at the door, demanded a bribe, refused to accept - only a complaint against a doctor will help to restore justice. Describe here, what exactly is expressed the misconduct of the medical worker. To submit such a paper is better directly to the reception of the chief doctor.
If you have an incorrect diagnosis
Medical rudeness is not the worst thing that can happen to a patient. A more sad situation occurs when the doctor makes an erroneous diagnosis and applies the wrong therapy.
The patient starts to follow his instructions conscientiously and suddenly realizes that the treatment does not give any result at all, and time is ruthlessly gone. In this case, the doctor's fault will be more difficult to prove.
Legislation guarantees that every patient or his relatives have the right to use such a defense mechanism as a complaint against a doctor. A sample of such a document can be cited as follows:
If the treatment resulted in death
However difficult it may be to realize, sometimes the patient's death occurs precisely due to the wrong actions of medical personnel. The negligence of the doctor must be strictly punishable.
How to act in this case?Relatives of the deceased compose a complaint against a doctor who performed the treatment of the deceased. After its consideration, the hospital management, as a rule, conducts an official investigation. The essence of this process is to appoint an expert commission, which will determine the degree of the doctor's guilt.
This group may not recognize that there was a fact of medical error. Then you have the right to apply to higher authorities, up to the Ministry of Health.
On the one hand, a complaint against a doctor maysignificantly help in resolving the conflict with health workers. And on the other hand, remain without proper consideration. Even if it comes to court, then to bring a medic to justice and prove his guilt will be difficult.
It turns out that not always canact such an argument as a complaint against a doctor. An example of a really strict punishment, imposed by a court on at least one "person in a white coat," is even difficult to cite.
In any case, it is necessary to defend their rights to the end, using for this all legitimate ways.