/ / Iron in excess in the body: what's the reason?

Iron in excess in the body: what's the reason?

Ни для кого не секрет, что нормальный уровень iron is extremely important for the work of the body. After all, this metal is an integral part of hemoglobin - the protein responsible for the transport of gases, in particular, oxygen. But if the iron in excess, the body also there are different and often dangerous violations. So what is the cause of the increase in the level of this substance? What are the symptoms of this condition?

Excess iron in the body: the main causes

iron in excess in the body

To begin with it is worth noting that the dailythe body needs iron in the amount of 10 to 30 mg. Excessive amount of metal accumulates in the tissues of the heart, liver and kidneys, thereby disrupting their normal work. Iron in excess in the body can be observed in different cases:

  • For starters, it's worth mentioning the excess supply of this element from the outside. Naturally, iron is contained in food. But sometimes the salt of this metal is present in drinking water.
  • Statistics show that the problem of excessiron is most often found in residents of large cities, which is mainly due to the environmental situation and air quality. If the oxygen level is too low, then the body begins to produce more hemoglobin, resulting in a sharp increase in iron level.
  • Uncontrolled use of drugs containing this element can also lead to a disbalance.
  • On the other hand, iron in excess in the body is found in various diseases of the liver and kidneys, in particular those that arise against a background of chronic alcoholism.
  • Several repeated blood transfusions, naturally, will affect the level of hemoglobin.
  • Of course, it is worth mentioning hemochromatosis - chronic hereditary disease, which is accompanied by increased absorption and accumulation of iron in tissues.

Excess iron in the body: symptoms

excess iron in the body

As already mentioned, iron primarily accumulates in the tissues of the kidneys, liver and myocardium, respectively, causing damage to these organs.

The disease develops gradually.First, there is weakness, fatigue and decreased performance, dizziness and headaches. Along with this, there is a worsening of appetite, a decrease in body weight. Patients can notice hyperpigmentation of the skin of the feet, palms and armpits. Sometimes there is a strong itching.

In connection with the defeat of the heart muscle arisesome problems in the functioning of the circulatory system, in particular, a violation of the normal heart rhythm. Damage to the liver is also accompanied by very noticeable symptoms - it is a yellowing of the sclera of the eyes, mucous membranes and skin.

excess iron in the body

If iron is abundant in the body, noticeableOther disorders, including the violation of the immune system, a tendency to infectious diseases. The accumulation of a large amount of this element increases the risk of tumors.

Excess iron and its treatment

Безусловно, для начала необходимо сдать кровь на biochemical analysis and undergo several additional studies that will help assess the severity of the patient's condition. Treatment largely depends on the causes of elevated iron levels. For example, if excess metal is the result of taking certain drugs, then it is necessary to stop using them.

In most cases, to cope with the problemhelps the right diet, which provides for the rejection of foods rich in iron and ascorbic acid. In the most severe cases, phlebotomy is used.

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