Persecution in the throat, the causes of which are different,can begin quite unexpectedly. From it, a person begins to cough loudly, and tears can come out of his eyes. It's unpleasant to look at people who find themselves in such a situation, and even worse to be in it yourself. And what if this happened at a time when you need to say some important and long speech? This and many other things will be described below.
Sore Throat: Causes
As already mentioned above, it can start quite unexpectedly. Of course, perspiration in the throat has its own prerequisites. Knowing them will help to avoid some unpleasant situations.
Sore throat, the causes of which will be hereconsidered, a very unpleasant phenomenon. Everyone needs to know that it is an indicator that there is inflammation in the throat. Most often it is observed with such diseases as ARVI or pharyngitis. The cause of persecution may be neuropathy of the pharynx - the disease is rare and very specific. This is a pathological condition associated with malfunctions in the innervation of the pharynx. It can also be caused by problems with the central nervous system.
Persecution in the throat, the causes of which are numerous,can be caused by allergic reactions. In this case they are provocateurs. An example is the fact that a person who is highly sensitive to pollen or dust will experience harshness even with a minimal amount of irritant in the inspired air.
Unfavorable working conditions can also beattributed to the causes of perspiration in the throat. Often teachers, singers and other people suffer from it, who constantly talk or sing. The voice load causes the throat to dry out. Hence the Persecution. With a strong overstrain, discomfort can not be eliminated easily and simply.
When gastroesophageitis in the esophagus from the stomach is thrown out its acidic contents. This is the cause of irritation in the throat.
Sore throat in children often occursthe reason that they move a lot, they play, and in the process of games they constantly overload the vocal cords. This phenomenon can be found quite often.
Constant perspiration in the throat does not indicate anything good. If you find yourself in such a problem, we recommend that you immediately consult a doctor.
What can be the treatment
Inflammatory processes in the throat, of course,it is best to treat under the supervision of a specialist. This really will save a lot of time, because only the doctor is able to correctly identify the causes that led to them.
In order to eliminate the perspiration in the throat,it is necessary to comply with the diet, as well as monitor the consumed foods. Do not drink cold drinks, eat ice cream, and also recommend avoiding spicy dishes. Strict control over consumed products, as well as limiting oneself in cold drinks, acidic spices and other things will necessarily benefit. By the way, especially hot food is also not recommended.
All that is listed above, the most unfavorableit affects the condition of the mucous membrane of the throat, irritates the tissues. The swelling in the throat, which is caused by a disease, will immediately pass after the patient has undergone the necessary treatment. It is important to recognize the disease correctly and in a timely manner, as only in this case it will be possible to get rid of it without any unpleasant consequences.
Sore throat, the reasons for which we considered, is best eliminated by complex treatment. Such treatment is primarily directed to the main links of the pathogenesis of this process.
Finally, I want to recommend to always carry a mint candy. It is especially important that it is at hand when you are going to give a speech, make a report and so on.