Almost every one of us in our lifehad to take antibiotics. Their doctors usually prescribe after surgery to prevent the development of complications. Treatment of infectious diseases is also not complete without this group of drugs.
Many have probably noticed changes in theircondition during antibiotic treatment and, above all, it concerns the digestive tract. Dysbacteriosis develops, the general condition worsens. This happens because the medicine destroys not only harmful microorganisms, but also beneficial microflora, without which normal digestion is impossible.
That is why the doctor in the appointment of antibiotics will advise you to take probiotic cultures. The question arises about which probiotics are better. We will try to answer it in our article.
We can say that these are microorganisms that, by entering our organism, suppress the development of pathogenic microbes. These drugs contribute to the colonization of our gastrointestinal tract by living microorganisms.
Some will ask a reasonable question about whywe need them. The fact is that our body has trillions of cells in its composition, and of this huge amount, more than 80% is accounted for not by the cells of the body, but by the very bacterial ones. Most often they are inhabitants of the intestines. They are directly involved in digestion, especially fiber, promote the removal of toxic waste, produce some vitamins, for example, B12. What probiotics are better when taking antibiotics, the doctor may advise you.
At any pharmacy list of such drugsquite extensive. Their cost varies widely. In order not to be mistaken with the choice, it is necessary to know the requirements that probiotics must meet:
Most often, such preparations include 8species and 5 strains of lactobacilli, 2 strains of bifidobacteria, streptomycetes and some others. All of them are completely safe for humans, even useful. In the manufacture of modern probiotics E. coli is no longer used.
If you are wondering which is betterdrink probiotics, the answer depends on your condition and preferences. Quality drugs perform their functions regardless of their value. And there are a lot of them:
Such a large list of useful functions, probably, should not leave unanswered the question of which probiotics are better. All of them are quite useful.
In medical practice, only those probiotic preparations are used that have gone through a series of studies and confirmed their high efficacy.
How to choose probiotics? Which are the best ones?To answer these questions, you should familiarize yourself with several of their varieties. Now several generations of pribiotics are distinguished, which differ not only in the species composition of bacteria, but also in their number.
Now you know the difference between these drugs, and you can easily determine which probiotics are best to take.
It turns out that taking these drugs is not shown.only as a restorative therapy during treatment with antibacterial drugs, but also for many other problems. Conducted numerous studies that have proven the effectiveness of probiotics in the following diseases and conditions:
Список можно было бы еще продолжить, но, probably this is enough to convince you of the benefits of probiotics. But about what probiotics are better when taking antibiotics in your case, consult your doctor. He will help you choose the drug.
Детский организм достаточно восприимчив к various infections, so antibiotic treatment has to be used often. As a result, there is a violation of microflora, indigestion. Therefore, the question of which probiotics are better for a child is quite relevant.
Reception of drugs of this group for kids is obligatory during treatment with antibiotics. This will not only restore the normal composition of bacteria, but also normalizes the processes of digestion.
As probiotics are used in a child, bloating, intestinal pain, constipation, or diarrhea disappears. Typically, Linex, Laktovit Forte, Bifidumbacterin are prescribed in childhood.
Drugs can be produced in various forms. What probiotics are better for newborns, the doctor will tell you.
Когда ребенок появляется на свет, то его кишечник sterile. Settling of various microorganisms occurs gradually. In the process of labor, when a baby is born, it can receive both beneficial and harmful bacteria from the mother.
Если нет никаких отклонений, то уже в недельном aged, a complete microflora is formed in the intestines of the infant. In the case of serious infectious diseases that the child may catch in the maternity hospital, the microflora may be disturbed, which has not yet been fully formed. In these cases, probiotic preparations must be prescribed. What probiotic is better for infants, it is advisable to find out from the attending physician, it is not necessary to give such medicines without a recommendation, so as not to harm the still fragile body.
