/ / Milgamma compositum

Milgamma compositum

"Milgamma compositum" is included in the complexB-group vitamins. The drug is combined. "Milgamma compositum", like other neurotropic B-group vitamins, can have a beneficial effect on the pathology of the motor and nervous system, degenerative and inflammatory.

Active components: pyridoxine hydrochloride, benfotiamine.

"Milgamma." Composition. Description.

The second element is a fat soluble analogthiamine (vitamin B1). B1 performs an important function in carbohydrate metabolism, in the Krebs cycle with subsequent participation in the synthesis of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and TPP (thiamin pyrophosphate).

B6 (pyridoxine) takes part in protein metabolism and in part - fats and carbohydrates.

The physiological function of both elements consists ofin the mutual reinforcement of action. Thus, there is a positive effect on the neuromuscular, nervous and cardiovascular systems. With a lack of B6, "Milgamma compositum" quickly enough eliminates the deficit.

The drug is indicated for neuralgia, paresis of the facialnerve, neuritis (including, retrobulbarnom), plexopathy, ganglionitis, polyneuropathy (including alcoholic, diabetic), neuropathy. "Milgamma compositum" is also prescribed for lumboschialgia, radiculopathy, muscular-tonic syndromes.

Injections of the drug are able to relieve neurological pain.

Inside the medication is prescribed if there are any indications three times a day by a dragee. Duration of admission from one month to one and a half.

Intramuscular injection of Milgamma slowly.With a rapid injection, the patient can feel a strong dizziness, until a faint. Disorder of heart rhythm, convulsions, palpitations may develop.

Severe pain involves daily injections of2 ml for five or ten days once a day. Further (after alleviating the condition), they either switch to the use of a dragee inside, or to a less frequent administration of the solution intramuscularly (two to three weeks, two to three times a week).

The use of medication can provoke shortness of breath, hives, Quincke's edema, acne, anaphylactic shock, increased sweating. In rare cases, tachycardia is noted.

Contraindicated "Milgamma" in childhood, with decompensated heart failure, with hypersensitivity, lactation, in the prenatal period.

When an overdose of the drug (dragees), it is necessary to wash the stomach, conduct symptomatic treatment, take activated charcoal.

The effectiveness of B6 in the therapeutic dosage can be lowered by the drug Levodopa.

When interacting with D-penicillamine, cycloserine, sulfonamides, norepinephrine, epinephrine, the action of pyridoxine may decrease.

Solutions containing sulfates can completely dissolve thiamine. In the presence of products formed as a result of the decomposition of B vitamin, inactivation of other vitamins occurs.

Thiamine is incompatible with mercuric chloride, oxidizingcomponents, carbonate, iodide, tannic acid, acetate, iron ammonium citrate, metabisulfite, dextrose, benzylpenicillin, riboflavin, pentobarbital.

Acceleration of the destruction of the component provokes copper. The activity of thiamine also decreases with an increase in pH (more than three).

Many specialists consider "Milgamma" to be "zloty"standard "in the therapy of angiopathy and polyneuropathies of a diabetic nature. Due to the content of lidocaine in the solution for injections, the administration of the drug is practically painless.

In the treatment of "Milgamma compositum" complete pain relief was noted in 30-60% of cases with the recommended therapeutic dosage after six weeks of treatment.

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