/ Why is it harmful to breathe with your mouth? Breathing in the mouth: what does it say?

Why is it harmful to breathe with your mouth? Breathing in the mouth: what does it say?

The human body is an ideal machine.Everything here is provided to the smallest detail. If there is a nose, it is through it that one should breathe and exhale. In this article I want to tell you why it is harmful to breathe through the mouth and how to cope with this problem.

why it is harmful to breathe through the mouth

Cause 1. Dust

There are many different reasons whyit is harmful to breathe through the mouth. At the very beginning, it should be said that there are a lot of small hairs in the nose of a person, which provide the body with a useful service. They serve as a so-called dust collector. Those. All the air that a person inhales through the nose passes through several levels of filtration. On the same hairs, various microbes and substances harmful to the body settle. If you breathe through your mouth, this filtration does not get air and gets into the human body contaminated.

Cause 2. Heat

The next reason why it is harmful to breathe through the mouth isIn this case, cold air can enter the human body (typical for late autumn, winter and early spring). If it passes through the nose, it is warmed there, moistened. Here you can even say that normal nasal breathing is an excellent prevention of a variety of colds.

why breathing through the mouth is harmful

Cause 3. Changing the shape of the skull

The following reason is also very importantit is harmful to breathe through the mouth. So, it concerns mostly children. If the baby constantly inhales air with his nose, he can gradually form the so-called adenoid type of face. In this case, the nasal sinuses contract in the child, the bridge of the nose becomes wide, the infraorbital region flattenes, and a double chin can also arise. This can disfigure even the most beautiful baby. These changes have almost no return.

Reason 4. Speech

A few words I want to say about the children.Why is it so bad for them to breathe through the mouth? And all because at an early age the dentoalveolar system and speech of the baby are formed. If the child breathes through the mouth, the balance of the facial and jaw parts is disturbed, their imbalance arises. In this case, the child's tongue may protrude slightly and lie between the dentition. And this is very ugly. In this case, narrowing of the jaws can also occur, which will lead to great problems and difficulties in the eruption of permanent teeth.

Cause 5. Development of the respiratory system

Is it harmful for children to breathe? Of course!This can lead to multiple problems. So, I want to say that if a small child can not breathe through the nose, his nasal passages may be severely narrowed. Also, the maxillary sinuses remain underdeveloped. Further, this can lead to narrowing of the upper jaw of the child. At the same front teeth are bored in one place, creep one on top of the other. Again, this, at least, is ugly. In addition, it is fraught with frequent colds in the future.

is it harmful to breathe through the mouth?

Reason 6. Lips

The next reason why breathing through the mouthharmful, especially for women. So, during the breath of the mouth the lips of a person must dry up. Therefore, many try to lick them as often as possible. And this, in turn, leads to the weathering of the lips, and also the labial rim (it becomes bright red) can be very prominent. It's not beautiful. In addition, coping with the problem of dry lips is also not easy. And for the fair sex it also has a negative aesthetic effect.

Cause 7. Various diseases

The doctors say that it's harmful to breathe through the mouth.And it is right! After all, this condition can lead to the emergence of many diseases (especially in the cold season). At least - colds. In addition, while breathing through the mouth, the air that enters the body is unclean. In this state, the nutrition of the body cells with oxygen is also significantly worsened. This affects the brain, which is the most important coordination center of the human body.

it is harmful to breathe with the mouth

Reason 8. Sleep

The next reason why you need to breathe through your nose -only in this case a person can normally rest. Only with nasal breathing the body cells are fully supplied with oxygen, which gives the body the opportunity to recover normally and qualitatively. Otherwise, the person's dream will be intermittent, restless.

What to do?

Having considered the main reasons why one can not breatheI also want to say that you need to start fighting this problem as soon as possible. Since the cause of this condition is often precisely colds (in particular, a stuffy nose), in which case the patient needs to immediately go to a doctor or a lor for advice. If there is no opportunity to visit a specialist, you need to cope with the common cold as quickly as possible. To do this, it is good to apply the lavage of the nasal sinuses. You can also use various sprays for the nose. For example, it could be a drug such as "Vibrocil" or "Nazivin". Often a person becomes breathing a hard nose due to the dry air in the room. In this case, the mucus withers, which prevents normal breathing. Cope with this problem is also simple:

  1. It is necessary to clean the nose.
  2. Be sure to humidify the air in the room, otherwise the problem will return. This can be done with a special humidifier. If it is not there, you can put a small bowl of water near you.

why you can not breathe with your mouth

How to cope with the habit?

It often happens that with prolonged coldspatient is already developing a habit of breathing through the mouth. So, it is worth saying that this must be combated. First of all, you need to think about how it looks very ugly from the outside. And if children can do at least some indulgence, then adults with an open mouth look, to put it mildly, not very attractive. If you yourself can not cope with the problem, you can use specially designed aids (most often they are used in case of advanced cases of oral breathing in children). These trainers are designed to simply retrain or re-teach a person to breathe through the nose. The principle of action: something like a false jaw is inserted into the mouth. This device makes you inhale air through the nostrils, which subsequently creates a new habit - to breathe through your nose.

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