/ / When a laxative for a newborn is needed

When you need a laxative for a newborn

Children in infancy often suffer fromproblems with the tummy. Almost all babies encounter intestinal colic and constipation. Parents are, of course, a lot of worry, because you want to get rid of your child as soon as possible from torment. What are the related disorders in infants? How can I help and how to choose a laxative for a newborn? Let's try to understand and give answers to these questions.

laxative for the newborn
Causes of constipation in children

Если ребенок находится на грудном вскармливании, then most often problems with the tummy and the appearance of constipation is associated with the nutrition of the mother. If the child is fed artificially, then it is necessary to look for the cause in the lure or in the milk formula. Hard and dry stool can appear with a lack of fluid in the body of the baby, and the reason can be that his digestive system is just beginning to adapt to new unusual foods.

When is a laxative needed?

Constipation causes a lot of inconvenience to young children:the child constantly cries, presses the legs to the tummy and does not want to eat. If you begin to notice that the baby is being tortured by colic, he screams, tights, but can not poke, or the process of defecation causes him unbearable pain, you should immediately contact a specialist. If the doctor has determined that your baby has constipation, then a laxative for a newborn is simply necessary.

laxative for children
What is a laxative for children

There are many factors that influenceselection of medicines for babies. Sometimes you can get by with just adjusting the nutrition, but it also happens that the child needs help without delay, then you need to consult a doctor, he will help you choose medicines. Consider a few cases:

  1. If the baby is breastfed,In order to avoid constipation, a nursing mother should watch her diet and follow a certain diet. Fiber-rich foods such as dried apricots, apricots, prunes, and boiled beets are perfect for her. But from the sweet, flour, rice and strong tea should be abandoned. These foods can trigger constipation. It is very important to consume more fluid.
  2. If the baby is fed artificially, thenthen mom's food does not play any role. In this case, you should pay attention to the mixture, which feed the baby, and try to change it to another, you also need to give the baby more liquid. If this does not help, then it is necessary to use a laxative for the newborn.
  3. If it is necessary to immediately providerelief is usually prescribed medication for constipation in the form of rectal suppositories. Glycerin suppositories are considered the safest among them, they can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. But often use this tool is not worth it, because it can be addictive in a child, besides candles temporarily eliminate only the phenomenon itself, and not its cause.
  4. To get rid of constipation, there are specialsyrups, for example, means "Duphalac". But it should be noted that such drugs may have side effects, so only a doctor can prescribe treatment with these drugs, if he considers it necessary.

natural laxative
Doctors usually prescribe with cautionlaxative for the newborn, because any medical intervention at such a tender age can greatly affect the processes that occur in the child's body. Therefore, parents of a baby should first use a natural laxative: plentiful drink, special tea with chamomile or thyme, children from four months can be given a juice of prunes diluted with water, with strong constipation they use an enema. The main thing is to help the child in time and not to self-medicate so as not to harm his childish, not yet strengthened organism.

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