Impingment-syndrome of the shoulder joint isan unpleasant and rather complicated disease that brings a lot of pain and discomfort. In addition, the patient becomes significantly limited in his movements. Consider what is a disease.
So, this syndrome is characterized by infringementtendon cuff, which is responsible for the rotation of the shoulder. It occurs in professional athletes who are engaged in swimming or throwing, the elderly. This pinching occurs in the subacromial space.
If this situation is repeated repeatedly, withtime there is inflammation of the tendons. This contributes to some thickening of the ligaments, which, in turn, are jammed even more, causing new bouts of severe pain and other symptoms. If the pathology is left without attention, then its development will lead to prompt intervention or other serious consequences.
It is very important to eliminate the consequences of any injuries of the shoulder girdle in time. Untreated fracture or ligament rupture may contribute to the development of the presented disease.
Impingment-syndrome of the shoulder joint is characterized by certain symptoms. You can call such signs of pathology:
1. Pain sensations, which become more pronounced over time. And if at first discomfort is felt only during movement, then afterwards and constantly.
2. In case of illness the patient can not raise his hand up and to the side.
Impingment-hip joint syndromeis characterized by the same symptoms. It should be noted that the signs allow you to contact the doctor at an early stage of the disease. It is impossible to delay the visit to a specialist.
Impingment-syndrome of the shoulder joint arises under the influence of some factors. It should be noted:
- Excessive workloads (especially for athletes).
- Inflammatory pathologies of bone tissue or muscles.
- Pathological structure of the joint.
- Injuries (sprain and ligament rupture, shoulder fracture).
Naturally, the associated diseases can contribute to the development of pathology: diabetes, bone problems. In this case, the patient should be constantly under the supervision of a doctor.
In order to correctly identifyImpingment-syndrome of the shoulder joint, it is necessary to consult a doctor. He should not only take into account your complaints, but also conduct palpation of the affected area, collect anamnesis of the patient. In addition, other methods of investigation can be applied.
Basically, laboratory tests here can givevery little information. Although they help to establish the cause of the development of pathology. The specialist should prescribe radiography, MRI and computed tomography. Such a survey will help not only to establish a correct diagnosis, but also to determine the degree of development of the disease. Thanks to this diagnosis, the doctor can prescribe an effective treatment.
Naturally, in the case of pathology, one should starttreatment of the shoulder joint. All about joints is very useful to know. Thus, you can protect yourself from the appearance of any serious problems with the locomotor apparatus.
If you have an impingement syndromeshoulder joint, treatment should be started only after consultation with the doctor. First of all, therapy should be conservative. However, it only helps in cases that have not been cleared up. For example, a specialist will prescribe you anti-inflammatory oral medications and ointments for external use (Voltaren). Naturally, there must be a treatment that helps to eliminate pain. For this, analgesics are used. If the pain is repeated periodically and is very strong, then the patient is put a blockade in the joint bag. At the same time, such drugs as "Diprospan", "Depo-Medrol" are used.
Note that the blockade can not be used toooften. The injection is done once a week. In total it is allowed to put no more than three blockades a year. Naturally, the load on the shoulder should be significantly reduced. Sometimes the joint has to be immobilized. The agent "Ibuprofen" will help to remove the inflammatory process.
In general, treatment of impingement syndrome of the shoulderjoint medication is quite effective and allows you to get rid of the pathology within 2 months. However, there are cases when the pills do not help. Then the patient is assigned an operation.
If you have impingement syndrome of the shoulder joint,treatment should be comprehensive. In complicated cases, surgery can be applied. The procedure is called arthroscopy. During the operation, the restoration of the integrity of muscles and tendons, elimination of osteophytes is performed.
The space under the acromionincreases. Sometimes a patient removes part of the joint bag or clavicle. Surgical treatment of impingement syndrome of the shoulder joint is done with a rather complicated technique, so you should carefully choose a clinic before you intervene.
The operation is done through small incisions,which after healing of wounds are practically not visible. Naturally, such an intervention in a good clinic is not cheap. However, you should not joke with your condition and conduct experiments on the body.
Treatment of impingement syndrome of the shoulder jointcan be performed by means of electrophoresis, ultrasonic irradiation, as well as magnetic therapy. These methods can have a positive effect: to remove the inflammatory process, block the pain. However, the patient will also have to attend sessions of physiotherapy and massage. This will help to develop the joint, to maintain its optimal mobility.
Exercise should be enoughsimple and have a minimum load on the joint. Otherwise, the joint condition may worsen. Massage should be done by a specialist. Moreover, it is unlikely that you will be able to do all the procedures yourself. Receptions of massage will help restore the functionality of muscles and ligaments.
If such methods do not give results for several months, then an operation can be applied.
Subacromial impingment-syndrome isan unpleasant and complex disease that requires a certain period of recovery of the patient. Especially if he had an operation. After surgical intervention, if it was carried out correctly and successfully, after a few weeks you can start the rehabilitation process. Before this, the joint will be immobilized by means of a special tire.
The first time after the ligament and tendon surgeryshould be minimally stressed. This will help protect tissue from re-injury and even rupture. How much the hand will be without motion should be determined by the doctor who conducted the intervention. This will require radiography.
Further the patient will need to engage in lungsphysical exercises aimed at joint development. The intensity of such charging should be determined by a rehabilitator. Perform the exercises should also be supervised by a specialist. In a few weeks, gymnastics can be done at home.
Physiotherapy will also be useful if you haveimpingment-syndrome. The shoulder joint (treatment lasts long enough) can be further processed by ultrasound, which removes postoperative edema and inflammation. In addition, the patient will undergo additional myostimulation.
During recovery, the patient should eat well, so that the body receives all the necessary minerals and elements. This will help to recover faster.
Very often people who have problemswith articulations of the bones of the upper body, is diagnosed with "impingment-syndrome". Shoulder joint, the treatment of which must necessarily be complex, is quite complex in its structure. Naturally, it is best not to fight the disease, but to warn it.
To do this, try to regularly engage inphysical exercises. Normal charging will be enough. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, then do the gymnastics several times a day. Preventing the disease will also help proper nutrition and the absence of bad habits. Try to avoid falling and getting any injuries of the shoulder girdle. If they have occurred, they should be treated quickly until they are fully recovered.
It is necessary to identify and eliminate anyinflammatory processes that occur in the body. If you suffer from some incurable disease that can contribute to the development of the pathology presented, then try to closely monitor your own health.
That's all the features of the emergence, development and treatment of the presented disease. Be attentive to your health.