/ / What needs to be done to increase salivation

What should be done to increase salivation

Salivation in medical practice is calledthe term "salivation". This process, which is constantly carried out in the human body, is very important for its functioning. Thanks to normal salivation, an optimal balance is maintained in the oral cavity, which contributes to the preservation of healthy teeth, throat, tongue and mucous membranes. In the case when the saliva secreted in the required amount has the desired composition, the first stage of the digestive process, which begins in the oral cavity, occurs without disturbance.

increased salivation causes
However, there are times when dysfunction occurs.salivation. Disturbances of salivation are of two types. The first one is hyper, and the second is hypo-salivation. These violations are visible to a person without a medical examination. When hypersalivation occurs, excessive salivation occurs, the causes of which lie, as a rule, in the pathologies of the digestive system. These primarily include diseases of the pancreas. Increased salivation accompanies gastritis, ulcers and cholecystitis. Frequently salivation increases with periodontitis and gingivitis. Hypersalivation causes the habit of taking in the mouth various objects that are not intended to be eaten, as well as nail biting. Excessive salivation is also possible when setting up an uncomfortable denture, abusing spicy food, using a bad toothbrush or an unsuitable paste. Hypersalivation is often manifested in the presence of inflammatory processes or tumors of the salivary glands.

Иногда наблюдаются нормальные состояния, которые accompany salivation increased. In a child under four years old, this process is not pathological. It was during this period that little teeth actively erupt into teeth and the whole digestive system is becoming. The salivary glands simply do not keep up with these processes. All other cases of hypersalivation are a sign of ill health.

increased salivation in a child
Decreased salivation is accompanied bysurface roughness of mucous membranes, dryness in the mouth, difficulty swallowing and difficulty in talking. Hypo-salivation is also accompanied by the rapid formation of plaque on the teeth and the deposition of stone on them. At the same time there is a slight trauma to the mucous membranes of the tongue and mouth.

First of all, to increase salivation,it is necessary to determine the cause of the pathological process and additionally use the available means. Diabetes mellitus may be the source of the pathology that causes hypo-salivation. Often, saliva is reduced as a result of diseases of the organs of the endocrine system and the gastrointestinal tract. They provoke hyposalivation and mental disorders. In order to increase salivation, you should consult with a specialist who will prescribe procedures and examinations, establish the diagnosis and give the necessary recommendations.

increase salivation

Hypo-salivation may result fromtaking some drugs. Often dry mouth provoke antidepressants and antipsychotics, as well as many other medicines. In the event of such cases should also seek the advice of a doctor. The specialist will recommend analogues of drugs taken, the use of which will increase salivation and will not interrupt the course of therapy.

Усиление саливации происходит при осуществлении chewing movements. They provide the brain with the necessary signals, which allows to increase salivation. An effective measure for the normalization of salivation is the inclusion in the daily diet of large amounts of juicy fruits and vegetables, the rejection of salty, fatty and spicy foods.

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