Diagnosis of cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy) manyparents are often perceived as a sentence, but, meanwhile, you should not give up, but you need to start to sound out the alarm and question it. The fact is that many specialists put this diagnosis when the child has the first signs of paresis and paralysis. However, a deeper study of this abbreviation means that the diagnosis of cerebral palsy in newborns is conditional, inaccurate. Cerebral Palsy is not a verdict, since 80% of cases of this disease can be cured before the age of five. As a rule, such children go to school together with ordinary children.
Causes of cerebral palsy in a newborn
Cerebral palsy in newborns without a reason does not happen, so you need to identify them as early as possible. There are six reasons for this today:
True cerebral palsy of the newborn
The cerebral palsy is conditionally divided into several groups.The first is true, not acquired cerebral palsy. With this disease, the brain of a newborn already at birth has embryonic developmental disorders or genetic pathologies. It can be somewhat underdeveloped, smaller in size with less pronounced convolutions of the brain. In this case, there is underdevelopment of the cerebral cortex and there are a number of violations of anatomical and functional. This disease is usually considered a true infantile cerebral palsy. The brain of the baby at the time of birth is paralyzed, intellectually and biologically inferior. Such children are approximately 10%.
The true acquired cerebral palsy in a newborn
The second group includes cerebral palsy acquired.Such children are also about 10%. The causes of acquired cerebral palsy in children are cerebral hemorrhage with the death of some of its sites, severe birth trauma, exposure to poisonous substances, infectious diseases and other causes that affect the brain and nervous system of the child. They are already not hereditary, but acquired. Despite the severity of the disease, such children can move independently and subsequently will be able to service themselves on their own.
The untrue acquired cerebral palsy
The third group is a false or secondary cerebral palsy, shemore numerous than the two previous ones. It is believed that by the time of birth the brain of the child was quite full, violations in some areas of the brain appeared as a result of birth injuries or the wrong actions of the mother and the staff during childbirth. Such children practically do not differ from children with primary cerebral palsy, but they retain intelligence. That's why these children have a chance to recover.
Signs of cerebral palsy in newborns
Often the signs of cerebral palsy in a newborn depend ondegree of brain damage and the location of pathological foci. These manifestations can be obvious and obvious to outsiders, or completely invisible, visible only to a specialist. Symptoms can range from slight awkwardness to severe muscle tension, which can chained the child to a wheelchair. As a rule, signs of cerebral palsy are not very noticeable in early childhood, but with maturation of the nervous system become very obvious. Early signs of cerebral palsy can be determined by the elementary skills of the child at a certain age - head control, snatching objects, turning over, sitting, crawling and walking.
No matter what happens, but if the doctors putchild this terrible diagnosis, do not panic and drop your hands. Many parents have already been able to overcome this terrible disease and now their children are on an equal footing with their peers, which means that the path has already been found and it remains only to find the strength to go through it!