/ / In the groin of the cone in men: what is it and what is dangerous?

In the groin, the cone of men: what is this and what is dangerous?

When a lump appears in the groin of a man, it is necessaryimmediately consult a doctor. The appearance of such hard swelling may be a sign of a serious illness. Especially if the lump in the groin hurts. Even if it disappeared or dissolved, this does not mean that the danger has passed, although many after that are forgotten about the doctor - until her next appearance. But it is quite possible that the disease has already passed into a chronic form.

Why do lumps appear in the groin?

Various tumors, swelling and cones in the groin -these are signs of a disease. But only a doctor can determine it. A cone in the groin area may appear due to inflammation of the lymph nodes. The cause often is atheroma or inguinal hernia. For diagnostics are of great importance:

  • already existing diseases;
  • dimensions, density and shape of the cone;
  • temperature;
  • the onset of pain;
  • the location of the cone.

in the groin of the cone in men


If there is a lump in the groin in men, thena possible cause is inflammation of the lymph nodes. This disease is called lymphadenitis. Most often this disease begins after viral, fungal and infectious diseases. Inflamed lymph nodes usually do not exceed large beans. Previously, lymphadenitis was treated by surgery. Now conservative methods are applied. But they can give a positive effect only in the early stages of the disease.

The main symptoms are:

  • lymph nodes are enlarged;
  • the temperature rises;
  • the appearance of pain;
  • inflammation in the cone.

The causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes can be:

  • disease of the genitourinary system;
  • venereal diseases;
  • oncology;
  • genital infections;
  • prostatitis;
  • diseases of the testicles;
  • helminthic invasions.

lump in the groin

If the doctor is late and lymphadenitis is started, then purulent processes may begin. They spread deep into the body and cause phlegmon.

When there is a lump in the groin in men?

When an atheroma appears in the upper part of the groin,dense round lump. Inside it is a capsule with a thick mass, which is released through the duct. This cone is called the glandular cyst, or atheroma. The size of it can be with a walnut or develop to a huge tumor. Reasons for the appearance:

  • violation of the hormonal background;
  • sudden temperature changes;
  • various injuries and bruises;
  • non-compliance with hygiene;
  • fried and fatty foods;
  • toxic substances.

Inflammation begins when the ducts of the sebaceous glands are clogged. As a result, for accumulated fat, there is no way out. In the case of progressive inflammation, a subcutaneous abscess may begin.

bump in the groin hurts

In boys, a lump appears and as a result of a testicle that has not fallen down. But because of injuries or swelling of the scrotum, inguinal cones appear less frequently than for the reasons listed above.

Inguinal hernia

Often when hernia appears in the groin of the cone in men.It is formed because of the weakening of the muscles of the abdominal cavity. With tension (cough, exercise, etc.) begin to stick out intestinal loops, forming a bag. A lump appears in the groin on the left or on the right. There are pains and a red tinge of dense puffiness, which only increase with tension. The only way to treat it is through surgical intervention.

Diagnosis of cones in the groin

If it appeared in the groin of the cone in men - contactIt is necessary to the surgeon. The doctor conducts palpation, determines the consistency and mobility of the formation. Be sure to take urine and blood tests. To determine oncology, a biopsy, ultrasound and MRI are done. Treatment is appointed only after an accurate diagnosis.

cone in the groin on the left

Treatment and prevention of cones in the groin

They treat not the lump itself (this is a consequence,an original signal of the body), but the reason why it appeared. Do it with urologists and surgeons. First, medical methods are used and only after that - surgical intervention, if there is no other method of treatment. Sometimes, like, for example, inguinal hernia, the only method is an immediate operation.

To prevent the appearance of cones in the groin, you needlead a healthy lifestyle. Do exercises. Do swimming and provide the body and muscles with physical exertion (but in moderation, do not overdo it). Any restorative procedures can prevent diseases, because of which the inguinal cones can subsequently form. Proper nutrition is also important for prevention. And also timely rest and observance of personal hygiene.

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