/ / Sweating at night: causes and treatment

Sweating at night: causes and treatment

The human body has a function of sweating,which is necessary for regulating body temperature. With the help of sweat, the skin is protected and cooled. Therefore, normally a person should sweat at an elevated temperature or during physical exercises. Another cause of sweating may be a stressful situation or nausea. However, sweating at night is a pathological symptom associated with other factors.

So, if a child has sweat in his dream, thencause may be hyperactivity. However, in such manifestations in adults, the doctor should be alerted and diagnosed in order to rule out the development of a serious disease. In some cases, night sweats are a symptom of generalized general sweating. Rarely, such manifestations are symptoms of lymphogranulomatosis and tuberculosis.

Also, sweating at night cause such diseases,as gastroesophageal reflux, immunodeficiency states, tumors, obstructive sleep apnea, hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia. In addition, sweating can provoke drugs from the temperature, to reduce pressure, etc.

A very frequent reason, as a result of whichthere is a regular strong sweating at night, are tumorous diseases, which, being in the stage of metastasis, cause a fever. The less common cause is lymphogranulomatosis. As a result of the disease, lymph nodes are affected. About the disease you can not even guess, and only sweating at night becomes the only symptom. If you are cured of the disease, sweating will pass.

Lymphoma is also a covert disease that affectslymphonoduses. Symptoms are sweating with weakness, fever, enlarged lymph nodes. Metastatic squeezing of the spinal cord increases sweating, including in sleep, the symptoms are accompanied by poor health, weight loss, worsening appetite.

To reduce sweating at night and evenget rid of it, you can use folk methods of treatment. Brew two tablespoons herbal collection of sage and yarrow in half a liter of boiling water. Use a decoction for lotions, baths and compresses. Apply as a remedy for sweating and st. a spoonful of rhizomes of a mountaineer's snake's herb, which is brewed in a liter of boiling water. Take three times a day for half a glass.

When worried about excessive sweating at night,(50 g), lemon balm (20 g), linden flowers (20 g), valerian roots (10 g), marsh swine (40 g), violet tri-color (10 g), large celandine (10 g). Two spoons of the mixture boil for 10 minutes, stand for an hour, drink three times a day.

Reduce sweating at night will help wipean aqueous solution of vinegar (water - vinegar, a proportion of two to one). Another way: one hundred ounces of oak bark is boiled in a liter of water and then applied to sweating skin areas or baths for limbs. With diaper rash and inflammatory phenomena accompanying sweating, you can try a compress from the infusion of root alteyny. The medicine is prepared by grinding the roots, which are poured with water (1:20), the hour is insisted and filtered. On the inflamed skin for 10 minutes put gauze compresses, the procedure is repeated after 40 minutes. Then the skin should be dried and sprinkled with talc.

Vodka tincture of birch buds is rubbed twice a day by the skin.
Also, twice a day, 20 drops of valerian are taken with a calcium gluconate tablet.

To reduce sweating, you need to exclude coffee from the diet. Instead, it is worth switching to herbal teas from melissa, mint, oregano, sage and ginger root.

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