/ / Gas masks GP-7: description, characteristics and device

Gas masks GP-7: description, characteristics and device

Gas masks GP-7 are the latest and testedmodels that reliably protect the user from the effects of various toxic agents. With this equipment, you can protect the respiratory system, face, eyes from different substances - from poisonous to radioactive dust and biological aerosols.

A bit of history

GP-7's first gas mask was developed in the 1980slast century. Due to the revision of the previous version of the gas mask GP-5, the mask of the new model has become safer and safer, the ears do not close, as the belt fastening system was modified. With the help of filtering gas masks, it is ensured protection from poisonous substances of combat type. True, the characteristics of the gas mask GP-7 as a defender in the critical concentration of poisons indoors did not deserve good reviews. To date, gas masks of this brand are produced in three factories in Russia.

gas masks GP 7

Assignment of civil gas masks

The main purpose of these gas masks is protectionpopulation, who lives in a hotbed of air pollution with various harmful elements. Such equipment attracts attention with ease of use, ease of dressing and light weight, the ability to breathe clean air without harmful impurities for several hours. The gas mask GP-7 is good in that it can be used simultaneously in combination with special means protecting the head. In addition, modifications to this gas mask have a special drinking device, so you can stay there for a long time. Thanks to the convenient panoramic glass, good visibility is provided. The civil gas mask consists of several elements:

  • filtering-absorbing boxes made of metal;
  • the front of the IHP;
  • non-fogging film - one box;
  • two insulating cuffs MNU-3;
  • bags for a gas mask;
  • a pinch of rubber;
  • instructions for use and formulary for the product.

The gas mask can be supplemented with a DPG-3 cartridge,which complements civil and children's gas masks and thereby extends the scope of their use. The cartridge is able to protect the user from the effects of elements such as ammonia, chlorine, sulfur hydride, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen cyanide, phosgene, amines.

Features of the box

Главное назначение фильтрующе-поглощающей коробки - cleaning the air that a person inhales. The gas masks GP-7 are designed to protect the user from poisonous, radioactive and bacterial agents. To create a box, tin or aluminum alloys are used, which are given a cylindrical shape. In order for the body to be strong, the ridge is created on it. Modern gas masks have plastic or metal boxes, each of which is good in its own way. The lightest gas masks are created on the basis of durable plastic - these devices are characterized by low weight and great convenience and comfortable wearing.

gas mask GP 7 price

The upper lid of the box has necks withscrew thread, which connects it to the front. Sealing is provided by a metal cap and a rubber gasket. In the bottom of the filtering-absorbing box, a hole is thought through, through which inhaled air enters. As an additional equipment, the box has an anti-aerosol filter and a coal-catalyst (charge). The overall dimensions of the gas mask GP-7 when placed in a bag are 285х210х115 mm.

The anti-aerosol filter includesa plate in the form of a special filter cardboard, which is assembled into folds to increase the filtering surface. The shihta is located between two grids, and on top of one of them there is a tampon cardboard - it keeps coal dust.

FPC reliably protects the respiratory organs and face from hydrocyanic acid, cyanogen chloride, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, hydrochloric acid, tetraethyl lead, ethyl mercaptan, nitrobenzene, phenol and furfural.

Front part

civilian gas mask GP 7

Gas masks GP-7 have a front part in the formMask, which is complemented by round eye glasses. Survey glasses are made of quality material and covered with anti-fog films. If the gas mask is to be operated at low temperatures, it is supplemented with a heat insulation cuff, which contributes to maintaining the transparency of the glass during prolonged operation.

The front part of IHL is created by three growths. It includes several elements:

  1. The volumetric type mask, which has an independent obturator, is a strip of thin rubber that provides reliable sealing of the face of the mask on the head.
  2. Spectacle knot.
  3. Intercom (membrane).
  4. Inhalation and exhalation valve assemblies.
  5. Cowl.
  6. Headgear It is needed to secure the front part, it consists of an occipital plate and five straps - they are securely fixed when the mask fits to the face.
  7. Clamping rings, which are fixed film on the glass.

