/ / Meet our chief executive - the Pituitary of the Head Brain

Meet our chief executive - Hypophysis of the Head Brain

Any complex system can exist onlythanks to reliable management. This is a fact, proven by history and time. The human body is a set of complex systems that work together under the direction of the endocrine and nervous system. And the chief manager of this whole matter is the pituitary gland of the brain. Who is this genius?

The pituitary brain is very small and invisible.Growth failed, the size is similar to the smallest hazelnut, and could not gain weight - just 0.65 grams and even less. Externally consists of two parts. Front covered with glandular tissue, behind - nervous. Because of this duplicity can be called two names. If we talk about the first share, then it is called adenohypophysis. When it comes to the nervous component of our friend, his name is called neurohypophysis at such moments.

Geniuses are very rare, so they needto cherish. The pituitary gland of the brain is no exception. To him nothing happened, he was placed in a well-protected place - in a deep gorge. It is located at the very base of the brain in the saddle, called by someone Turkish.

After a brief acquaintance with the personality of the geniuslet us turn to his brilliant abilities. They affect the most diverse spheres of human life. To give birth to a baby, feed the baby, from the child to become an adult; not to die of thirst during stress and illness, have normal weight and blood pressure, be in a good mood and have enough vitality - you need a pituitary. Violation of the functions of this genius greatly complicates life.

What is this amazing iron doing?It produces a wide variety of active substances, which are called one common word - hormones. These hormones are very important. All the above processes in our body are impossible without hormones. So, to grow up, you need a hormone called somatotropin (people know it as growth hormone). Conception and development of the fetus is impossible without follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones. At birth, to start the contractions, oxytocin is very important, and without prolactin, the baby will not have such a beloved mother's milk.

The pituitary brain is not invulnerable.His activities can be disrupted. The disease of the pituitary gland is similar to when the head of an enterprise is sick and replaced by no one. In such situations, often there are some malfunctions in the production process, backlog and even downtime. Something similar happens when the pituitary gland ceases to produce some hormones, or they enter the body very little (lack) or very much (excess).

Hormones of the pituitary gland affect dependent organsinternal secretion, such as the adrenal glands, ovaries, pancreas and thyroid gland. Each of them manages his department and carries out the tasks that the pituitary gland puts before her. Consequently, if the pituitary gland begins to malfunction, the entire endocrine system fails, leading to serious problems throughout the body.

The pituitary gland begins to fail due to tumors,which appear as a result of accelerated growth of the gland. Starts this process as a genetic mutation, and external factors - a bad ecological situation, radiation, mechanical damage to the brain. The volume of glandular tissue of the pituitary gland is usually uneven: some cells become very much at the expense of others. As a result, those cells that are many, produce an excess of one hormone, and those that are lacking, cause a lack of other hormones. The hormonal balance is disturbed. The result is the most diverse: from minor violations of the menstrual cycle to complete failure of the entire endocrine system. The last case was studied and described in detail by such well-known endocrinologists as Nikolay Itenko and Harvey Cushing. Often this disease is called by their names.

Unfortunately, completely restored disturbedfunctions of the pituitary gland are impossible for today, since the causes of these disorders are not fully understood. All that doctors can do is to teach the patient to maintain hormonal balance with the help of hormone substitutes, which are taken for life.

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