/ / Powers of the State Duma: opportunities and responsibilities

Powers of the State Duma: Opportunities and Responsibilities

Powers of the State Duma, its role in theparticipation in the management of the state - all this is of great interest to the people. The State Duma is an organ of legislative power, and that is why its activities should be aimed at the interests of the population as a whole.

powers of the State Duma

Powers of the State Duma

Objects that are managed by thislegislative authority, are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It is worth recalling that it was adopted by a popular referendum. So, the powers of the State Duma of the Russian Federation include:

  • Adoption and consideration of bills (this is the main function of the lower house of the Federal Assembly).
  • Issuance of consent to the appointment of the Head of GovernmentTo the President of the country. It is the State Duma that reviews the President's proposal within a week. It is worth noting that the candidate must personally come to the legislative body and answer questions that will be asked for no more than half an hour. After such a poll, the factions vote. There may also be a situation where a secret closed ballot will be needed.
    powers of the State Duma of the Russian Federation
    If the candidate declines, a newa project for which consideration is also given one week. After rejecting the third candidate, the President has the right to dissolve the State Duma and appoint the head of the executive power independently.
  • Approval of the state budget.The powers of the State Duma include this point as well. It has one peculiarity: the budget is adopted after four readings, also the lower house approves the full report on the execution of the state budget by the Government.
  • Resolution of the issue of distrust / confidence in the Government.The State Duma of the Russian Federation may decide that the executive power in the country causes mistrust. If this is confirmed by a majority of votes, then the Government will be dissolved.
  • Declaration of amnesty. The powers of the State Duma are extended to this sphere as well, and this decision was made more than 10 times in the entire history, the most recent of which took place 10 years ago.
  • Appointment of certain officials.The State Duma has the right to appoint the chairmen of the Accounts Chamber and the Central Bank of Russia, as well as the ombudsman for human rights. The first are appointed after the recommendation, and the last - on the basis of the rating vote.
     State Duma of the Russian Federation
  • The issue of mistrust of the President.And the State Duma has such a function. It is she who has the right to put forward such an offer, but it will be valid only if more than 150 deputies vote for him.
  • Consideration of some foreign policy issues (only on the appeal of the head of state).
  • Submitting an application to the Constitutional Court to review the compliance of laws with the Constitution of the country.

The above-mentioned powers of the State Duma are important for our country, since it is an organ of legislative power, and it is on it that the well-being of the population of Russia depends.

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