For the very little ones, they usually write out “Biogaya” indrops or "Bifiform Baby". They can be safely given to children from the first days of their lives. They perfectly normalize the microflora and facilitate the overall condition.
Так как детский организм еще не имеет окрепшей the immune system, then the intake of live microorganisms is very important. How for such a kid to choose probiotics? Which is better for children? To answer these questions, it is necessary to take into account their resistance to hydrochloric acid of the stomach. Because most bacteria never enter the intestines. Among all the drugs that are recommended for children, Bifiform was the most stable.
After a course of taking antibiotics chooseProbiotics are necessary considering the number of microorganisms. Since antibacterial drugs almost destroy the entire intestinal microflora, the probiotic complex should be quite powerful.
Not always the number of bacteria that is indicated onpackaging, is present in reality. After much research, we managed to find out that many drugs do not correspond to the stated indicators. So how to choose probiotics, which ones are better? Reviews show that the most conscientious manufacturers were those that produce:
Quite often, kids have difficulties withstool discharge, so what probiotics are better for constipation, you should ask the pediatrician. The doctor will select the drug and indicate the exact dosage for the reception and duration of treatment.
Complexes containing beneficial microorganismscan be produced in various forms. It can be both pills and liquid preparations. Among those, I especially want to mention “Bifidum”, it contains liquid probiotics in high concentration. In world medicine there are no analogues of this biocomplex.
Besides it, Biovestin and Biovestin-lacto are also produced. All these additives have 2 types of live bifidobacteria and lactobacteria in their composition.
Often parents doubt: to choose tablets or probiotics liquid? Which are the best ones? Let's try to decide on the advantages of one of them - for example, “Bifidum”:
The composition of liquid preparations includes microorganisms that meet international requirements. Based on this information, it is already possible to decide which probiotics are better.
Bacteria in Biovestin or Bifidum:
Thus, it becomes clear that there is also liquid probiotics. Which are the best of them, you can check with your doctor.
It would seem that everything is already clear in this topic,but not everyone can say what to focus on when choosing a probiotic. To make the task easier for you, here are some recommendations about this:
Useful advice from the doctor and your purchase care will help you to purchase a high-quality and useful drug.
Now there is a huge amount of drugs inpharmacy, which is quite possible to buy without a doctor's prescription. This group includes probiotics. To be able to independently buy an effective remedy, you must know which bacteria are part and what their role is.
Usually composed of lactobacilli andbifidobacteria. The first have a slight laxative effect, and the second - on the contrary, fasten. Lactobacilli remove toxic substances well during infectious diseases and during antibacterial therapy.
Bifidobacteria are very useful for babies, especiallyfirst year of life. They strengthen immunity well. Enterococci are often added to complexes that are recommended to be used while taking antibiotics, they are not susceptible to antibacterial substances and therefore increase the effectiveness of the drug.
Packages should always have no entries.only on the species composition of the drug, but also on the number of certain microorganisms. To effectively fight dysbacteriosis, the number of bacteria should be at least 107 in 1 milliliter. But it should be taken into account that if microorganisms are not contained in an acid resistant capsule, only 1% of bacteria will reach the destination.
In children, the environment in the stomach is still neutral, so they can be given both probiotics in the form of tablets and in liquid form, if there are no special recommendations of the doctor.
Any drug has its own requirements and recommendations for both storage and reception. For probiotics there are also their own rules of application.
Based on this information, it becomes clear that in some cases probiotics are simply necessary. Which is best for the intestines in your particular case, the doctor must decide.
From TV screens, we constantly see ads.probiotic preparations, but it should be noted that a completely healthy person does not need to take them. Healthy and nutritious food is an excellent alternative.
Natural and the best probiotic can be consideredcommon and familiar kefir, as well as most dairy products. They contain a lot of good bacteria (if, of course, their shelf life has not expired), so drink ryazhenka, milk, kefir, sour milk, eat sour cream. And always be healthy!