/ / What documents for privatization are required today

What documents are required for privatization today

In the Russian Federationthe final terms of free housing privatization were established. Experience shows that citizens are in a hurry to the organizations involved in this procedure at the last moment, where they are faced with the fact that they do not know what documents for privatization may be required.

documents for privatization

The main document governing the transition toprivate ownership of residential premises in Russia, is the law number 1541 - 1, issued in 1991 (July 4). It includes the definition of privatization, a list of objects that are subject and not subject to transfer to ownership. In accordance with Article 7 of the law, the transfer to private ownership is formalized by the transfer agreement, which is concluded between citizens and entities that owned these residential properties before (local government bodies, institution, enterprise, etc.).

The order of transition of living quarters to privatepossession may vary slightly for different regions. However, there is a list of documents for privatization, which is used universally. It is the following:

- One copy of the certificate on form seven.

- Two copies of the help on the form nine.

- Copies of the warrant, certified in the housing office - 2 pcs.

- An order issued by the executive authority, on the basis of which an order was formed, if it was issued after January 1, 1998.

- The cadastral and technical passport received in the PIB and two photocopies of these documents (issued on the basis of forms 7 and 9).

- Notarized refusal to participate in the privatization process and a copy of the passport of the refusing (or his personal presence).

- Passports, birth certificates of all persons,applying for privatization, and their photocopies. For persons from 14 to 18 years old they require both a passport and a birth certificate. For citizens under the age of 14, only a birth certificate is required. It should be noted that when documents are submitted for privatization, it is necessary that all the applicants are personally present.

- Notarized power of attorney, copiespassports of trustees and a copy of the power of attorney, in the event that one of those applying for a residential premises in private ownership can not personally appear.

documents for housing privatization

Also, documents for the privatization of housing implies the availability of:

- Notarized power of attorney in the FRS from all persons who participate in privatization, and its two photocopies.

- Documents confirming the change of name, surname or patronymic, if any.

- Permits of guardianship and trusteeship structures, if necessary.

- Security certificate for reserved rooms.

- Certificates on the form of nine from all places of residence and confirmation of non-participation in privatization from district agencies for those who changed the place of registration.

- Agreement on social hiring and its photocopies(if it was concluded). If there are citizens who refuse to privatize, in the presence of a contract on social hiring, they must provide an additional power of attorney certified by a notary to terminate this contract.

list of documents for privatization

Documents for the privatization of premisesunder the jurisdiction of departments (economic or operational), include a certificate from the FRS about the state registration of the right of operational or economic management of this premises. You also need a power of attorney for the head of this departmental structure and an order for his appointment.

After the applicant submitted the documents forprivatization, he can expect an answer within two months. Directly in the property of the premises come from the moment of state registration of the rights of owners in the corresponding state register.

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