/ / Turpentine baths: reviews and indications for use

Turbine baths: reviews and indications for use

At the beginning of the last century Dr. Zalmanovfound an amazing method of rapid recovery and recovery of the entire body. It is based on taking baths with turpentine. This is a natural product made from gum (pine resin). Zalman's turpentine baths in hydrotherapy were used to improve capillary blood flow and capillary opening.

Многие заболевания появляются вследствие плохой circulation of blood in capillaries. Due to malnutrition, constant stresses, adverse environmental conditions and bad habits, the capillary network gradually thinens, plus all this, it also clogs up the slag. As a result, such diseases as cirrhosis, heart attack, osteochondrosis, stroke and many others can develop. To prevent their appearance and strengthen the body will help turpentine baths. Reviews of people who have completed a full course of treatment, confirm the improvement of general health, as well as the complete disappearance of many diseases.

Turbidity baths reviews
It was quite by chance that it was noticed thatTurpentine baths not only improve blood flow, but also contribute to weight loss. So, in patients after a certain period, there was an improvement in the general condition of the skin, cellulite disappeared, and weight decreased markedly. After this discovery, Zalmanov's turpentine baths for weight loss began to be used more and more often.

Zalman's turpentine baths
Now this procedure refers more tocosmetic, rather than medical means. But there are some contraindications, that's why not everyone can use turpentine baths. Reviews about them are mostly positive, but still need to go through a full examination and consult a doctor. The specialist will select a solution or emulsion for the bath, depending on the patient's blood pressure.

Normalization of fat metabolism, increased blood flow,reducing cholesterol, enhancing metabolic processes - all this is done by turpentine baths, reviews of which leave no doubt about their effectiveness. For severe obesity in just six months, baths will help to lose up to 20 kg. If you also go on a specially-designed diet, go in for sports, the result will be even faster and more stunning. Moreover, after stopping the use of turpentine baths, the weight does not return back, as is the case with express diets.

Turpentine Zalmanov baths for weight loss
Turpentine baths are divided into three types:white, yellow and combined. The composition of the yellow solution includes turpentine, oleic acid, castor oil, water, willow bark extract and sodium hydroxide. It is more suitable for hypertensive patients, since it lowers blood pressure, expands capillaries, promotes perspiration, due to which slags that have accumulated in the body are removed through pores.

White emulsion, on the contrary, increases arterialpressure, does not stimulate sweating, promotes pulsation of capillaries, irritatingly affects sensitive skin areas. It consists of turpentine, water, salicylic acid, baby soap and willow bark extract. In addition, there are still multi-active extracts with the addition of extracts of various medicinal plants, turpentine baths are also made with them. Reviews of doctors and patients about such treatment are only positive. Procedures allow you to clean the blood, to normalize weight, calm the nervous system and rejuvenate the skin.

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