Menopause is a physiological condition,accompanied by involution (reverse development) of the reproductive system, which occurs against the background of age-related rearrangements in the body of a woman. At this stage, the ovaries, the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland begin hormonal changes that lead to a gradual fading of menstruation.
Менопауза у женщин чаще всего наступает в среднем after 52. However, there are often cases when the childbearing process ends at 38-40. This phenomenon is considered to be early, occurs not so often, its negative consequences at the moment can be easily solved with the help of modern medicine. Characterized by the standard for this period of symptoms, namely, increased levels of gonadotropins in the blood, a decrease in estrogen, tides are often observed, and menstruation ceases altogether. In this climacteric syndrome occurs long enough and hard.
Most often, when a woman crosses the fifty-year boundary, many changes begin to occur in her body:
- significantly reduces the work of the pituitary gland;
- the functionality of the ovaries is impaired;
- the production of hormones decreases.
Вследствие этого угасает естественная возможность This is how the normal menopause passes. If all these symptoms occur in the body in 35-40 years, then this is considered an early menopause. The reasons for this phenomenon can be a lot:
Исследованиями было подтверждено, что те, кто takes hormonal contraceptives, are less prone to the onset of premature menopause. At whatever age such transformations come, they will not be able to stop.
Symptoms of menopause in women at 40 years are different, but it is particularly difficult:
1. The menstrual cycle changes, namely, the duration between excretions increases and the amount of blood decreases. It also happens that in one month they are meager, and on the second - abundant.
2.Hormonal failure, accompanied by a decline in the level of estrogen, which lowers the strength of the muscles of the pelvic floor, which leads to the omission of the walls of the uterus and the vagina. The same happens with the urethra and the bladder, which is fraught with incontinence.
3. The absorption of calcium by the intestine is significantly reduced and its excretion from the body increases. If you do not take any measures, then osteoporosis will develop.
4.Climax in 40 years is fraught with a decrease in susceptibility to infectious diseases, as well as to temperature fluctuations. As a result, the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood can rise, there may be disorders of the cardiovascular, endocrine and metabolic systems.
5.Often there are hot flashes, namely, heat attacks lasting several minutes, mainly at night, reduces libido. And also characteristic are headaches, mood swings, drowsiness, palpitation, irritation and loss of strength.
Symptoms of menopause in women in 40 years are observed for a long time, during this period it is necessary to visit a doctor. He will prescribe therapeutic treatment, as well as adjust the diet and regime of the day.
Menopause is closely connected with psychoemotionalbackground. It has been proved by specialists that at this time an astheno-neurotic syndrome can manifest itself. The woman begins to be subject to constant neuroses, becomes tearful, dissatisfied with her appearance, way of life and habitual surroundings. It is difficult enough for her to accept the fact that the peak of her sexual and physical activity has come to an end. This is difficult to realize for any person, especially the beautiful sex. Some try to regain their former youth by means of appearance, make expressive hairstyles and makeup, and also wear defiant outfits. In fact, this is an ordinary escape from reality. It is advisable at such times to receive support and understanding from relatives.
To conceive a child in the period of menopause is quitepossibly, since this will not bring the body any special complications. If there was a menopause in 40 years, then on your own as a mother should not put a cross. According to the doctors, it is quite possible to give birth to a baby in this state. For this purpose, experts recommend using IVF. Various donor programs can help make genetically similar to the mother of the child. Especially if you select an egg from one of the next of kin. Obtained symptoms of menopause in 40 years - this is not an excuse to give up all the joys of motherhood.
Any changes unplanned by nature do not bear anything good. In the first place, the appearance suffers:
- becomes flabby skin in the face, hands and neck;
- the first wrinkles appear;
- shows pigmentation;
- the sides, the buttocks, hips, chest and stomach are enlarged.
Climax at 40 years brings with it hormonal changes that can provoke the development of dangerous diseases, including malignant and benign neoplasms.
Menopause occupies a special place in gynecology, since every woman inevitably encounters it, some - a little earlier, and the rest - later.
It is important to control the cholesterol content inblood. For this, an analysis is made for the lipid complex, and then the obtained data is kept under constant control in order to preserve health as long as possible. And also it is recommended to check the sugar content, in order to exclude the latent form of diabetes, which can manifest in the future. The pressure should be measured in the morning and in the evening.
Для диагностирования возможного появления osteoporosis is necessary to undergo ultrasound. This is primarily important for those who have relatives who had symptoms of early menopause in 40 years. And also the condition of mammary glands is checked, for this purpose it is necessary пройт:
- ultrasound;
- mammography;
- radio thermometry (RTM).
Every month you need to independently monitor the condition of the breast for various hardenings. If this is found, then immediately recommended to consult a specialist.
