/ / Dermatitis infectious: description, causes, symptoms and features of treatment

Infectious dermatitis: description, causes, symptoms and features of treatment

Pathogenic microorganisms, falling into the skin tissuehuman, often lead to the development of various diseases, including dermatitis. Infectious inflammatory process is accompanied by the appearance of rash, erosion, ulcers and, of course, physical and aesthetic discomfort. If untreated, the ailment can lead to a number of complications. That is why it is important to know about what constitutes infectious dermatitis, what are its causes and whether there are effective treatments.

Infectious dermatitis: causes

Данная форма заболеваний сопровождается skin lesions that develop on the background of penetration into the tissue of pathogenic microorganisms. It should immediately be said that in most cases infectious dermatitis develops against the background of such “childhood” viral diseases as measles, rubella, chickenpox, etc.

infectious dermatitis

Тем не менее возбудителем могут быть и bacterial microorganisms, in particular staphylococci and streptococci. Far less often, infectious dermatitis develops against the background of activity of candidal fungi. By the way, sometimes the disease is the result of sexually transmitted infections.

Are there risk factors?

At one time or another, every persondirectly confronted with infections. Nevertheless, not all activity of pathogenic microorganisms causes dermatitis. There are some risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing such diseases.

In particular, infection often causes complications,if the patient has lowered immune system activity. Various infectious and chronically inflammatory diseases lead to the weakening of the protective forces. Risk factors include malnutrition, lack of physical activity, vitamin deficiency and anemia. Children are more prone to dermatitis, because the diseases described above are most often found in childhood, except for venereal diseases, of course.

What symptoms are accompanied by infectious dermatitis?

Immediately it should be said that the symptoms of infectious dermatitis depend on the type of primary disease. Nevertheless, some common signs can still be identified:

  • skin rash (its features, location, color, size and other characteristics depend on the pathogen);
  • практически при любой форме заболевания пациенты complain of itching of different intensity (quite often, infectious dermatitis in children is accompanied by severe burning and itching, which leads to scratching of the skin, the likelihood of secondary infection and the formation of scars);
  • You can also note the redness (hyperemia) of the skin, which is associated with an increased filling of the subcutaneous vessels with blood);
  • symptoms include peeling of the skin.

If you have these symptoms, you should seek help - self-treatment in this case can be extremely dangerous.

infectious cause dermatitis

Features of the clinical picture, depending on the primary disease

Of course, the symptoms of the disease are directly dependent on the type of pathogen:

  • For example, dermatitis with such a common disease as measles, has the appearance of papular-spotted rash all over the body. The disease is accompanied by fever, cough, and poor health.
  • Another famous disease is scarlet fever.The rash of this disease is in the form of small red spots, which can merge edges. First, the rash is localized on the skin of the shoulders and arms, but after 3-4 days you can see infectious dermatitis on the legs, abdomen, back and other areas of the body.
  • Speaking of viral dermatitis, not to mentionabout chicken pox. Skin lesions in this disease have the appearance of a blistering rash with a clear, watery liquid inside. The appearance of rash is accompanied by itching. On the other hand, combing the skin is fraught with infectious lesions and scarring.

In fact, a rash with infectious dermatitis may look different. That is why you should not engage in self-treatment - when the first disturbing symptoms appear, consult a doctor.

infectious dermatitis on the legs

Methods of diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of infectious dermatitis, unfortunately,quite often presents some difficulties, since it is not always possible to detect the presence of a problem in time. As already mentioned, skin lesions are a secondary disease and rarely occur by themselves.

Anamnesis and external examination, as a rule,enough to suspect the presence of dermatitis and suspect its causes. Naturally, further laboratory tests are carried out. For analyzes, blood samples are taken (increased white blood cell count indicates an inflammatory process in the body), as well as scraping from the skin, fluid contained in papules, etc. It is important not only to determine the presence of the disease and make a diagnosis, but also to find out the nature of the pathogen and its reaction to certain drugs. The more information gathered during the diagnosis, the easier and faster the treatment will be.

infectious allergic dermatitis

Treatment regimen

Therapy is often associated with somedifficulties, since not in all cases it is possible to determine the cause of the rash. If it is possible to ascertain the nature of the pathogen, then, in accordance with the results of the analyzes, patients are prescribed antiviral or antifungal agents, antibiotics. Sometimes additionally used immunomodulators that strengthen the immune system.

Естественно, необходимо и местное лечение.Sometimes doctors recommend treating the affected skin with antiseptic agents (for example, a solution of methylene blue). In more severe cases, patients are prescribed glucocorticosteroid ointment, which helps to quickly eliminate the inflammatory process.

Infection and atopic dermatitis

Наверное, многие слышали о таком заболевании, как atopic dermatitis. This is a common problem, which in most cases manifests itself in children in the first months of life. In fact, this is an allergic reaction, and in the role of triggers can be different substances, ranging from food to household chemicals and other elements of everyday life.

infectious dermatitis treatment

Some children are diagnosed with the so-calledinfectious atopic dermatitis. This form of the disease develops if pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the affected areas of the child’s skin — secondary infection occurs. Infectious-allergic dermatitis is treated in approximately the same way as atopic. Sometimes it is necessary to additionally use antibiotics and antiseptic ointments.

Is it possible to use traditional medicine?

How else can you deal with unpleasant and dangerousa disease called infectious dermatitis? Treatment can be supplemented by traditional medicine. For example, in some forms of skin lesions, chamomile or string baths or lotions are useful, since these plants have potent anti-inflammatory properties.

Для антисептической обработки пораженных участков skin can be prepared ointment of Hypericum. First you need to pour a tablespoon of dry grass with 100 ml of boiling water, allow the mixture to infuse, then strain and mix with 50 grams of butter. Prepared ointment needs to lubricate the affected skin several times a day - this helps to relieve peeling and inflammation, as well as to clean the tissue from pathogenic microorganisms.

infectious atopic dermatitis

Some healers recommend the use of shredded raw potato compresses. But it should be understood that the use of home remedies is possible only with the permission of the doctor.

Complications of Infectious Dermatitis

For a start it is worth saying that in mostcases, the disease is well treatable. Complications occur only in case of incorrect therapy or in case of its absence. The risk factors can be attributed, and greatly weakened immune system.

К наиболее распространенным осложнениям относят the appearance of scars on the skin and scars. This is due to the constant scratching of skin tissue. In rare cases, patients after some time develop chronic dermatitis. The infectious process gives way to sluggish current inflammation.

infectious dermatitis in children

In some cases, the infection can spread to the deeper layers of the skin, leading to more complex lesions.

Are there prevention methods?

Many people are interested in the question of whethersomehow prevent the development of a disease like dermatitis. An infectious disease causes the patient a lot of inconvenience. Unfortunately, there is no means that can permanently protect the body from infection. However, if you avoid contact with pathogenic organisms, adhere to the rules of personal hygiene and consult a doctor in time, you can reduce the likelihood of developing an illness or its complications. Preventive measures also include proper nutrition, hardening, physical activity - in a word, everything that can strengthen the immune system.

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