/ / What to do when the spleen hurts?

What to do when the spleen hurts?

Selozenka, being a vital internalorgan, regulates blood coagulability, cleanses the body of bacteria and participates in the process of hematopoiesis and metabolism. When the spleen hurts, this is a consequence of a violation of its functions as a result of the appearance of the disease or organ damage in injuries or various injuries. In the past, doctors in such cases removed this organ, at present all possible means and methods are used to preserve it.

Diseases of the spleen are extremely rare, most often its deformation occurs due to diseases of some internal organs, blood vessels and blood.

Answering a question about why the spleen hurts,doctors pay attention to the presence of such diseases of this organ as splenomegaly or cyst. Basically, the cyst is formed as a result of the transfer of injuries or malformations of the human body. Cysts can be congenital and parasitic. Usually the presence of congenital cysts is safe for the body. However, in some cases, the cyst can grow and eventually burst or destroy the spleen, and it can also press on neighboring internal organs, causing pain and other unpleasant sensations. In such cases, the cyst is removed and the spleen function restored.

With stenomegaly, that is, an increase in the spleen,there is an attack of acute pain, a feeling of pressure in the abdomen. With such a disease as a spleen infarction, the stomach hardens, pain appears on its left side, the person's breathing becomes difficult, and when the stomach is pressed, the spleen hurts.

The increase in spleen can also be a consequence ofdevelopment of leukemia, liver cirrhosis, myeloma and other diseases, including infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, sepsis or typhoid fever. Thus, to date, there are about thirty five diseases, as a result of which the functions of the spleen are violated.

Leukemia is characterized by an increase in sizespleen, lymph nodes and tonsils, with such symptoms as fever, palpitations, general weakness, because of stenomegaly the spleen hurts, there is an extra burden on the liver, so it increases. With such a disease, after a certain period of time, blood becomes infected as a result of suppuration of the spleen. In this case, the spleen is immediately removed. Also, this organ is removed when it ruptures as a result of trauma or the presence of a malignant tumor. In any case, a person can live without this organ, since the functions of the spleen, after its removal, are performed by lymph nodes and the liver.

Such disease, as an abscess of the spleen, isthe consequence of a trauma or a spleen infarction, while the spleen hurts due to the fact that it accumulates pus. A person with such a disease is in a febrile state and experiences pain that spreads to the chest and shoulder.

Often, people who are more than sixty years old have spleen atrophy, since at this age most often destruction occurs in the organ of blood cells.

With infectious diseases of the spleen, infectiongets into the organ through the blood, kidneys or lungs, while there is an increase in body temperature, severe pain in the spleen and its increase. In some cases, for example, with the development of infectious mononucleosis, a rupture of the spleen may occur due to its rapid increase.

Thus, when the spleen hurts, what to docan only tell the doctor, so do not delay a visit to a medical facility for examination, diagnosis and further treatment. Currently, the removal of the spleen is extremely rare, doctors are trying in every way to preserve this vital organ.

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