/ / Essential oil of geranium and its benefits for beauty and health

Essential oil of geranium and its benefits for beauty and health

Today, more than 200 species of geraniums are known, butfor the manufacture of essential oils, mainly two varieties are used: lemon and pink. The geranium oil is obtained by distillation with steam of stems, leaves and geranium flowers. Only 1 ml of oil can be obtained from kg of raw material.

At the outlet, the oil turns out to be light, flowing, moving, yellow-green or yellow with a specific smell with light notes of mint, lemon and rose.

Composition of geranium oil

The chemical composition of the product may vary fromdepending on the types of raw materials used, and may include geraniol, linalool, citronellol, menton, nerol, limonene, ismenton, a-terpineol, pinene, methyl eugenol, geranylbutyrate, beta -caryophyllene, citronellyl formate, as well as tannins, alkaloids, coumarins, phenols and flavonoids.

This oil belongs to the class of aromatic adaptogens.

Geranium oil: application and useful properties

Geranium oil, affecting the emotional sphere,can save from prolonged depression, eliminate anxiety, restore psychological harmony, improve sleep and cheer up. It perfectly stimulates mental and nervous activity, increasing efficiency, removing fatigue, causing a feeling of vivacity and concentrating attention. The oil of geranium will help to get rid of the feeling of fear and relieve tension in nervous exhaustion or overwork, it can be used as an antidepressant.

Yet this tool will help get rid of unnecessary complexes of inferiority and increased susceptibility to outside opinion.

It is recommended to use oil to improve physical and mental activity. Women after 45 years can use this tool to increase their own sensuality with erotic communication.

In addition, the essential oil of geranium isa well-known remedy for the treatment of ENT organs: it eliminates inflammation and pain in the middle ear, nasal sinuses, tonsils and throat, removes the inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth.

This is a good way to reduce blood sugar levels, so it will be valuable for patients with various forms of diabetes.

Very important are the anticarcinogenic properties of the oil - it actively prevents the tumor cells from dividing and growing.

With headaches and migraines, geranium oilhelps to relieve spasms of blood vessels, eliminate heart rhythm disturbances - tachycardia and sinus arrhythmia, improve the activity of the heart muscle and reduce the manifestations of ischemia. And with its regular use, you can bring high blood pressure back to normal.

The anti-edematous and analgesic qualities of geranium oil make it possible to use it in neuritis and neuralgia.

In addition, it destroys fungi and other parasites, including parasitic insects.

Wanting to lose weight will have by the way anti-cellulitethe action of the oil. And it has a significant impact on the menstrual cycle, normalizing its course and helping to cope with the unpleasant manifestations of the climacteric period.

In addition to the above properties and spheresapplication, geranium oil reduces blood clotting, thereby preventing thrombosis, but at the same time possesses a haemostatic property, healing effectively fresh wounds; prevents oxidation of cells and slows down aging; has an astringent effect, stimulates the functioning of the liver and kidneys; exacerbates sexual perception; promotes the development of necessary hormones; improves the activity of the immune system; tones up; has a regenerating effect on tissues and cells; discourages insects and ticks.

It is not rare that this wonderful remedy is applied andin cosmetology with skin care because of its antiseptic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and skin-damaging properties. As a soothing, softening and moisturizing agent, it is ideal for dry, sensitive, rough or damaged skin, helps to remove inflammation, rashes and peeling. No less beneficial is the effect of essential oil on problematic, oily skin, as it helps to reduce sebum production, normalizes the sweat glands of the face, eliminates the inflammatory processes of the skin, thereby helping to get rid of acne and acne.

It will be irreplaceable for dry eczema.It is also recommended for frostbite, burns, cuts, wounds, cracks, insect bites and other skin injury injuries as a regenerating and wound healing remedy.

Effectively geranium oil and with herpes, pediculosis, dermatitis, scabies, neurodermatitis and skin fungal lesions.

Oil fits well with fading, which beganto lose the tone of the skin. This is due to the smoothing, restoring, rejuvenating and toning properties. It will not only increase the general tone of mature and tired skin, but will restore its elasticity and elasticity, smooth out shallow wrinkles.

It should be remembered that the oil can not beApply to the face in a pure form, as this can provoke irritation. The only exception is a precise, accurate application of oil to the wound, pimple, acne, burn, frostbite, herpes ... That is, only the wounds themselves and the affected areas are lubricated with oil, without affecting the skin around.

Contraindications to use

Before use, be sure to checkoil for individual tolerance. In case of oral use, it is forbidden to take on an empty stomach or drink more than three drops of oil per day. Must be mixed with honey or butter and washed down with acidified water, in order to avoid irritation of the gastric mucosa. With heartburn, you can drink butter with yogurt or kefir.

Do not use geranium oil for more than 3 weeks, because it has the ability to reduce blood sugar.

It is not recommended to use it in pregnancy, women taking contraceptives, children under 6 years.

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