/ / The best peat toilets for summer cottages: reviews

The best peat toilets for summer cottages: reviews

There are cases when it is impossible to carry out sewerage and water supply to the bathroom. This is often observed in cottages. Then in place of the usual "pit" new - peat toilets come.

They are able not only to replace the familiar toilet bowl, but also "make" a fertilizer for the garden.

Compact peat toilet

Before acquiring, you should familiarize yourself with the main types, the principle of work, customer reviews.

Important! When choosing, consider the period of use (seasonal or permanent) and the number of residents.

Dry closets. Difference in models

Modern industry offers several types of dry closets:

  1. Химические.This species is also mobile and autonomous (does not require the supply of sewerage and water). The principle of action consists in the absorption of the products of human vital activity by a special chemical solution. This solution prevents the decomposition of substances, disinfects them. The filler is a granule or liquid. Among the advantages of such devices are: small size and weight, autonomy and environmental safety.
  2. Electrical tents.The latter dry all the products that fall into them, and then take them out through a special channel. The toilet is equipped with compressors and fans, so it does not harm the environment. The technology itself is very effective, but due to the high cost (more than 30 thousand rubles), electric toilets are not widely used.
  3. A peat toilet for a summer residence.Modern toilet is gaining more popularity among users. The principle of work is based on the construction of a reaction between the ecological substance - peat and the products of human life. Peat bacteria are able to recycle waste and "create" fertilizer - compost.

Overview of modern models

Among the huge selection of manufacturers, the most common are the following:

  1. Peat toilets "Biolan".They are performed with different layouts and have many modifications. The toilets of this company differ significantly and allow you to choose the most suitable for the price and other parameters. All "Biolan" are easy to maintain and can be installed both indoors and outdoors. Many models are equipped with wheels for manual transportation (located at the back). In more simple models, manual charging and covering of waste with peat is provided. The ventilation pipe, which is installed directly into the tank, can be taken out to the street or connected to an air exhaust system. More expensive models are equipped with two tanks - for liquid and solid waste. A special separation mechanism automatically moves the waste into the desired bowl. The Finnish peat toilet for bilan is equipped with an absorber of unpleasant odors, so it can be installed indoors without problems. Liquid waste is also processed into a fertilizer. A small inconvenience brings the need to equip an additional reservoir for such waste.
  2. Popular also recognized as peat toiletsPiteco. The manufacturer provides for the separation of solid and liquid waste into different chambers. The heat exchanger is made of high-quality impact-resistant material. Large volumes (up to 140 liters) are suitable for use by a large number of people. In the delivery set of "Piteco" a drainage hose and a ventilation pipe are provided. Also included is a stencil for fixing the base and marking holes. The toilet can withstand up to 150 kg of load. The height from the floor to the toilet seat is 48 cm. At installation it is securely fixed. This eliminates the possibility of unauthorized movement during use. In order to transport the toilet to another place, it is enough to detach it from the exhaust pipe. Some models provide for an optional fan. During the extraction of the storage tank, a valve mechanism is activated which prevents the liquid waste from flowing out of the bowl. For ease of carrying the bowl on it, 4 handles are mounted at once.
  3. Not the last place in the rating is occupied by the biotoiletDeluxe (peat toilet). User reviews say the following: the device is stable, can withstand up to 130 kg of load. The surface of the toilet is smooth and hygienic. For ease of movement, rollers are attached at the bottom of the structure. Also the toilet is equipped with a fill indicator. The inconvenience is the height of the utilizer - only 37 cm.
Ecological utilizer

In addition to these models, there are also folding biological utilizers. These include:

  • folding stand under the toilet seat;
  • a toilet seat with the function of dividing the waste products;
  • a branch pipe for removing liquid masses;
  • blade for the utilizer;
  • bags for solid waste;
  • protective gloves;
  • toilet paper;
  • disinfecting wipes;
  • bag for transportation.

How to choose the right toilet

All models of peat toilets operate on the same principle, but when choosing, you should still consider the following:

  1. Weight of containers. Since the heat exchanger requires periodic cleaning, it is important to determine in advance its weight. Also, if the toilet is mobile (mobile), it is necessary to take into account this parameter.
  2. Height. This parameter is selected individually.
  3. Presence of a level indicator. Installation with this device is more practical, because you do not have to manually control the level of filling with waste.
  4. Presence of a batcher. Such models are somewhat more expensive, but more practical.
  5. Volumes of tanks for waste heat and waste. They should be selected depending on the number of users.

Principle of operation

Peat toilet to give you can build yourself. But since this process is laborious and costly, a choice should be made in favor of ready-made structures.

A feature of these biologizers ismethod of filling with neutralizing material: each new layer of waste is covered with peat. Whereas in chemical toilets it is not necessary to do this (it suffices to pour in or fill up the substance once).

Peat coating is carried out either manually (in homemade or old-style designs) or automatically.

The best peat toilets for summer cottages are equippeddispensers, and sometimes distributors. Such devices significantly save labor costs for people, as well as provide uniform coverage of each new layer and, accordingly, rapid compost production.

peat toilet biolan

There are one-and two-chamber utilizers. The latter option is more practical, because it allows to separate solid and liquid wastes into different chambers.

Important! To speed up the recycling process to the toilet it is necessary to ensure a constant flow of air. In some models, installation of aerators is provided.

To prevent unpleasant odors,ventilation is mounted in peat toilets. For small rooms, conventional natural ventilation will be suitable, and in case of aeration installation, they should be brought to the ventilation system.

