/ / Acromioclavicular joint: structure, pathology

Acromioclavicular joint: structure, pathology

Osteoarthritis of the acromioclavicular jointdevelops, as a rule, due to the processes of natural aging. One more popular reason is the injuries of the joint, obtained during life. For example, this may be a dislocation of the acromioclavicular joint. Pathology is characterized by a degenerative-dystrophic, inflammatory character. In the early stages of the disease, the acromioclavicular joint can be restored quickly enough. At later stages, more time and effort will be needed to heal.

acromioclavicular joint

Structure of articulation

Acromioclavicular joint is a part ofbrachial. Like the others, this joint includes a ligament apparatus and a capsule. The acromion is a process that departs from the scapula and connects to the clavicle. The articulation from above covers the cartilaginous tissue along the edges of the bones. There are a number of features that distinguish the acromioclavicular joint. Movement in it compared, for example, with the hip or ulnar have a smaller amplitude. So, to use it, you need to swing your arms. When the hyaline cartilage is deformed, the friction is not leveled, which causes severe pain. They are a sign of arthrosis. To reduce the depreciation function, in a normal state that provides softening of the shoulder load, also results in the thinning of the cartilage layer.

arthrosis of the acromioclavicular joint

Causes of joint damage

The main cause of development of arthrosis, as it wassaid above, is the process of natural wear of the joint. In the state of articulation, heavy physical activities also have a negative impact. For example, for movers, smiths, workers with a jackhammer, miners, the osteoarthrosis of the acromioclavicular joint is often diagnosed. Large and frequent overloads lead to the detection of pathology at a relatively young age. Another, no less important reason for the development of arthrosis is trauma. It is necessary to know that no damage will pass without a trace. All injuries are reflected on the joints, speeding up their destruction. In this regard, experts strongly recommend that you pay attention to stretch marks, fractures and other injuries. The necessary conditions for normal recovery are observance of post-traumatic regimen, correction of loads.

acromioclavicular motion joint

Clinical picture

A damaged acromioclavicular joint does not immediately manifest itself. Symptoms of defeat are as follows:

  • Pain in the shoulder.
  • Crunching inside the joint.
  • Stiffness in the movements of the shoulder.
  • Fast fatiguability.

The fact that the initial stage of arthrosis is notaccompanied by severe symptoms, leads to a later referral to the doctor. Experts recommend not to delay with a visit to the clinic. Do not wait for the moment when the acromioclavicular joint will be severely damaged and its restoration will require radical measures.

Stages of the disease

Arthrosis of articulation at the initial stageaccompanied by minor pain in the process of pressing on the area of ​​the clavicle, as well as during the movement of the shoulders and hands. In some cases, pain can spread to the cervical region. In the second stage, arthrosis is accompanied by more severe symptoms. In particular, the intensity of pain is markedly increased, there are difficulties in the dressing process, putting hands behind the head, back and crossing them on the chest. In the event that as the main provocative factor is injury, when the movement of the shoulder complex may be heard a snap or a characteristic crunch.

acromioclavicular joint treatment


From the timely detection of arthrosis dependssuccess of subsequent therapeutic interventions. During the examination, the doctor will not only conduct a visual examination of the problem area. From the conversation with the patient, the specialist finds out whether there were injuries of this zone earlier, how long the patient noticed signs of pathology, what exercises are easy, and which ones are difficult to perform by hands. It is also important to determine the site of pain localization.

В некоторых случаях для уточнения диагноза it is necessary to carry out the blockade. It consists in the introduction of a small amount of lidocaine or other anesthetic into the joint cavity. If there is an inflammatory process after the blockade, there is a cessation of pain. To obtain a more complete picture of the pathology, the specialist usually prescribes an X-ray study. It allows you to more accurately determine the degree of damage to the joint. Based on the results of the research, appropriate measures are taken to restore the acromioclavicular joint.

dislocation of an acromioclavicular joint


Therapeutic measures are appointed inAccording to the severity of the articulation. Depending on the neglect of the case, treatment can be aggressive or mild. At the first stage, as a rule, the restoration of the articulation occurs without the use of NSAIDs, corticosteroids and other means used to suppress pain and inflammation. Regardless of the severity of the pathology, it is recommended to take a course of using chondroprotectors. These drugs slowly, but very effectively restore articular cartilage.

В более запущенных случаях врачи прибегают к use of aggressive methods of therapy. In particular, to reduce the pain syndrome, steroid drugs, glucocorticoids (preparations of "Diprospan", "Kenalog") are prescribed. These medicines also contribute to the elimination of puffiness. With an average severity of symptoms recommend taking NSAIDs and injections. Appointed drugs such as "Voltaren", "Diclofenac", "Ibuprofen", "Xefokam."

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