/ / The main symptoms of pancreatitis in adults

The main symptoms of pancreatitis in adults

Inflammatory diseases of the pancreas -common problem. Often children and adolescents face such a disease, although more mature patients are not protected from it. Therefore, many are interested in questions about how the symptoms of pancreatitis look in adults.

It's no secret that the pancreasis a body of mixed secretion. It is here that enzymes are formed that participate in the process of digesting food. In addition, specific areas of the body are responsible for the production of insulin and glucagon - the hormones responsible for the normal metabolism of carbohydrates.

symptoms of chronic pancreatitis in adults

Symptoms of pancreatitis in adults directly dependfrom the form and severity of the disease. Most often, inflammation involves the disruption of the digestive system. But in the most severe cases, the inflammatory process also covers those areas of the gland that synthesize hormones, which affects the metabolism and sometimes leads to the development of a specific form of diabetes mellitus.

Symptoms of acute pancreatitis in adults

The acute form of the disease is accompanied by pronouncedsymptoms and a sharp deterioration in the patient's well-being. As a rule, for the beginning there is a dull pain in the area of ​​hypochondrium - this is the so-called pancreatic colic.

A bout of colic can last several hours ora few days. The pain is shrouded in nature, often gives in the lower part of the chest, and sometimes in the back. This symptom, as a rule, is associated with pancreatic edema, as a result of which it strongly stretches the capsule and presses on the solar plexus, where a lot of nerve endings are concentrated.

In some cases, the pain is the result of blockage of the pancreatic ducts, as a result of which its secret can not normally circulate.

Constant nausea and the urge to vomit is alsosymptoms of pancreatitis in adults. Multiple vomiting, alas, does not bring any relief to a person. Quite often the inflammatory process is accompanied by an increase in temperature.

symptoms of acute pancreatitis in adults

In the most severe cases, the patient's skin becomes pale. In those cases where the inflammatory process extends to the gallbladder, you can observe the icterus of the skin.

Pain shock and loss of consciousness are signs of an extremely dangerous condition, in which the patient needs emergency medical attention.

Symptoms of chronic pancreatitis in adults

Like any other chronic disease,Pancreatitis occurs with an alternation of periods of relative calm and exacerbations of the inflammatory process. Most often, the symptoms of pancreatitis in adults are expressed even during remission. In particular, there are some violations of the digestive process.

symptoms of pancreatitis in adults

Patients with a similar diagnosis complain aboutproblems with stool - prolonged constipation followed by severe diarrhea (and vice versa). The period of exacerbation is accompanied by the same bouts of pain. As a rule, soreness in the hypochondrium intensifies immediately after ingestion, especially with the use of sharp, fatty, fried and spicy foods.

In some cases, there is a so-calleda symptom of Tuzhilin. During an exacerbation the skin of a back, a stomach and a breast is covered with rather characteristic eruption in the form of small rounded specks of red color. With the attenuation of the inflammatory process, the rashes fade or disappear altogether.

In any case, in the presence of such problems isimmediately consult a doctor. Correctly chosen methods of treatment will help quickly to ease the pain and eliminate the main symptoms, stop the progression of the inflammatory process and gradually normalize the pancreas.

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