Признаки климакса у женщин в 40 лет протекают very painful and hard. Thanks to the development of modern medicine, all the symptoms of menopause can be successfully stopped with the help of hormone replacement therapy.
For the treatment of used drugs with syntheticproduced by sex hormones - progesterone and estrogen. The essence of this technique is to replace the missing components, but in a smaller amount than the ovary itself produces. Therefore, therapy is more supportive. All the unpleasant symptoms are smoothed out and cease to deliver such discomfort to the woman, but menopause cannot disappear completely.
If the use of hormones is not allowed for medical reasons, then the doctor reduces the first signs of menopause in 40 years with the help of homeopathic components of the plant analogue of estrogen.
Whichever treatment method is chosen, do notIt is necessary to use drugs on the advice of girlfriends or friends, as it is very dangerous the most serious consequences. The uncontrolled use of drugs can lead to the aggravation of all symptoms that have appeared, as well as spur the development of various diseases.
In order to choose the right supplements, you need to understand their action and the benefits that they can bring to the body.
1. Retinol (A) improves the appearance of the skin, restores ovarian function, and also prevents the formation of tumors in the soft tissues of the uterus, chest and intestines.
2. Ascorbic acid (C) helps to strengthen the walls of small capillaries and large arteries. At the time of menopause well reduces swelling, which helps to improve the condition of a woman.
3Vitamin D prevents aging of connective tissues and brittle bones. And also contributes to the retention and accumulation of calcium in the body. It stabilizes the hormone estrogen, as it is responsible for the development of osteoporosis.
4. Thiamine (B1) improves the functioning of the nervous system and heart, normalizes blood pressure and blood circulation.
5. Pyridoxine (B6) strengthens the immune system, helps to increase mental alertness, prevents early aging of the skin integument.
6. Vitamin E perfectly improves mood, relieves excessive nervousness and irritability.
The use of folk remedies is wonderfulallows you to remove the negative effects of early menopause. This method of therapy is not recommended to be used as the main one; it is advised as an auxiliary one. You can use some generally accepted recipes:
1. Prepare and take tea with the addition of plants that can have a sedative effect (lemon balm, valerian, motherwort, mint, echinacea and hawthorn).
2. With prolonged and heavy bleeding, plants such as shepherd's purse, nettle or water pepper may be shown for use.
3. To strengthen the body and overall tone, you can use broths of schisandra and ginseng, or add to their tea spirit tinctures.
All these herbs can be found in the pharmacy, and with regard to the formulation, they are written on the packaging itself.
Despite the attempts of girls to keep theiryouth, hormonal decline will come anyway - it can be both late and early. Climax in women 40 years old, whose symptoms are quite unpleasant, you can almost never feel due to balanced food. The diet is obliged to exclude or reduce to a minimum high-calorie foods, fried and fatty foods, pastries, as well as food with a high percentage of quickly absorbed carbohydrates. It is also required to reduce to a maximum the use of salt, meat and alcohol and to apply the principle of fractional nutrition, to eat little, but often, increasing the number of meals up to 5-6 times a day.
The most recommended products includeall dairy (cottage cheese, kefir, ryazhenka and hard varieties of cheese) and seafood. Be sure to in the diet should contain sesame seeds and a large number of fresh vegetables and fruits, selected according to the season, as they contain the most useful vitamins.
Climax at 40 is a condition thatdelivers a large number of unpleasant feelings and changes in life, therefore, in order for a woman to feel better, you need to use certain recommendations. It is very important to control your weight and keep it at a specific mark with the help of restrictions:
- on animal fats;
- salt;
- carbohydrates;
- alcohol.
An important aspect is the improvement of bowel function. Therefore, it is recommended not to forget about dried fruits, which include raisins, dried apricots and prunes.
Smoking women should part with their addiction as quickly as possible.
Required without fail:
- undergo a gynecological examination;
- then pass the swab;
- go to ultrasound to determine the state of the reproductive organs, this is done regardless of complaints and the presence of negative symptoms.
As soon as possible, you need to start performing gymnastic exercises, therapeutic-type physical training and hiking for 30 minutes each day. It is useful to take a massage course (general) twice a year.
Discussing results with doctorsresearch and decide how great the need for additional measures after the main treatment (and whether it is at all). To this can be attributed the therapy of hormone-replacing type, which helps to overcome menopause in 40 years.
According to women, menopause is a phenomenonwhich does not bring positive emotions, but on the contrary, during this period, the fair sex feels unwell and complains of feeling unwell. Experts in one voice say that after the first signs appeared, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as reducing the number of female hormones can lead to serious diseases. Also, doctors do not recommend self-treatment, which many people like so much, the only thing that can be done is to refrain from harmful habits, alcohol and smoking abuse, and also to lead an active lifestyle.