Important! Ventilation should go up at a right angle, and its length should be at least three meters.

Despite the fast processing andthe possibility of operating at low temperatures, it should still be remembered that cold slows down the decomposition process, and can also lead to freezing of liquid waste.

Installation and toilet care rules

The installation of peat toilet is carried out in several stages:

  1. First, install ventilation.
  2. Also, prior to installation, it is necessary to withdraw the drainage hose to a separate tank (in case of installation of a separation system).
  3. Install the utilizer and fill it with absorbing material.
  4. If necessary, attach the toilet to the floor.
peat toilet piteco

During operation it is very important to comply with the standards and rules for the care of a dry closet:

  • according to the schedule, make cleaning and treatment of the installation to prevent unpleasant odors;
  • Peeling of the neutralizer (peat) in protective gloves;
  • chemical fluid should be poured carefully, without violating process requirements;
  • If the toilet is used seasonally (for example, at the dacha), at the end of use it should be cleaned, washed and placed in a storage place until the next use.

Finnish peat toilets. Special features

The design of such toilets includes an absorberodors. This allows you to use them in separate areas of the house. Finnish toilets are resistant to mechanical damage and low temperatures.

A feature of this device is composting: a closed type drum automatically mixes the contents, imperceptibly to the user.

To unload the filled tank, simply unplug it and load it onto the trolley.

Toilet with separate waste bowls

The average tank (25 liters) is designed for approximately50 uses. After filling it needs cleaning. It is worth remembering that the tank зап is filled with liquid waste. Therefore, it is better to buy a toilet with separate bowls.

Finnish toilets differ in quality and reliability among existing biological utilizers. For maintenance requires only the purchase of inexpensive material - peat.

Composting toilets have several advantages:

  • with regular use, it is enough to clean it only once a year (provided that the number of users does not exceed 4);
  • for cleaning it is not necessary to move the entire structure or detach the bowl - just open the special door and empty the container from waste.

Technical characteristics of the Finnish toilets

Standard utilizer has the following parameters:

  • weight - about 10 kg;
  • height - from 37 to 90 cm;
  • width - on average 60 cm;
  • depth of construction - from 20 to 80 cm;
  • the volume of the bowl is from 12 to 140 liters.

All data are indicated in the passport of the device.

When choosing a toilet should be familiarized in advance withrecycling material. Some models include the use of ash, sawdust and other things. They are also organic, like peat, but as a part there are no bacteria that are able to process and neutralize waste. Mixing peat with sawdust in a certain proportion (more often, 1: 1) is considered effective. This composition provides rapid processing and aeration of the mixture.

Complete set of delivery of dry closets

The delivery package fully complies with the manufacturer's statement, this is confirmed by the reviews. Peat toilet (Finnish) consists of:

  • the reservoir itself;
  • lids (sometimes warm);
  • ventilation pipes for exhaust gases from the room;
  • fasteners (clamps);
  • ventilating protective covers and flexible pipes;
  • plastic scoop on 1 l;
  • Also included in the kit: fitting, drain hose.

The product is packaged in protective 5-ply corrugated cardboard.

Finnish dry close

The total length of the ventilation pipe and the hose is 3.5 m. Such a length is enough to bring the ventilation out of the room.

Excess liquid that accumulates in the tankunder the influence of bacteria, is discharged by gravity through the drainage hose outside the room or in a special container. The filtered liquid is odorless and completely harmless to the environment.

Pros and cons in use

Absolutely all models of even the best peat toilets have advantages and disadvantages. User reviews report the following:

The advantages of utilizers, without a doubt, include:

  • compactness, practicality, environmental friendliness, autonomy and mobility;
  • the possibility of obtaining organic fertilizer;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • inexpensive consumables;
  • no need for water supply and drainage;
  • low cost.

The disadvantages include:

  • the need for continuous monitoring of the level of waste accumulation and periodic cleaning of the tank;
  • some models are screwed to the floor: after fixing, they cannot be moved to another location;
  • some models are not resistant to negative temperatures;
  • the need for installation of drainage and ventilation.

User Reviews

In limited conditions, the peat toilet will be most suitable for use. Reviews of some models are presented below.

  1. Piteco toilet.Users note the positive characteristics: it does not require connection to the water supply system, electricity. Also for use does not require the purchase of expensive chemical antiseptic. The installation process is very simple and consists of connecting one pipe and ventilation. Proper installation and regular maintenance guarantee safety in use and comfort. The utilizer will be ideally suited for giving. Tank cleaning time does not exceed 15 minutes.
  2. Финский «Экоматик» со средним объемом (50 liters), completely safe and eco-friendly. Instead of chemical hazardous filler, sawdust and peat fall asleep in it. The cover is mounted ventilation system. For trouble-free and proper operation, you should only follow the guidelines for installation and maintenance.
  3. The Finnish Biolan is equipped with two tanks forvarious waste, perfect for a large family. It is required to clean it no more than 1 time in 6 months. The utilizer spends a small amount of peat. The toilet is ideal for people of any height and age. It can be installed even indoors, because the ventilation system thoroughly cleans the air.
Finnish peat toilet

Some users are not completely happyquality of the Finnish peat toilets to give. Inexpensive models have poor build quality (specifically, a layer of glue is visible in the places of assembly). Difficulties in disconnecting a full tank are also noted. The nozzle of the lower tank is disconnected with great effort. Sometimes the liquid flows from the inner bowl.

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