/ / Vibrating grinder: models, description, characteristics

Vibrating grinder: models, description, characteristics

Surface treatment with thisThe equipment is provided with abrasive paper with various granularity, which is placed on a rectangular sole producing reciprocating high-frequency motions. The vibrating grinder is distinguished by a gentle processing method and at the same time high productivity, while it is possible to remove a layer of dirt and rust from the depressions, use for work with products having a corrugated or uneven surface.

vibration grinder

Use cases

The device can work in several modes,each of which has a certain level of vibration. It is used for the final processing of plastic, metal, stone and wood billets. Grinding can be precise or rough, depending on the granularity of the sheets used. Vibrating grinding machines Also suitable for removing paintwork, rust and scratches.


The main working element is papersheets with an abrasive surface, they are available in several variations and have a different granularity. The most common are abrasive elements with medium-sized grains, smaller ones are used for polishing and fine processing. On the other side of the sheets is the Velcro, which is necessary for reliable attachment to the sole of the tool and a quick replacement for abrasive elements of a different kind.

On many devices, you can use ordinary sandpaper, fixing special clips. The main thing is to pre-make holes on it to remove dust.

bosch grinder

Machining of complex surfaces

Some grinding machines are vibrating allow to work with products, part of the surfacewhich has complicated access. This is achieved by equipment in the form of a modernized sole, made in a triangular shape. It becomes indispensable when working with window frames and antiques. It is also convenient to use on a small plane. It easily handles small grooves, grooves and edges. It should be noted that instead of the sole, a special grinding element can be installed, which allows processing the smallest cavities and cracks. It has a standard locking mechanism, so when it is replaced there is no need for special tools.

How to choose

On vibratory grinders reviews worth exploringin order to make it easier to determine the desired model. Most of the devices of the middle price segment are characterized by high performance, precision processing and for a long time pleases their owners. Also it is necessary to decide in advance on the expected scope of work and consider the following parameters:

  • The size of the sole.The treatment of hard-to-reach surfaces is simplified when using a tool with a small sole, which has a triangular shape. At the same time, the vibration grinder with a larger working surface is optimally suited for volumetric surfaces and intensive use.
  • Oscillation frequency As the amplitude increases, processing accuracy improves and productivity increases.
  • Power. Grinder Vibration may have power from 150 to 600 watts. The average value will be sufficient for standard jobs. Tools with high power are quite heavy and inconvenient to use.

grinder interskol

Makita BO3711

Despite the fact that the vibration grinder Makitapositioned as a tool for processing large areas, it has a compact size and fits easily into the palm of your hand. The dimensions of the plate itself are 102x112 mm. It is possible to use both ordinary sandpaper and sanding sheets equipped with velcro. Fixation is ensured by special clips located on both sides.

The design consists of two main parts:This is an ergonomic handle, complemented by a rubber insert to prevent the hand from slipping, and a working sole. In the upper part of the case there is a switch hidden behind the silicone cover. Paper fasteners are simple but reliable.

It is worth noting the presence of rubber wire with double insulation, which is typical for equipment with a higher cost.

Dust removal can be done through an adapter with a vacuum cleaner. If this is not possible, you can use the dust bag supplied in the kit.

grinding machines

Tool Bosch GWS 20-230 H: Description

Шлифовальная машина Bosch имеет множество advantages over similar equipment. For example, for fixing sandpaper uses a non-standard mounting option. Devices of many brands are equipped with clips or fixtures that have similarities with paper clips. They not only quickly fail, but also require constant attention, as the uneven tension of the paper will lead to its damage during operation.

This tool uses a system underSheetLoc. Its design is represented by two levers that provide tight fixation of the paper on both sides, without any effort required. Just press the lever and place the abrasive under the latches. One of them is supplemented with a spring and allows you to pull the paper straight and tight.

The tool cable has a sufficient length of 4 m. The weight is within 4 kg. Emery paper used should be 25x11 cm.

Bosch vibration grinders are equipped with a perforated and solid grinding cavity, an adapter for connecting a vacuum cleaner and a dust container, which is complemented by a microfilter.

makita vibration grinder

Operation of equipment Bosch GWS 20-230 H

The device has a rather large plate.for processing sizes of about 22 cm, this makes it possible to polish surfaces with a larger area with less effort and time, it also becomes noticeably easier to work with edges. If necessary, in the final processing of furniture facades and door panels this tool will be the best solution. In order to get to work, it is enough to connect the device to the network and fix half a sheet of sandpaper. Dust collection can be done in two ways: using a tank with a microfilter or a standard vacuum cleaner, which is connected to the adapter, also included in the kit. The container has a paper filter element, on which most of the smallest particles remain, to remove dust, a special opening with a lid is used.

The processing process does not cause difficultiesThe Bosch GWS 20-230 H grinder is activated with a special trigger that can be fixed afterwards. To the right of it is the speed controller. Between the working mechanism and the case of the device itself, special gaskets are placed that reduce the level of vibration, so it is practically not felt during the processing.

vibrating grinders reviews

“Interskol UShM-125”

Grinding machine "Interskol" differs fromother devices with equipment in the form of an active integrated dust removal system. The engine has an additional impeller, which allows the air flow through the holes, which is subsequently sent to the nozzle. In order for all the dust to be in the dust collector, it is necessary to attach the filtering element to the nozzle and to complement the abrasive sheet with holes having an arrangement opposite to the holes of the platform. With intensive use, the best option would be to connect the machine to a vacuum cleaner with an adapter.

Electronic switch provides the abilityadjust the frequency of oscillation. The grinder “Interskol UShM-125” belongs to the category of universal tools suitable for various works, but in the professional environment it is used, as a rule, to perform finishing operations.

bosch vibration grinders

Grinder Interskol: features

Оборудование отличается легкостью в эксплуатации:The abrasive element, which can have any basis, is fixed on the sole with the help of two clips, after which the surface to be processed is carefully smoothed. It should be noted that in the course of the work it is necessary to constantly move the tool over the entire plane of the workpiece, without exerting excessive pressure on it and not stopping in one place. The average performance level of the tool allows you to achieve optimal results. At the same time, it is economical and prevents clogging of the working space, of course, provided that it is properly used. The grinder vibration has a small mass, equal to 2.4 kg, and its power is within 300 watts.

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