Dryness of the skin seems not so terriblea problem, like it is necessary to put or render humidifying or wetting cream and all! But in fact, the reasons for this can be diverse, and there are a lot of tools on the market today. It is necessary to understand, in order to preserve not only their beauty, but also their health. Dermatologists have not yet come to a consensus that causes dry skin. It is a complex organ that is exposed to external influences, and at the same time its condition depends on the internal work of the organism.
External factors that cause dryness of the skin of the body are widely known:
• The sun.Many dermatologists believe that ultraviolet radiation is one of the main factors that causes early skin aging. In addition to the banal "drying" of the skin, the sun suspends the renewal of the epidermis, leading to its thickening and eating disorders.
• Temperature stimuli. When deviating from the temperature optimum, the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin increases.
• Chemical irritants. All cleaning products, soaps and shower gels wash away the protective lipid layer of the skin, which serves as a barrier against external irritants and protects from excessive moisture losses.
• Wind and low humidity. These factors, both together and separately, contribute to increased water loss by the skin.
Internal factors that have a negativethe effect on the skin condition is much greater. To understand them is also much more difficult. As they say, the skin is a mirror of the body's work in general, which reacts sensitively to all changes.
• Lack of vitamins.Dry skin often develops during the winter-spring period, when many of us suffer from hypovitaminosis. For a long time people began to use olive oil - the first cosmetic for dry skin. Unfortunately, it is difficult to use natural oils: in the morning, after their use, a greasy shine remains, and in the evening, bed linen can be soiled. In addition, certain oils (karite oil, shea, etc.) are strong allergens and can cause redness and irritation. It is worth recalling that a high degree of comedogenicity - a constant companion of natural oils: with frequent use they are able to "clog" the pores in which sebum accumulates, which is oxidized, and "black spots" - comedones are formed.
• Age. In children, the skin is better permeable, which causes its greater sensitivity to dryness. Dryness of the skin of children should be cleaned with the help of children's softening and moisturizing creams.
• Hormonal background and its imbalance. Ironically, female hormones protect the skin. However, do not forget about the change in the normal hormonal background of a woman with age.
• Diabetes.The rise in glucose in the blood affects not only the thirst and appetite. This violation of carbohydrate metabolism causes a number of other pathological changes: the nutrition of the cells, their innervation, sensitivity, disturbances, and neurotrophic skin changes occur. Skin in diabetics becomes not only dry, but it also becomes much thinner, constantly traumatized, which requires mandatory additional care.
• Hypothyroidism.With this pathology of the thyroid gland, the first symptom is the dryness of the elbows and knees. In connection with the violation of metabolic rate, as well as regenerative processes in the skin, which are regulated by thyroid hormones, the surface layer of the epidermis does not peel off, remains in place.
• Hereditary predisposition. The dryness of the skin caused by this factor often includes different diagnoses: atopic dermatitis, ichthyosis, neurodermatitis, dyskeratosis and so on.
As you can see, the causes of dry skin are diverse. Consider this, if the dryness does not go away for a long time, consult a specialist!