Main advantages

gas mask filtering GP 7
GP-7 gas masks are similar in design and function to previous models, but they also have a number of distinctive features:

  • by reducing the resistance of the filter-absorbing box easier breathing;
  • the inhalation / exhalation valve system is petal-shaped, so the valve box chambers are locked quickly and securely;
  • наличие независимого обтюратора способствует the fact that the user can stay in a gas mask for a long time without experiencing any unpleasant sensations (thanks to him there is less pressure on the face, a high degree of face protection is ensured);
  • The GP-7 civilian gas mask is equipped with a modern intercom (membrane), due to which speech is distinguished by clarity.

Marking and packaging

Each gas mask is labeled:It is applied with a special waterproof mastic on a filter-absorbing box. The data on the product reflects information about the batch number, the series and the number of the FPC, the manufacturing plant, the date of manufacture. There is also a marking on the front part telling about the size, form number and manufacturer.

Storage of gas masks GP-7 is carried out in the original packaging in a box, in each box - 20 sets of products. Their facial parts are stacked in accordance with the size.

Modifications GP-7

One of the popular modifications of civilgas mask GP-7 - GP-7V. It has the front part of IHL-V, which is additionally equipped with a device for receiving water from an ordinary military flask. Such equipment allows you to drink water without removing the gas mask. GP-7V filtering gas mask is necessary as protection against toxic and chemically hazardous substances, radioactive dust, bacterial agents. The composition of the gas mask is as follows: a filter-absorbing box, a front part, a drinking tube from a flask, insulating cuffs, an anti-fog film, a bag and a grill.

GP 7 gas mask device

Another popular type of gas maskGP-7 - gas mask GP-7VM. The peculiarity of this model is in the front form, equipped with trapezoidal viewing glasses, which improve visibility during work. Special intercom and device for receiving water - the main differences of this variety.

Features filtering gas masks

Gas mask device GP-7, which isfiltering, the following: gas bag, a box with anti-fogging films for glass, a lid with a rubber seal that contributes to the tightness of the front, and a rubber stopper. Products GP-7 is in great demand due to a more advanced design and shape of a helmet-mask. They provide safe intake of water, liquid medicine and other fluids in the area that has been contaminated. It is important that the compositions of the FPC can work in an extended period, and the size is thought out in three sizes.

dimensions of gas mask GP 7

Prices for gas masks

Model GP-7B (GP-7VMB) - the cheapest gas maskGP-7. The price of this variety is only 1962 rubles. Its distinctive features - improved protective and ergonomic properties. In the process of developing this model used the latest technology and original technical solutions. With the help of a gas mask it is possible to protect the respiratory organs, eyes and human skin from the harmful effects of various factors. The advantage of this model is in a plastic box FPK, which is different:

  • corrosion resistance;
  • low weight gas mask in general;
  • reversible deformation of the material minimizes the possible conditions for the penetration of air along the walls of the housing;
  • the box is filled with modern coal-catalyst, which improves the protective properties of the equipment and expands the boundaries of its application;
  • plastic box can be used in gas masks, which are protected from organic and inorganic gases, vapors.

This gas mask is used to protect the public from exposure to vapors, gases, aerosols, chemically hazardous substances.

Model GP-7VMB with a plastic box - another available gas mask GP-7. The price for it starts from 2000 rubles. The advantage of this model is in a filter-absorbing box made of durable plastic.

We choose correctly

  1. Для начала нужно обратить внимание на compliance of the front part (helmet-mask) and its serviceability. To fit the dimensions exactly, you need to hold the measuring tape on the closed line of the head through the crown, cheeks and chin.
  2. The results obtained should be compared with the data given in the table to the helmet. Pay attention that there are no cracks on the mask, punctures, glasses should be whole and clean.
  3. A gas mask must be worn and tested so that the mask fits snugly and comfortably to the face.


Противогаз гражданский фильтрующий ГП-7 – это equipment that allows you to timely protect the user from the effects of negative factors. Modern models of this brand are widely used in Russia to protect against vapors and gases that are contained in the air. Effective protection is provided against such harmful factors as:

  • nerve disease;
  • common toxic action;
  • radioactive exposure;
  • blistering effect.

characteristic of gas mask GP 7

In this case, the gas mask will not protect the person inthe case of exposure to carbon monoxide and low-boiling organic substances in the form of methane, ethane, butane, acetylene. Work in the mask is possible up to 12 hours, while only a replacement of the filter-absorbing boxes will be required during their development.

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